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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

    Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

    Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

    Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

    Abhisit is nothing more than a sore looser. He needs to be reminded that the people showed he didn't do anything while in office and they disapprove, not by a little, but a landslide. He acts like a child and therefore needs to be treated as such. Just pat him on the head when he speaks and tell him to be a good boy and sit down. He is part of the Bangkok elete born with a silver spoon in his mouth and wants to have a voice. He had a voice and blew it. He needs to go back to England where they put up with a$$holes like him and get a real job. Something he has never had.

    Not at all. Abhisit is acting in the best interests of Thailand and democracy. It is the role of the opposition to oppose where they think they need to intervene and support where that is needed too. This is democracy at work. Fortunately Abhisit is better placed to understand the true nature of democracy that the despots currently in power. That he lost the election has nothing to do with democracy. It has a lot to do with the campaign of villification against Abhisit in a way that would never be accepted in true democracies. This campaign extended to the heartlands of the North East where 'training in democracy' (ie propaganda and indoctrination) were key tools to use on the masses against the Democrats. During the election I drove from Chiang Mai to Chantaburi. On the way I must have passed a thousand or more posters advertising the Democrats - 99% of these were defaced. I also passed the same number of Red posters. Only one was defaced. In true democracies you must let all sides have a voice. The reds, under Thaksin's evil guidance, ensured that Abhisit's democratic voice was taken away. Indeed all the lies and filth spoken against Abhisit (including the carefully manipulated red riots in BKK and the associated deaths) were a successful long term strategy to overturn the Democrats. But was this a democratic campaign? Not at all!

    And is Thaksin and his family not part of the elite? Although he comes from a wealthy and privileged background did Thaksin not add to his considerable wealth by stealing from the Thai people? For every 100 baht that he claimed to give to the poor through his various schemes, I think a figure of 94 baht was the sum that ended up in the Shinawatra family coffers.

    Those who cannot see the truth here will no doubt be singing from a different song sheet in the next two years. There are many examples of despots grabbing power then emptying the wealth of their country into numbered Swiss accounts. Idi Amin? The Marcos? Gadhaffi? Many many more and Thaksin is of the same breed. He is the worse kind of anti-democrat because he has the gift of twisting events and circumstances, fact and truths to such an extent that he creates his own truth. So forcefully done that the dispossessed, the uneducated and the poor farmers actually believe him.

    Abhisit fought his own people because they did not want the corruption to end. There is no evidence of Abhisit being personally corrupt. And if he is the monster that you make him out to be, then why did he not flee the country when the fascists won their manipulated election with the support of 35% of Thai people??

    Referring to Abhisit as the back of a person's bottom is ill considered and rude. What qualifies YOU to make such a judgement? Fascism, dictatorship and the like feeds on such ignorance.

    Well said. You know what you are talking about. Those farangs who are brainwashed by their up-northern and eastern partners could learn a lot from your post.

  2. This man is amazing. There he constantly bellows about 'reconciliation' from his exile in Dubai and just doesn't realize that his incessant meddling is one of the main obstacles to achieve that. If only he could take a step back for once and show that he really means what he preaches. But he is too power-hungry, too self-absorbed and considers himself much too important and indispensable for Thailand's future. To be honest: Thailand will be better off without him and his constant intrigues and politics-playing.

    Give it up, Thaksin! Your sister is now in power just as you've engineered it. Be satisfied and leave it at that and give her a chance to get to task without your relentless interfering!

    You are so right.

  3. Have you tried Kawa Pattaya?

    They always have some new ones I believe. Either in the showroom or in the back.

    NormanW most probably could tell you. He lives in the area.

    Anyone knows a kawa dealer which have a er6n on stock to go? The 2 dealers in BKK have a delivery time of 1 month annoyed.gif

  4. Correct!!

    I've said it before and I'll say it again - not one person in the reds has ever given a detailed presentation, given a detailed explanation to their followers, distributed any focus and detailed literature about what democracy really means, why it is good, the pillars that build democracy and the pillars that need to be strongly and continuously protected. And one of them is freedom of speech and encouragement of broad open discussion and listening to all arguments.

    Why has none of the above even been done by the reds?

    - Most of them have zero to little actual knowledge of the subject.

    - In reality the word 'democracy' is just a nasty smokescreen over a different intent.

  5. Great fun but next time (Aug 8) I will have some Supercorsa's (i guess SPs, SCs probably no need at this stage) on my Versys in stead of the Strada's. BTW the Strada's weren't that bad once they were heated up. Problem is it took a few laps.. Next time I have to spend more time adjusting the front suspension. For sure have to increase the pre-load. The bike was "diving" to much.

    With a few adjustments the rear suspension worked very well at the track I have to say.

    Pics of us yesterday.


