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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. ????? Seriously. I really cannot keep up with your twists and turns. There are no words.
  2. That is not what I was agreeing with. The way in which people vote is an opinion. Opinions don't reflect superiority. If you think those who disagree with you are inferior, I sympathise.
  3. Indeed. But the locals don't complain. Hat, scarf, gloves and a small fire in the garden. Cheap as chips. Strange how the folks of Isaan, those branded on here as stupid, hopeless and uneducated are better at taking care of themselves than their supposed superiors in the UK.
  4. It seems it is actually having a pop at those who won't help themselves. The sarcasm in the post shows that to anyone who does not suffer from selective reading syndrome.
  5. I did, yes. Bur, i didn't leave out any information that would contradict what I said. Please read the whole post before commenting.
  6. I agree. We've not had the heating on in the 2 years we've live in our current flat as we've never felt too cold. Our energy direct debit is £67 a month. We are currently £208 in credit. Add to that the £66 a month we've been receiving as support, our energy bills are next to nothing.
  7. You had to crop his post to try and make a point. Had you quoted his whole post it would've been plain to see he wasn't doing what you accused him of.
  8. I don't believe he was. His post is suggesting it is normal behavior to wear warm clothing at home instead of having heating on or too high. That is certainly what I do even though I don't have to.
  9. In my opinion the question as not about whether there is or isn't poverty in UK. There clearly is, as there is in many countries around the world. For me, the question should very.Why? Sure, some people have hard knocks, bad luck or get let down. However, I still believe many problems are self inflicted. The government do help, contrary to some opinions on here. Public spending on benefits and support is huge. Some just simply can't stop spending when things are good, as they were prior to Covid. What ever happened to "saving for a rainy day"?. Sadly it's raining and many people didn't save.
  10. And did the SNP point this out to the voters during their independence campaign? If they did, the calls for another vote because of Brexit are inane. If they didn't, they seriously let down the voters.
  11. In that case, the Scottish people were failed by their own Parliament. The idea of a referendum on EU membership was already brewing. That should have been a strong point of the "yes" manifesto in the Scottish independence vote.
  12. Because they made the mistakes they talk about and just think (hope) everyone else did.
  13. I agree with your post in principle. However, generalising that all possible inlaws for expats are poor, gamblers, drunks and theives, undermines your comments.
  14. I didn't say you were. That was in relation to another poster. However, you do seem to have changed your tune to try to undermine me. Never mind. It's to be expected, occasionally.
  15. I got involved in next to nothing. My wife did. She didn't bring the conversations up either. She was responding to questions being asked. Just like any father of daughter, as I am, would want to know the boyfriend, what he does, what his plans are, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary. Not sure why you call them negotiations. There were no such thing. Shame you need to belittle my family. I guess you had these experiences yoursrlf and are tarring everyone with the same brush.
  16. You appear to have missed my point. I don't recall saying I paid off any debts. I also don't recall saying I was asked to pay of loan sharks. Certainly not for other family members. By discussing these points with my wife and her parents at an early stage, it negated the possibility of such happening.
  17. If you are not legally married, district office and signed marriage certs, judges will not be interested as a divorce is not required. Sin Som Rot rules only apply to those legally married.
  18. There are lots of huge generalisations on this topic. Everyone and every situation is up to the couple getting married. If your wife is sincere to you she will fight your corner. My wife told her parents we would not be having a village wedding. She said to them simply, would you like a party to show off or would you rather we used the money to build a house and be near the family? They accepted her views. We got married legally at the district office, no party, no big deal and no sinsod. Since then, as suggested at the time, we have taken care of a few financial difficulties that Mum and Dad have had but only those beyond their control. My wife has been asked and refused to pay back gambling debts or loan shark payments but has been happy to help through some other sticky situations. This in turn has helped to show Mum and Dad the value of money and how to control spending and bad habit. In return, I have become a part of the family. I have integrated with their culture, not ridiculed their beliefs or superstitions, have accepted that they are not that well educated, turned a blind eye to problems beyond my control and, I believe from what they have told me, become part of the family in their eyes. Just their daughter's husband. Not the farang married to their daughter. Respect is earned. Not given. A flat, arrogant, self self refusal to give sinsod is not the way to go and will be remembered. Talking about how you plan to take care of your new wife and possibly Mum and Dad a few times along the way will also be remembered, but for different reasons.
  19. No. It isn't true. A village wedding has no bearing on law.
  20. So, you would give something to someone?
  21. Reading the article thoroughly, it seems all we get is estimates. Estimates that will differ depending if the author is Leave or Remain. There us no real way to guage the impact if Brexit alone at this stage. Anyone who knows a little about Economics would understand that.
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