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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. OK, alleged. Who's playing the FEAR card now?

    The Dems playing the Fear card. PT wants to bring *Thaksin back*, they say. to appeal those people who fear/hate Thaksin.

    Problem: Thaksin was the most popular PM ever, during his days as PM. And it is only a tiny minority who actually hate him or hate the reds. Many people still support Thaksin and/or the reds. And probably much more don't care, don't hate Thaksin and don't mind if he would come back or not.

    The Dems playing a game that they cannot really win, alleged target are the undecided voters, but they have probably those in mind who would choose the NO Vote option. For that ultra wing they are now trying to look a little bit like tough girls.

    So you are saying he is, or was popular? Ok, then let's have a look at the Proportional votes of the 2007 election by comparing the valid votes of all adult citizens who were eligible to participate.

    In 2007 TRT Party received 14,071,799 of the Proportional votes, and the Dems received 14,084,265 of the Proportional votes.

    Can we say that in 2007 Abhisit was more popular than Thaksin (Samak)?

    Luckily, now the Proportional votes are becoming more important then that they were in 2005. In 2005 it was all about the Constituency votes.

    Or let's look at it this way. From all the 38,981,412 Thai People that were eligible to vote in 2007, TRT Party received 14,071,799 votes.

    Why the huge decline in votes in 2007 from the landslide wins in 2001 and 2005? Because people were fed up with over-the-top corruption and started voting for the Dems.

    I believe that today his propaganda machine is trying to make him very popular again by portraying him as the "warrior for justice". Our own Super Hero. And it might work.

    Remember, the best way to confuse (and then brain-wash) people, is by making them believe the exact opposite.


  2. Do you know that Thailand is not the USA?

    You might want to study the electoral law in Thailand, that clearly defines what is allowed and what is not allowed in a campaign.


    Yingluck runs a non-confrontational, positive campaign. No negative words, rants or blames towards the Democrats, (actually nearly no words at all, ignoring the Dens completely). Yinglucks leads the polls. Thai people like to be with the winner. And Yingluck has a winning smile, is friendly and offers harmony.

    No, I did not know Thailand was not the USA.

    Anyway, no, I'm not going to do a study so why don't you point us to the part in the Thai electoral law that says a candidate can't run a campaign against an opposing party by highlighting its direct association with anarchic, violent, revolutionary rioters?

    Hmmm. Yingluck. No words at all. Avoids talking about issues. Winning because she's pretty and has a lovely smile. That's what Thai people love.

    Sounds like you work for PAD?

    Okay the OP has a hint:

    "I'm studying whether it's against the law if both audio and video (of the unrest) are shown while campaigning," Mr Suthep added. (MCOT online news)

    Guess why Suthep has to do that?

    I recommend to check my little quiz on the electoral law.


    You might also want to consider if you should not add the word alleged or allegedly when you talk about party and a "direct association with anarchic, violent, revolutionary rioters" to avoid making statements that could be seen as defamation or something like libel and slander.

    That are laws in Thailand and nobody is above them.

    Come on! For the last 2 years we have only heard the red propaganda machine telling lies about the democrat government. Mass rallies and fabricated evidence on a weekly basis. Now that the democrats want explain their side of the story, on stage, in public, people start talking about breaking the law?!

    That's right! The only mission Yingluck has is to fly below the radar and smile. Big brother will do the dirty work behind the scene! That's old school.

  3. EC commissions on holiday, no one to stop it and if they do, on what basis?

    so its finally time for some blood and guts home truths about the red leaders

    no one can dispute the video evidence as to the moral character of the red candidates

    its been seen 10,000 times by those who already have a computer and aren't just bottle fed pictures of dead reds and the associated propaganda that goes with them

    i think its a great idea to have this rally, Thais are at best forgetful

    i hope to see the worst of the worst excesses by the reds re-publicised for all to see

    i can see it now

    ok here we go then dems we have a great show for you tonight:

    red lawyers, you ready for this? get your pencils ready

    you wanted press freedom, freedom of speech, democracy as you call it, so lets do that: right now

    OK this is what red candidate # said and did:

    roll it..........

