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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Chickennoodlesoup has a PhD in Management. That does not qualify him for a Smart T visa.
  2. I meant to write "teaching" and not "working". Sorry for the confusion. Teaching/Education is not included on the list of industries for those with a Smart T visa. If it were, one would be enrolled in the Thai social security scheme, regardless of any private health insurance obe might hold. Doesn't the Smart T visa remain valid for 4 years?
  3. Slightly different issue but processing times none the less. FLR(m) application. Biometrics done 1st March. Apllication successful email received 27th March. Website says "up to 8 weeks"
  4. No, as they are all from the UK. As they will be for many generations to come.
  5. Unless there are some under 30s posting here, talking about Scottish independence is inane as no one will see it in their life time.
  6. All government schools should, by law, enroll their teachers in Thai social security scheme. This covers 100% of medical bills
  7. I think you are confused. The question was regarding those working in Thailand.
  8. All government schools should enroll their teachers in the Thai social security scheme. Whoever told you they weren't should get their employers to enroll them. It's the law.
  9. All Doctors, nurses and all others working harder than the PM never broke the rules? Incorrect.
  10. A blanket generalisation. We built a house in the village where my wife's family have lived for generations. Never had any issues. House build, wife's 2 uncles as builders, went well without us there for the best part of most days. I did my due diligence by looking at previous builds they had done. I speak good Thai and did the explaining and ordering of materials. One thing I will say about the OP is it seems his wife is getting her priorities wrong. My wife has always been by my side. She explained, when needed, that I am her husband foremost and I just happen to be "Farang". I have always got on very well with all the family. We even built a second building on our land for Mum to live in. I find, if one can navigate away from the issue of being a foreigner, try to integrate in family and village matters, don't critisise on issues such as religion, beliefs in spirits, monks, et al, the family and locals will accept you into their lives. One gripe about village life, the music at weddings, ordinations and funerals is too bloody loud. Never mind. I just go to live in father in laws house we built in the middle of the paddy fields.
  11. I doubt very much there are government statistics for the month of March, which is the month I used when doing the job search.
  12. Did you do the jobs search? Thought not.
  13. No living at home, no. She is living with her boyfriend in a very nice flat. With their feet on the ground, not over stretching or buying things just because others have them, they are well on the way to saving a deposit. I'll pass on your good luck wishes for her career.
  14. Your assumptions are wide of the mark. I'm perfectly happy to accept your experiences in the engineering field. It is you not accepting.
  15. You clearly need to check minimum wages to compare to what I stated. However, please allow me to explain. Having lived in Thailand for over 20 years and deciding to relocate back to UK for purpose of wife and daughters future, I needed to get a job quickly in order to satisfy the salary requirements for my wife's spouse visa. That i did. If you read my post again, all of it this time, you will see I posted that after a year I moved direction. You claim I can only do minimum wage jobs is untrue and, to be honest, offensive due to your suggestion being an assumption.
  16. So you didn't do a search? As expected as you would find things detrimental to your arguement.
  17. There are futures in most jobs, if you apply yourself. My daughter has only lived in UK for 3 years. Started working in a care home in September 2021. Worked hard, accepted a place on NVQ2 course, passed. Got promoted to supervisor and has been put on NVQ3 course. Will then be promoted to Senior. Salary in the region of £14 per hour. I worked at Asda for a year upon my return to UK. Night shift. After 6 months promoted to Section leader. After a further 6 months there was a chance to move onto night shift manager. Salary in the region of £35k. I declined to move in a different direction. People need to go looking and not expect everything to fall into their laps. Don't get bogged down. Look for new opportunities. Your son can easily use his experience to move up or move on.
  18. No. You misunderstand. Or maybe just refuse to accept. Make a simple jobs search. Not a propaganda search. Try Indeed or Totaljobs, for example. Try careers search on Asda, Aldi or Morrisons, for example. It really is quite simple. Seek and ye shall find.
  19. Incorrect. Speaking from experience. Seeing as you don't like using others experience to make conversation, take time to search for yourself. Healthcare, NHS, supermarkets, opticians......to name a few, all offering jobs with futures, good contracts and pensions.
  20. You base your opinions on the facts at hand. As others do. No one is wrong. It is just their opinion. The best opinion I have seen on here is that there is more to the story than has been printed. That will be down to the opinion thecauthor has about police and racial abuse, no doubt.
  21. All available today. Did you know, for example, there are currently over 1m job vacancies in UK? You nust know about it, you mention the lack of work force on Brexit threads enough times. I've just bought a property. Only 3 times annual income. About the same ratio as my parents in 1967. A standard job, standard property, not over spending like many. Standard of living improving nicely.
  22. All available today.
  23. Don't juries use opinions, personal thoughts? Defense lawyers, prosecutors and judges too? Child protection agencies too?
  24. Not as such. More like a good arguement against gutter press.
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