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Posts posted by cutethaigirl

  1. Hi

    Think the Air Asia Being 300's with leather seats ans SMILING Staff make Thai stuff look positively old.

    Booked online. Paid fur using a foreign debit card.

    Show up at the airport, quote ref no. Show ID . Off you go.

    No food no tickets no seat allocations. Superb:-)

    The advertised prices are the lowest possible. Type in www.airasia.com and play a while you may get a bargain. We did.

    Been a few times now, again on Thursday

    Oh flew OVER BKK as well. Superb sight.

    Check it out for sure.

    You will be eating your post:-)

    Listen out for the warning about the life vests:-))))


  2. QUOTE (lopburi3 @ Mon 2004-05-03, 09:11:14)

    As said there is no problem for baby. You might also advise Sam that Sue has every right to have a Thai passport and then she would not have to bother with visa issues when coming into Thailand (she could use the Thai passport to enter/leave Thailand as any other Thai citizen). 

    Dual nationality is not a problem for the US or Thailand. The baby could also have duality.

    Is that due to the mother being Thai?

    how about if both parents are non thai but baby born here in thailand?

    any rights then?


    Sorry to interrupt the personal chat (see above) is PM for that??

  3. Here is what people think in the UK:

    Can I urge all Liverpool fans to go to the Amnesty International site and read up on the string of human rights abuses that this autocrat is responsible for.There are more important things in life than money.

    Just read on the BBC about Uk and US treatment of Iraqi POW's. Think Amnesty International were on the case there as well.

    Calls for the UK PM To resign.

    Not starting a topic on that here :o


  4. See my post a few days ago and taxexiles today. The press in uk will not be silenced and the guys in Thailand will have an excellent feed.

    Wonder if the recent announcement to slash mobile calls using AIS to the UK by 50% will be revoked and INCREASED by 2000000000 % instead :o

  5. Regarding the meeting between the Thai beer giant "..with the long name" and the Liverpool/Thaksin junta..

    You can bet your last baht that Carlseberg beer logos will soon disappear..to be replaced with Beer Chang..you may recall that Mr Long-name stands accused of doing the dirty on his Danish brewing partner, by promoting Chang Beer and not Carlsberg, which was the original deal with the latter (who helped him launch Chang) and which is why Carlsberg is now drying up in Thailand..

    Genie Wow!!!

    Thanks for sharing.

    George re latest..

    So the people of Thailand voted to buy a Footy club in the UK then:-)))))

    Unreal. Perhaps every Government should have one?


  6. Thought there was mention of another party here too?

    The guy with the long name that makes Beer Chang. No one has mentioned him as yet. TS is the main guy but believed not the only one.

    I think Liverpool have Carslberg Beer all over their shirts indicating sponsorship?

    Does it not connect that as Mr Beer Chang also produces Carlsberg beer under some licence arrangement that the poarties may have had a little chat together over a beer or three prior to this event?

    Just a thought.

    Suffolk Water owned by the French.

    A few Electricty Companies owned by the Americans

    Called free enterprise in a Global Economy.

    Hope some of it rubs off here:-)

    We all seem to agree that there are a few areas of hypocrosy here and that the UK papers will say EXACTLY what THEY want to say.

    Sounds cool to me :o

  7. Can vouch for the SomTam at the entrance to the road that leads to Kwan Viang. Just 20 metres of the main Hang Dong Road. Also some mean CM sausage. Clears the digestive system!

    Not sure how Isaan it is, the somtam, but tastes great.

    Can someone clue me on the Southern Curry Place in Suthep Rd. Why can i never find it....Perhaps better not to be too honest on that answer:-)

    Always end up in the excellent veggie place there. Great veggie Kao Soy.



  8. Mango Head

    That is pathetic and about as far from reality as it gets.

    A Museum, beautiful temple, lake, nature trail etc. Did i mention entertainment complexes.

