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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. It's really not quite that simple, is it? It's views like that which have forced the government's hand. Although I disagree with the size of the hike in requirements, I understand that it's propaganda like above that creates tensions.
  2. Your first response was " In other words, you've got nothing.". Not an analysis. You subsequent response to me was an opinion.
  3. You can get a 60 day extension at immigration. Documents required are usually; your passport, copy of marriage certificate, copy of wife's house book and ID card. Some offices may want an up to date KR2.
  4. Yes. All opinions are equal. No evidence is required. It is what one thinks. You said " you've got nothing". That's your opinion. I disagree. I don't say you are wrong. Did you post evidence backing up your opinion? No, you didn't.
  5. He has an opinion. As we all do. If he has nothing, we all have nothing. Including you.
  6. Good idea. You might do yourself some damage. Just relax and wait for the announcement.
  7. No, they can't. There was a house in our village that played loud music quite often. We got "Or Bor Dor" round. They told the household to quieten things down. They did for a while but then started up again. My wife called the police. They advised to record the noise and note the dates and times. My wife then took this to the station. The police then visited the village and summoned the culprits to the station and also asked other Villagers for their take on the matter. There was a meeting at the station with all involved in attendance. Of course, the culprits denied all knowledge, as did a few friends they'd taken along. However, when presented with the evidence, they went all coy. The result was the culprits told they were in the wrong and every future incident would be met with a fine. Alot quieter now.
  8. This is the comment of mine to which you replied " As an aside, foreigners can claim unemployment benefit when working in Thailand. Foreigners cannot claim such benefits when in UK.". Your link proves my point.
  9. No. Not specifically for mail order brides or Asians. Nice to see you now understand the rules though.
  10. No. I added " not when on a visa" to your first reply. I did not specify work visas. Those in UK on working visas or spouse/ family visas, even if working, cannot claim.
  11. I've explained so many times. Those in the UK on a working visa cannot claim benefits. Those on spouse/family visa also cannot, even if they are working. Foreigners working in Thailand can claim unemployment benefits, in line with rules for Thais. One does not need to be on a "work visa"(I assume you mean NonB) to work in Thailand.
  12. I don't recall ever claiming they could. As I said, those in UK on a visa and working cannot claim benefits. Foreigners working in Thailand are entitled to claim, in line with rules for Thais.
  13. No, I don't mean a tourist visa. Work visa, lose your job, lose your visa, leave the country. No benefits. Spouse/ family visa, working too, paying tax and NI, cannot claim benefits.
  14. I said " those working". Like for like. Changing the subject does not change the truth.
  15. Not "come across" to anything. Once again, I've never said what you suggested I did. As an aside, foreigners can claim unemployment benefit when working in Thailand. Foreigners cannot claim such benefits when in UK.
  16. Once again, I have never said I have the same rights as a Thai national. Just as my wife doesn't have the same rights as me when in UK. The points I make are the point. I'm not being hard on myself. I'm perfectly happy with my life choices and situation.
  17. No gaslighting.. Just saying it as it is. Cancer treatment? Like I said, I have Thai social security. Others should have insurance. Only fools would live abroad without it. Crumbs? No. Just as in UK, my wife and I always buy as a joint venture. Once again, I'm not trying to prove anything. Certainly not trying to prove things that aren't true.
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