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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. "Mr Surapong earlier sent a letter of condolence to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in which he expressed his deep shock at learning of the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and the three other American officials".

    How about your Thaksin-team killing Thai officials? Did those families ever get any condolence from you or your paymaster?


  2. Seems like the Muslims (not all, just some!!) finally found the reason they were looking for all along.

    I always ask myself: why do Muslims often get angry if an idiot says something nasty concerning their religion!. Who cares what this idiot says. I personally don't spend time caring what people says about me or my religion.

    Do they have such little confidence in themselves and their religion that they have to get angry all the time?

    • Like 1
  3. Opposition Democrat MP Nipit Intarasombat of Phatthalung yesterday challenged Surapong to explain the legal basis for issuing a new passport to Thaksin, saying the minister had cited the same law as Kasit.

    The previous Democrat Party-led government had no policy to issue a passport to any fugitive from prosecution, Nipit said. "It's impossible to invoke the same clause [of the ministry's regulations] to return a passport to Thaksin," he said.

    Pheu Thai logic wacko.png

    to revoke Thaksin's passport, otherwise the minister could be prosecuted for violating Article 157 of the criminal code, which prescribes 20 years of imprisonment for officials who abuse their power.

    Reflects the extreme at what a family member is willing to do for another.


    The logic does seem to be that as the "democratically elected goverment" they can do what they want. Keep it in the family where possible for sure too. Don't worry about minor details like the consitiution or existing laws - you can just change it to suit.

    I bet you Thaksin must be jealous at his eternal friend Hun Sen who doesn't have all the headaches of laws that have to be followed and all those people advising/telling him what to do.

  4. I wonder what this can open up ??

    I suppose it's a surprisingly unsurprising verdict and it must have some serious implications for the armed forces and those who issue their orders.

    I think the vast majority of sane people would support an order permitting the armed forces to fire in self defence given the violence of the protesters.

    Er..........self defence at an unarmed taxi driver ???

    Maybe you should learn how to read.

    The court acknowledged that there had been conflicts between the testimony of civilian and army witnesses to the event.

    Military personnel said the van driver ignored instructions to stop and soldiers opened fire because of fears over a potential car bomb.

    In his testimony to the court, the van driver said he had been dropping off guests at a hotel in the Thai capital and had got lost trying to get home.

    When he got lost he was suddenly driving into a millitary checkpoint.... during a period when there was total anarchy in bangkok and many soldiers had already been attacked and killed.

  5. I wonder what this can open up ??

    I suppose it's a surprisingly unsurprising verdict and it must have some serious implications for the armed forces and those who issue their orders.

    Since when does an official carrying a weapon need an order to kill if he feels threatened? You think they carry guns just to look cool?

    BTW, even Chalerm's son can kill without an order.

    • Like 1
  6. When will these nobodies realise that it doesn't matter what they say or think about Thaksin, he is not going to listen to them. Thaksin is biding his time now and is happy to do so. He is waiting for THE moment when he will come back here and claim his position of power and at that point he will never let it go again. Plans for a family relocation would not be a wasted exercise wink.png

    Seriously, would you consider leaving Thailand and relocating your family should he return ???

    What about others on here ?

    I have heard of certain people making plans to leave under certain circumstances.... but best not dwell on that.


  7. When will these nobodies realise that it doesn't matter what they say or think about Thaksin, he is not going to listen to them. Thaksin is biding his time now and is happy to do so. He is waiting for THE moment when he will come back here and claim his position of power and at that point he will never let it go again. Plans for a family relocation would not be a wasted exercise wink.png

    I don't know. His American tour was supposed to show 2 things:

    1. He can travel freely: which is correct, except to his beloved home country.

    2. He is very popular with Thais, even those living abroad: which is not really true. In fact, he had to cancel his "Great American Tour" because of safety issues.

    Don't forget that 60% of Thais probably love him and 40% probably hate him. Not much in between.

    I just can't see him walking around in Thailand after what I have seen happening in the US when he showed up.

    Many people are very very angry with Thaksin. For them he simply robbed the country empty and when the court convicted him he went on a destruction spree (MANAGED FROM A SAFE HAVEN). Many Thais, especially in Bangkok have suffered greatly because of his selfish actions..