    Did plenty of looking and reading prior to visiting. Thanks

    No more posts from me on the topic.

    Posted to ask and give factual findings not to be abused.


  9. We tried but go to another city when asking what to do in the one we were in.

    Ask me what to do in CM for example and the list goes on and on but it does not include going to Chiang Rai:-)

    Checked a few websites pre arrival and all said the same thing. Pimai and Dan Kwiang. Scary!

    What does the TAT's say.....can only guess.

    Sorry but was at a loss to find something to amuse for a few days away.

    Part of travelling about Thailand is to see interesting sights and there are no shortage. Have been to about 55 Provinces but afraid Korat was hard to enjoy.

    As i said not a dig just a factual report on two days in Korat.

    We are not looking for willd like BKK, but a bit of fun and some sights. Struggled.

    the Mall has lots of pretty shops and a dismal selection of eateries unless Daidom, BBQ KIng? and Pizza count. THe food court was ok 'ish.

    I am saying we struggled.



  10. Hi

    Not a dig just our findings.

    We visited Korat last week courtesey of Air Asia who appear to have the ONLY flight in and out each day.

    Was quite lovely as 18 people on the plane does make for a nice flight:-)

    Stayed at a place calle Chayprayoa Hotel at 450 for a nice room.

    Went in search of food. No joke could not find any, inside the moat!

    Eventually ate at a Kaow Mon Gai place 45 yds from the Hotel. TEN bahts a plate. Had 7 between us!. Great chat with the owner that wanted to know all about how to make more profit. Straight Up. Cool.

    We asked several people what there was to do in Korat and ALL said the same thing. Bearing in mind these were native Koratians....Go to Pimai!!!!

    Next day after giving up trying to find an internet cafe that could SEND email not via Hotmail we asked about and founf the Mall. All jolly nice but hardly a cultural experience!

    The road through Korat outside the Mall seems very busy with people passing through!!

    THere are a lot of buses to BKK as well. Indicating the post above about Pattaya. I have heard Korat as the answer to where do you come from many times in Pattaya.

    Another thing that we noticed is that there is a unproportional amount of gold shops in Korat. All fully stocked. That may indicate that the money being made in Pattaya is 'invested' in Korat??

    In the evening ate 47 yards from the Hotel at an adequate Chinese owned place. Walked for an hour and could only find unsuitable Karaoke bars. Asked about and no one could advise any different.

    We went to Korat to have a bit of food, see the sights, natural ones, have a beer together and not visit shopping centres.

    We did all the above but what to do after the first 4 hours was more difficult.

    I live in C. Mai and for a Thai or foreign tourist you can not do it all in a month.

    Korat may be the 2nd largest city but if it is trying to promote tourism and or comerce in our opinion it is failing.

    It was ok but certainly nothing would prompt a second visit. Not even the 99 baht airfare!

    There you go unbiased factual reporting


  11. They might no be able to count but I bet they can spell better than you - stop complaining about monopoly money you numb nuts

    They might NO....... is that Scottish??

    I think my spelling is very accurate.

    I rather believe that my posting was about legalities not quantities? Forgive me if i am correct.

    Is it possible to have a reasonable 'debate' here without someone popping up with personal attacks....

    "numb nuts" As 'M' in a Bond movie said "at least i don't have to think with mine".

    Please post nicely.


  12. Would this talented (heresay) lad be able to get a visa and work perminute fairly quickly if he went to play for Liverpool:-) :o Need a 'tongue in cheek smilie"

    Will Gerrard and co be able to stay in say Chiangmai for as long as they wanted as members of the soon to be formed? Chiangmai Chargers, or did i see Chaingmai (over) Chargers.

    Where's that tongue in cheek smilie.........


  13. Yep, You've been scammed, I wouldn't have paid the tax if it's not mentioned on the menu. If all people make a fuss about these scams they will stop, it's people with "it's only 50 baht" attitudes that make the Thais continue with these practises...