    this is the five * hotel he stayed in while you reds slept on the street

    this is what 25 million baht looks like

    this is what he has in his bank account from sources unknown while you reds get 500 baht for being here

    this is one of his five imported vehicles

    this is one of his two mansions

    this is him evicting red farmers like yourselves from land they owned to make way for a palm oil producer

    this is him inciting you reds to riot

    this is him telling you reds to kill your fellow thais

    this is him telling you reds to burn bangkok

    this is him telling you reds to burn town halls

    this is him with the convicted red fugitive Thaksin

    this is him with the red (and black) mercenary Sae Daeng

    this is him.................

    this is him..................

    this is him.................

    this is him..................

    next up we have candidate #

    this is her..................

    get it?

    do you think Farangs can go to this rally?

    sounds like it will be very entertaining especially if the reds turn up.......

    You might wanna study what the electoral law allows in a campaign and what not. The OP has some hints about it.

    EC rules or not

    you reds say you want free speech, democracy, freedom of the press etc

    the truths the truth no matter how its packaged, the reds keep demanding it, so maybe its time it was exposed for all to see

    who knows what evidence Suthep and Abhisist might have that was previously too sensitive

    maybe there is an election killer blow ih there

    maybe you should be careful what you wish for ...........

    This thing is going to be big.

  4. Well, Abhisit want to appeal the undecided voters and not those who already made their choice.

    And i don't think the blame game is the best strategy. It puts people off.

    "It puts people off"

    Yes it does, it puts undecided-voters, and the polls suggest there are still a lot of those, off voting for the PTP/Red-leader party. :o

    I suspect that the gloves will come off over the final two weeks of the election-campaign, this may not be pretty or help reconciliation, but the Democrats need to remind the voters just what the UDD/PTP has been doing, since the PPP lost power. I'd love to see Ms Yingluck trying to defend her running-mates, especially in a debate alongside PM-Abhisit, but doubt her minders will permit this.

    Better to keep harking-back to the good old days, of a booming world-economy a decade ago, and pushing the magical family-name. She's so 'amazingly fresh and hot', it might distract people from remembering the calls to burn Bangkok down, and looking at who else they're voting for on her 'slate' ! B)

    Correct! The glovers have to come off over the final two weeks. Thaksin's propaganda machine is running too fast. It is doing exactly what it is sopposed to be doing; turning Thaskin en the reds from aggressors into victims.

    You have to admit that the guy is good.

  5. The final throes of a truly desperate bunch. They are throwing away any chance of future reconciliation by riling the opposition just for the sake of their political gain. It's only going to turn more against them. I hope their propaganda is drowned out by the many reds who will surely turn out.

    Since when do the reds want a reconciliation?

    Why do the reds fear so much this kind of meeting organized by PM Abhisit?

    Why should this meeting be disturbed by the reds? After all they are always talking about democracy, aren't they?

    How would it be a sign of democracy if the reds turn out at the meeting and start to disturb a peaceful reunion?

    But, maybe, they are not that much for democracy? Or should it be their democracy? The one that show teeth, hate, disrespect of the others rights, and terrorize those who think differently.... Surely you were not around Ratchprasong last April May, and you did not see what happened here.... I mean when reds were harassing and threatening all who were not reds....

    Thank you for writing this down so I don't have to do it. :jap:

    Very well said!

    At the end of the day you have to feel sorry for the reds because they are just being used (even as human shields) by 1 power hungry, crooked, dangerous-as-hell person.

  6. Ducati will never make the Superbike in Thailand because it will kill their name.

    They will start with the Hypermotard 796 and Monster 796 (and it might be only these 2 models for a long period of time).

    Prices will be slightly lower for these 2 models. Around 10% cheaper max.

    If you know the difference between producing and assembling in thailand you will understand.

    Stop dreaming of Ducati half the price in LOS...people.

    I am happy I will receive my Made In Italy ;) Monster 1100evo next week :D

  7. Unless they changed their stance, I think the Amnesty didn't include those responsible for the deaths of 90+ protesters.

    OK, then that should lift the PTP MP status for Jaturporn, Nattawut and the Red Leaders

    who are responsible for way over 50% of those 90 deaths.

    Without THEIR personal and group actions, and we've seen the videos, there would have been NO DEATHS.

    You throw out that 90 deaths as if all were caused by the army

    which is hardly by ANY measure truth today. Or any day.

