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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. You quoted me, you made an incorrect comment, I corrected. Simple.
  2. Our local immigration office will only allow on extension per entry. Either 30 or 60 days.
  3. As someone who has lived and worked in Thailand for over 20 years, I would say I have plenty of knowledge.
  4. Unions? No threat in Thailand. Labour Debt? No threat either. Overtime? No. Staff turnover? Staff won't leave. No other options.
  5. It won't make any difference. Large companies, if forced to pay more on salaries, will increase hours, cut any breaks staff might get and impose stricter targets. I know of a restaurant that used to let staff stay in a house adjoining the place free of charge. When minimum wage was last increased, the house was then charged at 2000b a month.
  6. Nice bit of right wing propaganda there. Sadly, for you, it's flawed.
  7. Either she didn't or it was pre 2004. Either way, not much use to today's discussion.
  8. Do you have a VOA or are you on a visa exempt? What is your nationality?
  9. You are correct. You don't have to back up opinions. However, you made an incorrect statement. I just trotted off to do as you asked. Here you go. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn01403/
  10. I'll explain once more. 24% is not "most". That is incorrect. It is one of your beliefs.
  11. It's called conversation. You'll get it one day, but probably not if the conversation goes against your, incorrect, beliefs.
  12. 24% of applications rejected last year. UK government intelligence is going to be more than a match for migrants arriving as most of them do. 24% is not " most".
  13. One person who " used to process asylum claims". She must have worked very hard to have checked all of them.
  14. Can't prove what? They are asylum seekers. They can certainly prove they've made a claim
  15. Something else that needs to be checked. I have done several 60 day extensions without my wife present.
  16. For a start, not all are in hotels. A small number may be in 4 star hotels, or at least what were 4 star hotels until the owners allowed the government to take over. Also, it's asylum seekers not illegals. Not all receive payments. Those that do certainly are not on social security.
  17. The government have already said the final details are yet to be announced. Maybe your idea, or a variation, will be included. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-67705178
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