    Wholeheartedly agree. Thank You.

    To be honest i think i was a bit stunned. Overcharging is normal and usually avoided in say market eateries by asking first as suggested above.

    But as also mentioned above to go to place such as this was, like i have never paid 800+ for food with a very flashy decor and equally impressive menu, should i be expected to say. Oh and by the way are there any hidden extras like tax, vat, sitting down charge, breathing in the air, subsidising the aircon by the time spent etc.... I think to suggest "checking first" in a place like this was not reasonable.

    As it has been mentioned i would like to point out that at no time have i said it was a Thai owned restaurant. Please can i make it clear that it is NOT a Thai restaurant.

    I disagree with dual pricing and there are plenty of posts at the Forum about that. My question was , and remains Is it Legal? as it it is the first time i have EVEr come across such a thing.

    Oh yes 800+7% is 856b but the bill was 850.60 rounded to 851. So sorry if i made an error , maybe it was 795 or whatever, or maybe their computer that adds this scandalous (IMO) charge was a bit out?:-) :o:D

  14. Wow all sorts of ideas come to mind.......

    Great move to benefit the people of Thailand. Nice one TS.

    Liverpool will have to come here a lot and overall footballing standards should increase as academys are set up to benefit particularly the less fortunate in Thai society.

    Wow that is a great vision and i am well pleased TS has the insight and courage to do such a great thing.

    The Sun and the Daily Mirror where a few reporters work that 'may be' friends of those to from the Far EasternReview that had a few problems last year are on the telephone as i write this looking for "quotes from our source".

    On the phone to the two reporters not me:-)

    British newspapers will save on printing as the headlines. "Liverpool win". will be the same every week as it will be impossible to report a loss.....presumably.

    Advertising revenues will go up in EVERY British newspaper:-) harder to get that one?

    Oh it is bliss, endless bliss.....


  15. Went there about 12 years ago on the back of a fishing boat for 20 baht.

    Stayed in a hut for anotyher 20 and there was no noise, there was nothing just the waves.

    Walked to a rather nice waterfall and had a chat with the restaurant guys. More 20 bahts exchanged.

    Departed on the same fishing boat in rather nasty rain.

    Sounds like it has altered:-)

    Re Dave's comment. Does that mean those lovely big posters at the start of walking street will be going to Ko Chang:-)


  16. Dave you nicker sniffer

    Sorry i thought a 'nicker' was some uk and us slang for the police as the 'nick' people.

    Why is this 'Dave' sniffing police. and why do the make him smell of flowers?? :o confused


  17. It is obvious that the 'SLANT' in the title of this topic

    is a racial slur and has nothing to do with overcharging.

    Excuse me??

    What are you on about?

    My title is valid and absolutely nothing to do with racial issues.

    By definition a new slant means a new way, new method.

    I simply enquired if the group knew if it was legal or had any knowledge. I really do not expect to be getting insulted :o

    My experience was absolutely genuine and i believe illegal.

    Can you tell me where in my post i actually mentioned what type of restaurant it was?? Meaning owned by a Australian, larger Thai Corporation, street cafe.

    I merely asked astraightforward question.


    whats a coupla baht?



    Are you for real???

    How do you define right from wrong then? I have seen many posts about overcharging. Mine is not about overcharging :D It is IS IT LEGAL. Thailand has a lot of very adequete laws and i am asking if my experience is LEGAL practice?

    As a point of interest to your whats a couple of baht, where do you draw the line?

    51 Baht is approximately 30% of the National Minimum Wage! Or two and a half plates of food at a street stall. Get the point.?

    As a further part of my original question.

    Who said i am not thai, who said it was a thai establishment.

    Respectfully if you could answer the question if you have the answer and avoid personal insults or (imo) crazy views.

    To review

    Is adding to a fully printed menu a charge of 7% sales Tax without any notice to the customer accepted paractice , legal?


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