    Ahh, the "protesters died as they ran into bullets" theory. Blame the victims.

    After the PT win there will be a new independent committee, investigating all these death and we might see finally some results.

    Who will be leading this investigation?

    Maybe it should be the same commitee that will be investigating Thaksin's killing of 2500 people within 90 days? Mostly innocent people got killed (without a warning, when they were sleeping).

    Was it a war on drugs or just an excuse to kill anybody that doesn't support this Thaksin criminal?

    UN and many other NGOs called Thaksin "a human rights abuser of its worst kind".

    You must be a proud man supporting Thaksin (or just un-educated).

  8. Promote what? They are just talking about the Versys bike. I believe you could learn a lot from Tony. He has been sharing a lot of good info on many bikes on this and many other forums.

    Yes he sells parts but I also know that he has solved many people's problems when they needed parts for their bikes.

    Come on man be positive :jap:

    i think you only promote this because you sell aftermarket parts for it, loaded content me thinks.

    Back to the point here... The Versys might not be the best offroading machine out there (how much does the BMW cost?), but for what you pay it is probably one of the best buys you have out there. It is not a sports bike- or a streetfighter- or a muscle bike--- guess it leaves touring then, does all things well, but nothing perfect- kind of a jack of all trades...

    ^ +1 Exactly!

    The Versys, weighing just over 200kg, is certainly not a dirt bike, though people have modded it for off road use:


    It's a bit tall and underpowered to be called a sports bike though it does surprisingly well on the track:


    As the name implies, the Versys is a versatile general purpose touring bike. Up to you what you want to do with it.

    If you want a Kawasaki adventure bike then the KLR650 is probably a better choice, but as mentioned earlier it's not sold in Thailand.

    Here in Thailand with limited selection of models and imported motorcycle prices being what they are the domestically produced Kawasaki Versys, priced at 285k Baht costs less than half of similar bikes like the BMW F800GS and Triumph Tiger 800 and many reviewers actually choose the cheap Kwacker over the pricey European imports.

    How lucky we are to be in Thailand at a time when the bike scene is growing by leaps and bounds and more and more brands and models are becoming available every year.

    Let the Good Times Roll!

  9. Nice to see you here to Tony,

    The short thing wasn't referring to you by the way, i hope no offense taken. It wasn't a racist comment a factual one about demographical size.

    I think a couple of guys in Chiang Mai have already sold their Versys as they were disappointed with performance and its Adventure ability and bought Triumph Scramblers and are very pleased with the choice they made.

    " that can handle a bit of rough stuff along the way. ' - er, this surly means adventure biike!

    If they'd put a 21" front wheel on it, it would have been a 1/2 decent adventure bike. It's needs a conversion to be useful as an adventure bike, a pretend adventure bike in its current state. the KLR 650 makes much more sense here, but kawa wont market it as the Thai's are too short.

    Hey Phil,

    Nice to see you on ThaiVisa.

    The Versys is not an adventure bike, it's a road bike. In fact Kawasaki calls it a sport bike. Really it's just an ER6n / Ninja 650R with upgraded suspension that can handle a bit of rough stuff along the way.

    FYI the KLR 650 isn't sold in Thailand because it's still carbureted and won't pass Thai emissions.

    The 35 inch seat height of the KLR is 2 inches taller than the Versys which may prove daunting to the vertically challenged, but as with the Versys there are many solutions for lowering the bike so your racist "Thai's are too short" argument falls a bit flat.

    Happy Trails!

    It's always nice to see how people join a forum and then right away start making statements without having read trough the pages

  10. Yoall,

    There is a buzz coming from my Versys dash :annoyed: . On the net I can only find poeple with the same problem that ride the older model Versys.

    Anybody who bought their Versys in LOS (latest model) has the same problem? Did you fix it?



    Just curious. Have you put any of the little wide angle mirrors on the regular mirrors of your bike? I put two on mine and later the bike developed a buzz that I could not locate. Later, though trial and error, I found that the small mirrors are vibrating and that is causing the sound. But to sit on the bike and hear it, you would never guess it is coming from somewhere high, like the mirrors. Sounds like it is centered on the bike and much further down.

    Haven't changed anything close to the dash area. The buzzing started at around 1000km on the odo.

