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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Hi all,

    I am planning on trying a 44T rear sprocket on my Versys. I find the gearing a little to short for touring with the standard 46T sprocket. I Always feel I am missing a gear.

    Could anybody please recommend a place where I could buy one in Thailand (bangkok).


    There's <deleted> all in the way of aftermarket sprockets in Thailand, especially if you want to go DOWN in size.

    I know a couple shop have have larger sprockets (of questionable quality I might add) but I've never seen a smaller-than-stock EX650 sprocket in Thailand.

    Your best bet is to order from abroad. Gary from BlueRidgePerformance (http://www.blueridgeperformance.net/) has 44 tooth rear sprockets for just $35 and he ships to Thailand. Even after shipping and tax you'll still come in a lot cheaper than any retail shop here in Thailand smile.png

    Thanks for the advise. I might as well buy a complete set including chain because price seems to be fair.

  2. Hi,

    I just heard that Bangkok Circuit (the one behind Seacon Square) will be completely renovated the coming 2-3 months (March-May) including new asphalt etc.

    Anyone knows more or can confirm this? Would be too good to be true. Although the track is located just 20min from my house, I never really wanted to ride it due to its poor condition.


  3. jayboy i think they just see Fox News,and end up with a gutter press mind.

    I haven't suggested that she has done anything immoral, just unethical.

    She had a personal meeting with a real estate developer. She has business interests in real estate. Why was she meeting him? Especially when parliament was in session and she should have been there.

    I agree with you. It's a shame that some people on this forum (in fact 50% of Thailand) still don't get it.

  4. The speedo issue is about the same for most bikes. Possibly BMW being the most accurate I think.

    Sounds like the Ninja 650 is for you regarding wind buffeting. Have a think about it, the larger screen on the front does a lot to reduce it OK?

    Yup, okay, thanks.

    I should also have said that for 26 days in every month that I'm not mini-touring I'm commuting around the city (BKK). biggrin.png

    Hence my more interest in the naked over the fared version (plus the price difference).

    I guess like many people it'll be a case of which I value more.... a relative ease on everyday commuting that I do everyday, verses easier mini-touring a couple of times a month. Tough call, for me at least.

    Thanks for all the info. jap.gif

    If you only do a little touring I would recommend the naked version. In a warm country it will give you some more air circulation.

  5. Just wondering, why did Kawa decide to make the exhaust system in 1 piece...

    Cost? Cheaper to build?

    Trying to stop people from swapping slip ons (warranty)?

    Norman if I were you I would have a shop CHOP the standard exhaust and make a connection piece for the Leo to fit.

  6. Am looking to put some new tyres on my er and would like to put on the pirelli angels.

    The thing is that the guy at the shop told me that those tyres are not the best option for the er and are normally put on the hayabusha

    he advised me to use the diablo rosso II instead

    has anyone got some experience with the angels

    Am not doing any track days but cruise the mountains and have long highway trips kamphaeng phet --chiang mai --bangkok

    what size of tyres should i use?


    What shop advised you against the Angels? And advised putting a sport touring tire like the Angel on a Busa?!?!

    IMO the Angels are really no better than the stock Bridgestone BT021's. (Or depending on the model year of your bike you may have the Dunlop "Ditchmaker" Roadsmarts or Sportmax? Fine for touring, but really not at all suited for track.

    Diablo Rosso is an excellent tire suitable for road and track, but perhaps more aggressive than you need?

    The new Bridgestone BT023 that replaces the BT021 has received rave reviews and should be cheaper than the Pirellis...

    Ride ON!


    I use Rosso II and swear by then as you know.

    However, I wouldn't hesitate using the new bridgstones because Nicky on his Versys round Bira came in the pits singing their praises. biggrin.gif

    They were smoking a bit together with his standard brakes pads. Unlike my EBCs hehehe.

    Yes but those were the Bridgestone BT003 which are too soft for everyday use but very good for track use.

    And yes! Standard Versys brake pads suck :ph34r: .

    I would recommend BT023's for everyday touring tyres and Rosso 2 for sport/track tyres.

  7. i am sure if there were to be a referendum as to whether he should be allowed to return it would be a massive yes, so hope he comes back. strong hand not a whimp who had a puppet master behind him.

    but then again the poor masses who arfe peasnants etc dont deserve democracy and westerners who know whats best for them, because westerners know whats best.

    the majority would overwhelmingly want him back. 1 person 1 vote. bring him back.

    Justice is not decided by popular vote. It is a matter for the courts. Voting and personal opinion is irrelevant.

    1 criminal, 1 prison term. Bring him back in chains or not at all. End of story. Fairness, justice, equality and democracy all demand it.


    Justice is not decided by popular vote. It is a matter for the courts. Voting and personal opinion is irrelevant.

    A country can only develop when justice and personal opinion are seperated.

    When Thaksin was in power he always said "I can do whatever I want because the majority of the Thai people have voted for me".

  8. The problem is not so much the army, but the poor caliber of politicians that Thailand produces. The people accept the role of the army because deep down they know the people they elect to office (Chalerm, Suthep, Jatuporn being prime examples) are utter fools. Until the quality of MPs improves their will be no hope for Thai democracy.

    Todays news of the secretive cabinet meeting to grant the boss amnesty is a case in point of the manipulation of politics and the poor judgement of Thai MPs. Should the army sit back and let the civilian population go for each others jugular or intervene? Because we all know the situation which is on the horizon and fast approaching.