  6. hehe let's start with the Versys. Remember, my only track experience is on 4 wheels B)

    I will be focussing on the proper racing lines rather than speed. Although I do believe that I will be switching to the Ducati very soon.

    I am just too curious to find out how it will do on the track.

    Yep, guys that know their way around the track are very welcome to turn up :jap: Will be a good change for me to copy them :ph34r:

    BTW Norman monday Bira?

    Let's prey for dry weather but I doubt it.


    Yeh I'm on for Monday.

    Let's hope Colin and Tony turn up eh?

    Meancatdaddy with his white er6n goes offshore on Tuesday so he's out.

    Are you taking the Ducati or Versys?

  7. I saw the same ZX10R latest model ('11) with red plates at Kawa Pattaya last week.. Looked like a demo or so..

    Yes, my friend bought one to compliment his N650 a few months ago.

    ZX10R for city riding.

    N650 for touring. :D

    I don't know if they sell ZX10s here anymore.ohmy.gif

    I saw one for sale in Pattaya Mitiyon yesterday that was only a few months old and they want 560k for it I think.

    It hadn't been dropped and it might be the one that falang bought when I was there once. I think he worked in Singapore or some where. I didn't get to see how many kms were on it. I'll have a look.

    Too fast for me blink.gif

  8. Hi there NomanW,

    Are you changing sprockets and chain agian :o

    Thought you just changed all that stuff..

    C u @ Thailand circuit 16-17.

    Take care

    Trying to get my sat nav (TomTom) to work here as I downloaded the Thai map in England.

    Got a new AFAM gold chain (expensive 90 quid) and Renthal front sprockets (same price as here). But I couldn't get a black rear sprocket with 48 teeth.

    Trying to get sorted for the 16th and 17th.


    Tried to start my bike this morning and nothing, after several attempts it started. Looks like a new battery, so off to buy/order a new one. I wonder how much a battery costs?

    Go go go! jap.gif

  9. I'm still puzzled at the opposition to the Democrats campaigning at Rachaprasong. It's only a few hours, it's neither a Monday or a Friday. Personally I'd be surprised at numbers larger than 10,000 - 20,000 attending. Some of the UDD leaders who are now 'respectable PTP party candidates were there for months, full blast sound level. Let and leave the Dem's.

    Of course the Thaksin / PTP / UDD engaged Robert Amsterdam complains

    ""It's not only a profound insult to the victims and survivors, Prime Minister Abhisit is flaunting his denial of responsibility for this atrocity in an attempt to provoke Red Shirts and shore up support among his political base," said Robert Amsterdam, lawyer for the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), who has filed an application before the International Criminal Court requesting an independent investigation into the political violence last year."


    He's paid for it. More than a year now this person has insulted the Thai government and the intelligence of Thai and many other people. The ICC won't tell, but I wonder if they already told him a firm NO on this 'request to investigate a possible bla bla blablabla' ?

    I am sure the ICC has a dossier as thick as Amsterdam's head and ass held stacked up, about his doings. No doubt many secret services / intelligence agencies and Interpol, have him under surveillance regularly. His client roster alone demands this. His attempts to manipulate the politics in foreign countries alone is enough to keep general tabs on his doings.

    This low-life Amsterdam guy belongs to the most dirty people in the world. He defends the biggest criminals . For money his propagande machine works for anybody . He would even try to create a civil war if that's what is needed for his client to win.:bah:

  10. What a joke.

    This kind of statement coming form Thida/her son. I should not judge people by their appearance, but Thida looks out of touch with reality.

    This statement coming from her son, written by a PR machine that gets millions from Thaksin.

    Who is out of touch with the poor?

    -Giving poeple credit cards who you know cannot pay back is not allowed in the western world. Thaksin gives the poorest people credit cards. They will never be able to pay back the money.

    -Thaksin is a billionaire who never paid taxes. All these billions could have gone indirectly to the poor but Thaksin decided to keep the money inside his family.

    Looks like PT is going bananas over 1 rally-1 day at the spot they have terrorised Bangkok for months.

    Give me a break!!

  11. Yoall,

    There is a buzz coming from my Versys dash :annoyed: . On the net I can only find poeple with the same problem that ride the older model Versys.

    Anybody who bought their Versys in LOS (latest model) has the same problem? Did you fix it?



    Mine has a buzz too. It's not very loud, but it's there... I don't know where exactly it comes from ... didn't fix it; let me know if you find out what's caused yours...

    I got rid of the buzz. I believe the pictures do not need text.




  12. The reds shirts are controlled, managed and sometimes even paid by their leaders. All rallies are organised by Thaksin and the red shirt leaders. People are invited to come. All this is done to overtrow the government.

    This is something very different from an uprising or revolution. No reveulution in this world has a whole media and propagande machine (and a lot of money) behind it.