  11. Concerning the waiting time:

    Well.. I don't know where you ordered your bike. I guess @ Kwaker Pattaya. This so called 3 months waiting bla bla they always say in order to sell their crappy second hand bikes (mostly from rental shops) at a premium. Once you make clear to them you only want a new one they will have it within a few days, maximum 1-2 weeks. I have been in that situation a few times before.

    I dare to say that for sure they are not telling you the truth!!

    Don't fall for the "sorry no bikes available trap"

    Have a nice Sunday!

  12. Ducati's seem to sell well in Thailand at their current inflated prices, so perhaps, like Triumph with their Thai BOI factory, this will benefit the company with larger margins and lower labor costs but not the consumers with lower prices?

    Its not going to be easy for Ducati to pull a kwaker.

    Ducati uses european suppliers, most of them not present as makers in LOS, thus parts need to be imported. While the japs bikes uses japs parts made in LOS, same suppliers as the car industry who have been here for decades.

    To qualify for the low kwaker taxis, 70-80% of the bikes parts must be LOS made

    Ducatis LOS operation is most likely to be similar as Triumph, duty free "import" of parts to their factory in a BOI zone, but still considered an imported bike when sold in LOS. IOW no change in Thai retail price

    Yes correct. Eventually Ducati will not sell its bikes for much less then today's prices in LOS. And as Tony said, "they sell good so why change much"

    I belive Ducati only make the frame and engine in Italy. All other parts are imported mainly from Italy and Germany. I doubt that many parts will come from Thailand in the future so it will be difficult to qualify as Made In Thailand. Therefor only assemby with some BOI privileges and savings on labor cost.

    It will never sell as "cheap" (in comparising) as Kwaker can do here.


  13. Some pics I took yesterday as Meancatdaddy and Nickymaster were at the dealer getting bits done. I mangaed to get another Pirrelli Rosso on for 6.5k. Next time I will order a sport touring tyre as this one will only last another 4k kilometers! I tried everywhere for the Battalax and others but alas, no luck and the thread was showing on my old Rossos. Arh.

    Meancatdaddy got a Leo Vince underbody exhaust and it was unbelievably sweet sounding but wasn't as loud as Nickymaster's 250 Yoshi add on, on his Slime green er6n. see pics.

    I didn't manage to get a pic on Meancatdaddy's Leo Vince because I was in awe of the thing when he first started it up. 23k for that. Kawasaki Pattaya now have loads of stock from Carbon Yoshis to Titanium Akrapovics @ 27k !

    Me and Meancatdaddy both agree on the understated exhaust without being STUCK out the side of the bike.

    Nice one Leo Vince - those Italians do know how to do things. Oh and btw good luck on your new 777k Ducati Nickymaster - can't wait to go for another ride with you on that thing hahaha.

    Keep those good times rolling.

    Hi there Norman,

    Had a good laugh last saturday with you and Meancatdaddy.

    We should have another ride soon

    For my new bike I need to pay the DP this weekend :(

    BTW my bike will be for sale if I can find a buyer otherwise I will keep it.

    Don't know really why I bought another one B):( really love the ER6 :rolleyes:


    Yeh we'll have to have a run out a bit further next week, I'll get my leather s on (will have to lose a few kilos first hahaha).laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

    I'm waiting for my green chain and Leo Vince at the mo.cool.gifcool.gifcool.gifcool.gif

    As soon as they come I will get them fitted, that way, I will be able to keep up with you and Meancatdaddy jap.gifjap.gifjap.gifjap.gif

    Will give you guys a phone when I'm done.

    I would keep your money and put a few more mods on your er6n if I were you. wink.gifwink.gifwink.gifwink.gif

    Keep those good times rolling jap.gif


    Paid the deposit for my new bike today. Delivery in June 2011 ;):unsure:

    Anyone interested in my ER6n can PM me. I can sell with or without mods. I will put it in the classifieds next month but I am willing to sell from now on. 1 year old (Model 2010) and only 45xx km!! Will not be expensive!


    ps Norman I got up late and the race was over at 11.00 or so which made me decide to stay in BKK. Anyhow hope you had a good time @ Bira.


