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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. As I said. I speak from experience living in a rural village. It helps if your wife is made of stern stuff and will stand by you and your rights by law.
  2. You are incorrect. There are laws, even in out in the sticks villages. If the village head does nothing then go to the local sub district office. They will take action. I'm speaking from experience.
  3. Incorrect. In fact, as soon as I read that statement I stopped reading your post.
  4. Like I said, his actions were despicable. I was just pointing out that the idea of a 45 year old man living at home with Mum is not unusual in Thai culture. As with most news reports, the reasons for the actions are not clear. I am in no way condoning the actions but there could well have been major issues. The Covid pandemic has left many Thais destitute, penniless and mentally broken. Let's hope this man can turn his life around.
  5. His actions are not to be tolerated and can only be described as despicable. However, if he happens to be the youngest child, it would be part of the culture for him to live at the family home with his parents.
  6. It's a relevant point. It's all down to negotiation and who does it.
  7. As and when there is a rule that all teachers must be vaccinated, I'm sure there will be one sooner or later, it will come from the top and will cover all teachers and all schools. Changing jobs will have no effect.
  8. It also depends on whether the westerner has the balls to go and negotiate a deal himself and not hide behind the sofa hoping his wife will do it. It still makes me laugh when I see an expats asking his wife to translate everything. In restaurants, markets, supermarkets, immigration, etc. Especially those who have been here for donkey's years. Pick up some Thai, grow a pair and get out there and do things yourselves.
  9. Incorrect, as are many posts on this thread. Seems many people either have never taught in Thailand or are quoting something they were told years ago and assume it is still correct.
  10. Are you still living in the 1990s? Rules, regulations and checking procedures have changed a lot since the Khaosan Road degrees worked.
  11. The OP has the correct paperwork. The use of an agent would be to try to get passed the IO who is insisting on a bribe. Those that use agents in Pattaya and live in Buriram usually do so as they do not meet the requirements. Money changes hands to circumnavigate the need for correct documents. This is usually only done on extensions for retirement. Extensions done on the basis of marriage, as the OP has done, are more confusing as they need to be agreed at region HQ level. IOs will also often request a home visit. You cannot legally get an extension from Pattaya with an address in Buriram. Thus, the use of an agent for marriage extensions would usually only be done if the expats was unfamiliar with requirements, had the correct paperwork but needed help. Therefore using their local immigration office.
  12. Yes, good point. If you were to use the multi O only once or twice, and not up to the enter before date, it would likely not be stamped. However, I was trying to show that visas become invalid at a certain time and it is the extension of the permission to stay that keeps you here and is extended.
  13. You said this "Your visa status is based on your visa which is extended by a 'permission to stay' every year." You do not extend your visa with a permission to stay. You simply extend your permission to stay. If your Multy O is 10 years old, it is now invalid.
  14. You do not extend your visa. You extend your permission to stay. If your ten year old visa is not stamped "used", it was missed. Non O visas are only valid for 3 months. A multi entry for 1 year. I'm sure UbonJoe can confirm my comment as "valid".
  15. Nobody seeking an extension of stay from immigration has a valid visa in their passport. They are stamped "used". What people do have is a basically "visa status". For example; non O, tourist, Non Ed or visa exempt. The OP has already stated he was on NonEd. UbonJoe gas already stated it is possible to change reasons for stay from Ed to marriage Nobody renews their visa. You comment is therefore not valid.
  16. The agent will still need to use the same immigration office. The OP speaks about 400k in the bank which suggests he is going to get an extension based on marriage. The problem with that is the final decision does not rest with the IO. It will be sent to the regional head office for final decision.
  17. "He" is who? That is the question. I doubt it will be done school by school. If there is to be a "teachers must be vaccinated" it will likely be from the very top. I doubt very much the labour courts would take take a case against their own bosses.
  18. This happens quite often. You pay a corrupt official one time and you must continue. They know you are a soft touch in these matters. Sadly, they've got you where they want you. Non compliance this time could cause you problems. Unless you can move from the area and use a different immigration office, this could be happening to you every year,
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