  8. September 17, 2012 - Sukhothai's Yom River


    Accompanying Video News here:


    This is clearly an exaggeration. Has to be photoshop.

    Seriously the people who will again loose their belongings need to pay this Yongyuth Wichaidit a visit. Words fail me.

    Yes people might lose their belongings again and if they are very lucky they might receive 10,000THB compensation within 12 months.

    Haven't you heard what the government said:

    Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit complained that some media outlets were exaggerating the flood situation, especially in Sukhothai.

    "In fact, it's not as serious as some newspaper headlines have suggested," he said.

    And if you still don't believe it Thaksin and his side-kick Noppadon will tell you one more time that the situation is exaggerated by the media and everything is under control, in fact much better then under the Dems.

    So case closed! guitar.gif

  9. meanwhile, Red Shirt Leader and Deputy Agriculture Minister Natthawut's take on rubber....

    Agriculture Ministry confident in continued improvement of Thai rubber industry

    BANGKOK, 16 September 2012 (NNT) – The Deputy Agriculture Minister has expressed confidence in the continued improvement of the Thai rubber sector.

    During this week’s “Yingluck Government Meets the People” program, Deputy Agriculture Minister Nattawut Saikuar said that signs of positive global economic development has pushed the domestic price of local natural rubber sheet no. 3 higher to 83.85 baht per kilogram, while its price in the futures market also went up to 98.92 baht per kilogram.

    Looking at other positive signals from all markets, Nattawut is confident that the rubber prices will only rise further.

    He added that the government will continue the implementation of both ad-hoc and long-term measures in order to find more added-value to the Thai produce.

    Nattawut stated that a group of researchers and related agencies have been teamed up to perform more studies to develop the rubber industry and they will soon be meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss the issues.


    -- NNT 2012-09-16 footer_n.gif

    Natthawut's take on rubber....coffee1.gif

    Natthawut's take on democracy

  10. "Most of all, it will be very sad if the new PACC chief is Pol Col Prawet Moolpramook [deputy director-general of the Department of Special Investigation]," Banyat said.

    "Many people may remember that when red-shirt people gave him bouquets for carrying probes into the 2010 crackdown cases, he said he should instead give flowers to the red shirts for sacrificing themselves to serve the country although they have no position."

    So the guy who said the above might be in charge of the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC).

    Thaksin is still fighting fire with fire. He really hasn't learned s..t the last 6 years. Up to the next 6 years.

  11. This is probably the most interesting statement in this report.

    "He said the red shirts' true wish is to change the country's ruling system from aristocracy to true democracy."

    The problem isn't Thaksin... The problem is that the real steps toward democracy of the people took directions which the ruling class did not accept, which the military nullified, and the people did not accept it this time around and they still want their democratic voice.

    If you change Thaksin into me you have an almost exact copy of a phrase Thaksin often uses when he talks to the foreign press. giggle.gif

    "The problem isn't me... The problem is that the real steps toward democracy of the people took directions which the ruling class did not accept, which the military nullified, and the people did not accept it this time around and they still want their democratic voice".

  12. This is probably the most interesting statement in this report.

    "He said the red shirts' true wish is to change the country's ruling system from aristocracy to true democracy."

    The problem isn't Thaksin... The problem is that the real steps toward democracy of the people took directions which the ruling class did not accept, which the military nullified, and the people did not accept it this time around and they still want their democratic voice.

    Yes of course. That must be the reason those red shirt leaders spend most of their time preaching to their followers that they should support the reconciliation (whitewash) bills that mainly serve Thaksin and his cronies, in order to get real democracy.

    If Thaksin is not the problem Thai society is facing today, then it must be just a coincidence that he is at the heart of it.

  13. It seems to me that there is a lot of disinformation here. It is probably true that 91 Red shirts and officials would likely not have died during the demonstration if the Thai Army had not been deployed. Therefor one concludes that the real issue is who gave the order to deploy the Army and why. After all the security and management of demonstrations is a police issue, is it not?

    Army was deployed because the Police conveniently vanished from the areas once the Red shirts arrived. Hence a city center, occupied by Reds, without law and order.

    All part of the plan to make the army come in and clean this "created" mess. Propaganda 101, the bad Thai army kills its own innocent people without valid reason.