  14. Some pics I took yesterday as Meancatdaddy and Nickymaster were at the dealer getting bits done. I mangaed to get another Pirrelli Rosso on for 6.5k. Next time I will order a sport touring tyre as this one will only last another 4k kilometers! I tried everywhere for the Battalax and others but alas, no luck and the thread was showing on my old Rossos. Arh.

    Meancatdaddy got a Leo Vince underbody exhaust and it was unbelievably sweet sounding but wasn't as loud as Nickymaster's 250 Yoshi add on, on his Slime green er6n. see pics.

    I didn't manage to get a pic on Meancatdaddy's Leo Vince because I was in awe of the thing when he first started it up. 23k for that. Kawasaki Pattaya now have loads of stock from Carbon Yoshis to Titanium Akrapovics @ 27k !

    Me and Meancatdaddy both agree on the understated exhaust without being STUCK out the side of the bike.

    Nice one Leo Vince - those Italians do know how to do things. Oh and btw good luck on your new 777k Ducati Nickymaster - can't wait to go for another ride with you on that thing hahaha.

    Keep those good times rolling.

    Hi there Norman,

    Had a good laugh last saturday with you and Meancatdaddy.

    We should have another ride soon

    For my new bike I need to pay the DP this weekend :(

    BTW my bike will be for sale if I can find a buyer otherwise I will keep it.

    Don't know really why I bought another one B):( really love the ER6 :rolleyes:


  15. The raiser on the Versys will not fit the ER6. It's a complete different connection to the top clamp. I have raised the handlebars on my ER6n by 35mm using simple raisers (locally made). It's such a pleasure drving the bike now. The load on my wrists and shoulders is completly gone. I know many people don't like to raise the bars but IMO it's one of the best things you can do to the bike (anyhow for me it's a touring bike not a racing bike):D

    In terms of cables, 35mm is the maximum you can go not to get into trouble with the length. I will post a picture tonight.


    FWIW you should never have a "load" on your wrists and shoulders... If you do then you are not riding the bike correctly. Try gripping the tank with your knees and supporting your weight with your core muscles. :)

    Depends on your size Tony.. Taller riders often get pitched forward on smaller bikes.. My Baby blade was killer for this.

    I also believe that the way people are build affects the "ideal" driving position. And..... some people have back problems and therefor compensate certain activities by using other muscles.B)


  16. i would like to raise the height of the handlebars on my ER6,does anyone know whether the raiser on the versey (part 46012a) would fit straight on and will the cables etc be long enough to facilitate this......whats the availability and approximate cost of the part

    The raiser on the Versys will not fit the ER6. It's a complete different connection to the top clamp. I have raised the handlebars on my ER6n by 35mm using simple raisers (locally made). It's such a pleasure drving the bike now. The load on my wrists and shoulders is completly gone. I know many people don't like to raise the bars but IMO it's one of the best things you can do to the bike (anyhow for me it's a touring bike not a racing bike):D

    In terms of cables, 35mm is the maximum you can go not to get into trouble with the length. I will post a picture tonight.


  17. Hey Guys!

    I just bought a Versys swingarm from Kawasaki that I'm going to install on my ER6n "RR". A bit pricey at ~7400 Baht, but oh well ;-)

    Will post up some pics once the new Versys swingarm is on the ER6n. The aluminum Versys swingarm is lighter and more rigid than the steel swingarm on the EX650. Should be just the thing!

    Ride On!


    110410TonysVersysSSR.jpg __________________

    2006 GSXR 1000 aka "The BEAST"

    2009 Kawasaki ER6n "RR" biggrin.gif

    2010 Lime Green Ninja 650R!- SOLD :-(

    2011 Versys has arrived! cool.gif

    Wow! I was hoping you would start swopping parts from Versys to ER6. Does the back spring from the ER6 fit with the Versys swingarm? Is it not too short?

    To be honest, I was really hoping you would also swap the front forks :ph34r:since that is something I am going to do :lol: .

    I probably have to make sure that all the cables are long enough and might have to use a Versys front fender too.

    I will order a set of frontforks this week and will keep you updated.

    BTW, have you fisically checked if the front forks have the same diameter (since you have 2 bikes standing next to eachother)


    Yes, the Versys forks will fit the ER6n/Ninja 650R just fine. Triple tree (steering stem) and top clamp are identical on both bikes.