    Without the army's involvement this country would have been in an even bigger mess because all these self-serving politicians only care about their "own" people and pockets.

  9. You're right according to the specification sheet. The manager obviously received incorrect information. On that note wait and see what the official price is. It may well be different from the 399K THB he quoted.

    Official price is THB 399,990 without ABS and in Red only. Spoke to my firend at Ducati BKK last Saturday. They already sold 50 bikes and delivery will start end of Nov.

  10. Come on people, do some research before posting. The Ducati website states clearly that ABS in NOT available on the 795.


    I was sure it had ABS. I remember the specs sheet stating a smaller fuel tank capacity for the ABS model (13.5 instead of 15l). Now it just says 15l and, as you pointed out, no ABS.

    Most articles online articles about the 795 also stated that ABS was optional.

    Maybe they changed their mind? Last minute trouble with the ABS?

    Later produced 795s will have optional ABS and 2 additional colors, black and white. For the moment only red without ABS.

    The reason is that they want to produce as many bikes as quickly as possible because demand is fairly large.

  11. Interesting - everyone will have one next year! Hope it opens the gates to others finding ways to offer good pricing.

    Prob not me as the 800 mm seat height and rake would make living cramped for my old bones.

    Yeah not comfy for a tall/big farang IMO - I was next to a Monster 696 on Asoke the other day and they're tiny. Good size for the average Asian though. I think this bike will fly of the showroom floors. Thai's love Ducati and at 399k this is within reach of middle class Thais. Smart move by Ducati, the red 696 really looks great in the flesh - an awesome street bike and add 100cc's and it's great deal IMO (assuming 399k is correct). I'm tempted but I really want ABS on my next bike for obvious reasons in LOS.

    The information the dealer in Udonthani received was that ABS was standard. Looking at the specification its is certainly an option in ASEAN markets. Maybe they've decided to go the same route as Kawsaki and offer ABS as standard.

    Come on people, do some research before posting. The Ducati website states clearly that ABS in NOT available on the 795.


  12. i think the 09/10/11 model still looks fine, just the headlight improved on the new model don't like the fat tank and slim tail much on it. But the technically improvements are quite interesting thou.

    Norman hows the Ohlins rear shock? Thinking of getting a YSS for mine; any thoughts?


    The Ohlins, as you would expect for 30k is superb!

    The YSS is cheaper but still better than the standard affair.

    Ohlins is number 1.

    Yes I agree, Ohlins is THE BEST! :P

  13. Its called the Monster 795 - Asia gets one less, I guess...

    Well, Ducati aren't really known for their accuracy with regards to cc and naming bikes. The 848 has 849 cc's. The S2R1000 had 998 I think.

    It's 803cc, just like the 796. It's called 795 because it's a cheaper version of the 796 - frame of the 696, apparently.

    So it's basically a Monster 696 with an 796 engine :unsure: .

    That's good because whatever the price may be, it's not in the same league as my 1100EVO :rolleyes: .

  14. If he had any sense at all, he would stear well clear of making any comments about the current, democratically elected, administrations efforts to deal with this crisis.

    This weak, late, puppet PM certainly had ample time to make the necessary rules, regulations and procedures to be followed in times of floods and disasters, and to get going the large construction projects that are what's really needed for effective flood management in this country.


  15. For those of you who can't read Thai, it says, "Goodbye Floods!" And yet another campaign promise bites the dust.
    Not fair at all as you know. This administration is two months in office and yet you would suggest that they could have prevented what is occuring today? I'm not a fan of them, don't get me wrong, but to prevent what is occuring today needed to be undertaken 20 years ago.As soon as these waters recede I hope the administration does begin a serious effort to fix the vast problems with water and flow mechinics. As a sporting man I would be betting against it however.

    We all know that you cannot solve this flooding problem within 2 months. You are right. If it takes 20 years to solve this kind of flooding, why can this government then say "goodbye floods"??

    I assume they promised that flooding would be solved within 4 years. So in fact they were lying because it is also impossible to solve within 4 years. As you mentioned it might take 20 years.

  16. This guy was an incompetent finance minister under the 2006 coup-appointed government. Why on earth is he offering macro-financial advice to the current government?

    Because , this time the man is right on the button with his forecast... The Big guys behind this scheme will make millions and millions, the ordinary farmers will make nothing. it has been tried before with huge corruption involved, but huge payouts to the mill owners. These Big guys care nothing for Thailand or the Thai peoples.. All they care about is to line their own pockets till bursting... But they and associates, backed many of these PTP MPs and now want their payback.. In Vietnam right now , hundreds and hundreds of tons of cheap rice is waiting to be brought into Thailand , you cannot DNA rice, this will all be claimed as Thai rice and the guaranteed moneys paid to those crooks and cheats.. This plan has been in the pipeline for a long time now... It involves huge amounts of taxpayers hard earned moneys going to these cheats and crooks... I was recently in Da Nang and visited 4 huge storage units full to the roof with cheap rice, we were trying to buy this rice for aid in Pakistan, the owners told me it was already sold to Thai mill owners, why would Thailand be importing rice..? They will triple their moneys on this deal... Thank you Yinluck... so much for a stand against corruption.. and the band played on...!!! Amazing Thailand.

    Spot on! I am happy to see that there are people who can see through these games!

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