    That is Thaksin’s way of revenge over the coup. He had to trow some of his own followers into the game but, but it seemed he thought it was necessary.

    It's probably been asked and answered elsewhere, so apologies if going over old ground, but I would ask, who are the police responsible to? If they cut and run, or didn't do too much to maintain the law and order, shouldn't the relevant minister at that time directed the police boss to get the police out on the streets?

    In Thailand police are responsible to the one with the deepest pockets.

  14. It seems to me that there is a lot of disinformation here. It is probably true that 91 Red shirts and officials would likely not have died during the demonstration if the Thai Army had not been deployed. Therefor one concludes that the real issue is who gave the order to deploy the Army and why. After all the security and management of demonstrations is a police issue, is it not?

    Army was deployed because the Police conveniently vanished from the areas once the Red shirts arrived. Hence a city center, occupied by Reds, without law and order.

    All part of the plan to make the army come in and clean this "created" mess. Propaganda 101, the bad Thai army kills its own innocent people without valid reason.

    That is Thaksin’s way of revenge over the coup. He had to throw some of his own followers into the game, but it seemed he thought it was necessary.

    You might even be correct, in which case the stupidity of AV and the army for being duped into murdering their own citizens is even more mind blowing.

    So you prefer total anarchy and/or giving in to demands of a violent bunch of protestors.

    How about this point of view:

    The red leaders could have told their followers to GO HOME instead of FIGHT ON when an election within 6 months was promised.

    So I have to put the blame on the Red leaders for leading their followers into a death trap. Talking about stupid.

    • Like 1
  15. It seems to me that there is a lot of disinformation here. It is probably true that 91 Red shirts and officials would likely not have died during the demonstration if the Thai Army had not been deployed. Therefor one concludes that the real issue is who gave the order to deploy the Army and why. After all the security and management of demonstrations is a police issue, is it not?

    Army was deployed because the Police conveniently vanished from the areas once the Red shirts arrived. Hence a city center, occupied by Reds, without law and order.

    All part of the plan to make the army come in and clean this "created" mess. Propaganda 101, the bad Thai army kills its own innocent people without valid reason.

    That is Thaksin’s way of revenge over the coup. He had to trow some of his own followers into the game but, but it seemed he thought it was necessary.

  16. to me, the MIB remain a mystery, and i hope and pray that we will find out who they really were no matter who's thai visa agenda it furthers.

    It seems pretty obvious that we will never have names, addresses and phone numbers of these people, so i'm sure that will be sufficient for people to continue feigning confusion forever about what they were up to and whose side they were on. Seems strange as the names, addresses and phone numbers of many people from all sides of the protest, are also not known, but we are happy enough to conclude by looking at their actions what they were up to and whose side they were on. Seems in the future, if you want your role to become a matter of feigned confusion, just pop on a different coloured shirt from your other friends in your mob, and suddenly your actions will become a matter of great mystery.

    I'm not sure anybody (outside a relatively small group) doubts which side they were on.However I do regard it as incredible that their "names, addresses and telephone numbers" - to use your expression - are not known (none of them, noit one!) and that the Abhisit government neither detained any or was able to determine any relevant background information.This is in spite of the fact the Abhisit government had all the security agencies of the state available for follow up, and that it had everthing to gain if a link between Thaksin could be established.In fact proving a link could have been (actually still could be) a decisive game changer.The main redshirt contingent was very well investigated - but on the MIB nothing, zilch, nada.

    Honestly and with due respect your post is beside the point.There is a genuine mystery here.


    Propaganda seems to be working. Or should I say: propaganda at work.


    Post #44 contains some nice images.

  17. Links To Photos:


    A Thai "red shirt" supporter holds up a picture of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra during a rally at Democracy monument in Bangkok, September 15, 2012



    Thai "red shirt" supporters gather at Democracy monument in Bangkok, September 15, 2012


    I assume that all our favorite UDD leaders will be present to issue non-bail-conditions-violating speeches? Lambast the TRCT report as biased, a few people as possibly liars and wonder aloud why the ICC hasn't done anything yet sad.png

    Yes that could have been their agenda for the day. Anybody can confirm what the actual agenda was?

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