    So anybody who believes that 20 thousand people camping out at a rallie site (organised and paid for) in the midle of a city is a reason that a government should resign, has in my opinion very little education.

    You can dislike the Dems, that's fine. But what Thaksin is doing (trough his red leaders) is simply organised crime.

  13. Remember, last election PPP won 48.5% of the seats in the parliament. With Samak!

    Now PT has Yingluck and even putsch general Sonthi doesn't have any hard feelings.

    Didn't the Democrats get more Proportional-votes than PPP, in the December-2007 election ?

    So it's surely slightly-misleading to say only "last election PPP won 48.5% of the seats", without mentioning the proportional-vote which they lost, for balance.

    Perhaps Ms-Yingluck's smile will overcome PTP's many other problems, so long as she isn't exposed to a debate, with the other party-leaders.

    But the Democrats have every right to remind the voters of exactly what many of her fellow MP-candidates said or did a year ago. B)

    It isn't misleading to count the seats that were actually won. Its a representative democracy and what matters are the number of seats in the House of Representatives.

    But okay the 48.5% seats are a result of the 2007 voting system. 2011 is it very different.

    Did they lost the proportional vote?

    Adam Carr's Election Archive has two different results


    Party                                      Votes       %        Seats    
    Thai Nation Party (PCT)                     1,440,287  04.4       4
    Neutral Democratic Party (PMT)                480,893  01.5       -
    People's Power Party (PPP)                 13,166,335  40.3      34
    Royalist People's Party (PPR)                 580,768  01.8       1
    Democrat Party (PP)                        12,765,281  39.1      33
    For the Motherland Party (PPP)              1,863,156  05.7       7
    Thais United Nat Dev Party (PRJTCP)           894,391  02.7       1
    Others                                      1,495,630  04.6       -
    Total                                      32,686,741            80

    Party                                      Votes       %        
    Thai Nation Party (PCT)                     1,545,282  04.4       
    Neutral Democratic Party (PMT)                528,464  01.5       
    People's Power Party (PPP)                 14,071,799  39.6      
    Royalist People's Party (PPR)                 750,158  02.1       
    Democrat Party (PP)                        14,084,265  39.6      
    For the Motherland Party (PPP)              1,981,021  05.6       
    Thais United Nat Dev Party (PRJTCP)           948,544  02.7       
    Others                                      1,626,234  04.6
    Total                                      35,535,767

    What are your sources to speak of a defeat?

    We are getting close. You finally start to realise that the Proportional votes might be the most important in judging a person's or party's popularity.

    If you look at the trend between 2001, 2005 and 2007, you might think that 2011 might be even worse for Thaksin.

    My source is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_general_election,_2007


  14. It's fairly obvious now the reds/Pheu Thai/Thaksin/Shinawatras will win this election. Then what? Does anyone seriously believe that victory will lead to peace and reconciliation?

    Why is it fairly obvious? People like to talk about "the latest polls", but no one ever posts them. Don't get caught up in the spin.

    Thaksin has been saying for the last 2 years that he would win 270 seats, nothing new. He know it's not true but that's the only way he can blame the military for manipulating the results which gives him more reason to start a new round of violence with the reds. So called injustice.

    That's why Yingluck keeps on saying: "all the polls say we will win, so we should win" Well, no poll has convinced me.

    But it will fire back. More and more anti-Thaksin people will go to vote now. Thaksin has scared them. I still believe Mingkwan would have been a better choice. The should have kept it quiet but Thaksin cannot be quiet.

  15. I find it strange that we've had 3 pages of this thread and no one has yet complained - as they did when the red shirt movement held rallies there - about the total lack of consideration given to the ordinary people who work in or use the Ratchprasong area to commute through on a daily basis, and the disruption and loss this event will doubtless bring them.

    Did I miss the thread dedicated to the Dems' traffic-easing contingency plans and compensation scheme for time or money lost due to this event?

    Or does everyone automatically think that the number of people in attendance is hardly going to raise such concerns?

    Just seems strange, that's all. ;)

    Let's wait for the reaction from the shop owners and traders there first. However perhaps no trade will be "lost" as they'll be too busy participating ;)

    This is political campaigning --- aimed at those that were most affected by the Redshirts --- It isn't the Dem's fault that many of the leaders of the violent, arsonistic (is that a word?) violent, group who have many leaders charged with terrorism are now running under the PTP banner.

    Think about the imagery if they are allowed to use Arisaman's words and speech calling on people to bring 1,000,000 bottles to be filled with gasoline to burn BKK, and the same for Natthuwut's speeches ... and Weng's and Isaan Rambo, and and and and --- (all but Arisaman are on PTP party-list --- since he is STILL a fugitive they had to pick his wife to put on the PTP party-list)

    I am not sure they will be allowed to use those images, but I hope they can! (Using the men's unedited public speeches might be legal ..... )

    One of Thaksin's lawyers who was involved in the cookie box scandal is on the party list too. :ph34r:

  16. OK, alleged. Who's playing the FEAR card now?

    The Dems playing the Fear card. PT wants to bring *Thaksin back*, they say. to appeal those people who fear/hate Thaksin.

