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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Actually, no. You are incorrect. The reason was an invasion by Argentina on to British sovereign soil. That invasion had to be repelled.
  2. I think you'll find it's because the Falkland Islanders are British citizens. They voted to remain as such by way of self determination
  3. Incorrect. When Argentina achieved independence from Spain, the Falklands were already under British control.
  4. Gate duty. I was told must be there at 7:30. Thai teachers turn up about 7:55. Must stay at school until 16:30. I'm the only one there. Must stay 2 weeks after students have gone for holidays. I'm the only one there. Can only be out of the office for 1 hour for lunch. About 3 of us there. This type of thing happened at many government schools I worked at across my 23 year teaching career. Private schools slightly different.
  5. In Thai government schools the starting salary is 15k.
  6. Returned to Argentina? That's impossible. The Falklands have never been Argentinian.
  7. No. I am not referring to a quote I " partially and misleading quoted". I'm referring to the one I quoted in full. Do try to keep up before trying to undermine others.
  8. You fail to appreciate I made a statement about a post in relation to one poster. That poster responded, vaguely. When posters can't admit to what they posted and what it meant, at that time, I tend to leave them in their little world of denial.
  9. "I quite often have a glance at 'The Mail' and 'The Express'. Doing so, almost invariably confirms that my initial thoughts were correct!"
  10. Funny. Personal experiences don't count. But, hey, everything I read in the newspaper is true and honest. 55555
  11. Go back to the posts by the Scottish nationalist and take a long hard look. You might see it then. This is problem you often fall into when quoting one whilst they were quoting another.
  12. He's got you again. You just can't see humour, can you?
  13. Taking out the bigger cities would not make any difference. Government school salaries are nationwide. Most teachers will retire at a similar level so long as the length of service is the same and they gave passed "Ajarn 3". That will be 40k+ baht a month. When you add in their free healthcare, for them and family, cheap loans and a very good pension scheme, they do very well. Also add that they have more flexibility to arrive late, leave early, take long lunch breaks and get paid days off. They are better off than foreign teachers by a long way.
  14. And what do you think Thai teachers are paid?
  15. He does have the money and he is having a party. The Crown is a net contributor to the UK economy. The money for the coronation will come from the Crown.
  16. Going back to your original accusation of my post being false. I would be grateful if you could offer evidence to prove your point. Thanks.
  17. I have never denied anything you mention. I made a comment that you didn't like, called false but still haven't posted evidence to back your comment up.
  18. I didn't need to exclude and countries that were not included in my description as they were not the subject of my comment. Instead of one calling my statement false, with no evidence to back it up, and one calling my post "ambiguous", it would have been a better option to give one's own opinions. Never mind.
  19. I mentioned countries will smaller economies. Not smaller nations. I've re read my post and I can't see where I said "all" or "every" or even "only". I'd be grateful if you could now offer the information I asked for to back up your assumption that my comment is false. Thanks.
  20. Well. Since Brexit there's only 1 test playing nation in EU. ????????????They can't play against themselves. ????????????????????
  21. How does that make my post false? Please post evidence as to why the respondants answered as they did.
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