    Have you priced the parts you want to buy? Considering the cost of the Versys suspension components it would probably make more sense, cost wise, to sell your ER6n and buy a Versys rather than spend about ~50,000 Baht to upgrade ER6n suspension to Versys spec.


    But if you do upgrade your ER6n with Versys forks I hope you'll post up some pictures as I'm sure there will be others who would like to do the same.

    Ride On!


    Went to Kawa Pat today to analyse the forks on the Versys. In order to swap the legs, you also have to swap the top and bottom clamp... ER6 is about 40mm and Versys is about 46mm. Hmm, that is going to be a fairly big operation. Drove the Versys today and like the front suspension. Better then I thought. The rear is still fairly low standard IMO.

    So, since I cannot just swap the forks, I will go back to my previous plan: get fully adjsutable cartridges from Bitubo during my trip back home.



  18. Hey Guys!

    I just bought a Versys swingarm from Kawasaki that I'm going to install on my ER6n "RR". A bit pricey at ~7400 Baht, but oh well ;-)

    Will post up some pics once the new Versys swingarm is on the ER6n. The aluminum Versys swingarm is lighter and more rigid than the steel swingarm on the EX650. Should be just the thing!

    Ride On!


    110410TonysVersysSSR.jpg __________________

    2006 GSXR 1000 aka "The BEAST"

    2009 Kawasaki ER6n "RR" biggrin.gif

    2010 Lime Green Ninja 650R!- SOLD :-(

    2011 Versys has arrived! cool.gif

    Wow! I was hoping you would start swopping parts from Versys to ER6. Does the back spring from the ER6 fit with the Versys swingarm? Is it not too short?

    To be honest, I was really hoping you would also swap the front forks :ph34r:since that is something I am going to do :lol: .

    I probably have to make sure that all the cables are long enough and might have to use a Versys front fender too.

    I will order a set of frontforks this week and will keep you updated.

    BTW, have you fisically checked if the front forks have the same diameter (since you have 2 bikes standing next to eachother)


  19. Sunday morning ride @ 9am - meet outside Kawasaki Pattaya Mitiyon. Myself and Big Guns will be heading towards Chachoengsao we think. dry.gif

    All welcome for a steady ride to take in the sights. jap.gif

    Keep those good times rolling in this lovely cool and windy weather we are having smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

    Hi Norman and all,

    Are there any future rides planned? I live in the Bang Na area and could start from Pattaya (better ofcourse from somewhere closer to my place :D )


    Yes of course, we will plan another soon. On a weekend for me and just for a few hours. Here is the only pic I took. Sorry just worked out that way.

    This was in a petrol station on the 344 road.

    The temple was great although we didn't stop there as the KFC was beckoning at the local Big C. hehehe.

    Keep those good times rolling.

    Cool! Please keep us informed on furture trips.:D


  20. The Zed could be something for Big Guns. Although I'd quite fancy the Z750, a bit worried that the Z1000 is a bit too much :o

    Correct there Big Guns, do Kawasaki sell the Z750 ere?huh.gif

    Sunday morning ride @ 9am - meet outside Kawasaki Pattaya Mitiyon. Myself and Big Guns will be heading towards Chachoengsao we think. dry.gif

    All welcome for a steady ride to take in the sights. jap.gif

    Keep those good times rolling in this lovely cool and windy weather we are having smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

    Hi Norman and all,

    Are there any future rides planned? I live in the Bang Na area and could start from Pattaya (better ofcourse from somewhere closer to my place :D )


  21. Was at Kawa Pattaya yesterday to have a look at the new Versys. I am sure it's a good tour bike (specially for the rough Thai roads) but I decided to keep my ER6-N.


    She has been very good to me and I have always enjoyed her alot. In other words we have a good relationship. I don't want to leave her because there is another (improved) model available. ;)

    Futhermore, instead I treated her on a new Ohlins rear suspension :lol::D. I am waiting for some Ohlins springs for the front and together with my Yoshi exhaust I believe the bike will be close to perfect (for me atleast) :jap:

    ---I heard at the Kawa dealer that they would start selling the Z1000 next year October. If it's true..... it would be something to seriously consider.

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