    Problem: Thaksin was the most popular PM ever, during his days as PM. And it is only a tiny minority who actually hate him or hate the reds. Many people still support Thaksin and/or the reds. And probably much more don't care, don't hate Thaksin and don't mind if he would come back or not.

    The Dems playing a game that they cannot really win, alleged target are the undecided voters, but they have probably those in mind who would choose the NO Vote option. For that ultra wing they are now trying to look a little bit like tough girls.

    So you are saying he is, or was popular? Ok, then let's have a look at the Proportional votes of the 2007 election by comparing the valid votes of all adult citizens who were eligible to participate.

    In 2007 TRT Party received 14,071,799 of the Proportional votes, and the Dems received 14,084,265 of the Proportional votes.

    Can we say that in 2007 Abhisit was more popular than Thaksin (Samak)?

    Luckily, now the Proportional votes are becoming more important then that they were in 2005. In 2005 it was all about the Constituency votes.

    Or let's look at it this way. From all the 38,981,412 Thai People that were eligible to vote in 2007, TRT Party received 14,071,799 votes.

    Why the huge decline in votes in 2007 from the landslide wins in 2001 and 2005? Because people were fed up with over-the-top corruption and started voting for the Dems.

    I believe that today his propaganda machine is trying to make him very popular again by portraying him as the "warrior for justice". Our own Super Hero. And it might work.

    Remember, the best way to confuse (and then brain-wash) people, is by making them believe the exact opposite.


    PPP won 199 of possible 400 seats in the constituencies. they won 34 seats of possible 80 seats in the proportional voting.

    And that after the gerrymandering of the constituencies and the voting system by the military.

    This election will have different constituencies again.

    For the proportional vote there isn't any Samak anymore, but Yingluck and she is very popular according to the polls.

    The promising new comer - 'lets give it a try' - bonus for Abhisit in 2007 don't exist anymore and people have seen how is under the Dems. Check the latest polls how convincing it was.

    You can only talk about the Constituency voting.

    So you are saying that 1 person 1 vote is not the best way to measure a party's/person's popularity? (one question that only needs one short answer)

  17. Why shouldnt the Democratic Party hold a rally at such a venue. If the UDD Thug brigade say its provocation it only goes to show they no nothing about democracy( simple fact ) . A nasty evil bunch of villians in Thailand . When I was close to them at Rajadamri on their sorties in Bangkok since last year it was so tempting to tell them to their face , but such are these low life it would have been endangering my personal safety.

    And why shouldn't opposition parties stage counter rallies which is quite normal in democracies.

    These low life as you call them welcomed me when they held their demos and were on the whole remarkably peacefull.

    They certainly didn't instigate the violence and the fact that they accounted for nearly all the victim of violence says it all. Despite a huge surge surge in censorship by the Democrats since then they have been unable to hide the truth and Thais will show their disgust at the elections which is the right way to do it. The army may again order other parties to join the democrats in usurping the will of the people so lets hope they get an overall majority.

    You might want to take a look at Thai electoral law. Organized interference with political campaigning will see the offending party banned.

    Your propaganda doesn't match reality as the reds escalated the violence every time. They had a goal. Get the current government out before October1 2010, when the next head of the army was chosen. They (as they saw it) had to get red blood (rhetoric intended) to flow on the streets, thinking that like every time in the past; when the military confronted civilians the government fell almost immediately (check Thai history). It failed this time because the people of Thailand didn't see the reds as civilians, they saw them as an armed insurgency (which they were) and a paid mob (which they were) attempting to provoke the government into violence. They almost accomplished that, but by them escalating the violence at every stage it failed.


  18. OK, alleged. Who's playing the FEAR card now?

    The Dems playing the Fear card. PT wants to bring *Thaksin back*, they say. to appeal those people who fear/hate Thaksin.

    Problem: Thaksin was the most popular PM ever, during his days as PM. And it is only a tiny minority who actually hate him or hate the reds. Many people still support Thaksin and/or the reds. And probably much more don't care, don't hate Thaksin and don't mind if he would come back or not.

    The Dems playing a game that they cannot really win, alleged target are the undecided voters, but they have probably those in mind who would choose the NO Vote option. For that ultra wing they are now trying to look a little bit like tough girls.

    Can you please state your sources regarding the "only tiny majority who actually hate him or the reds, etc...."

    Surely you have accurate data to back up your statement.... Or is it just part of the usual bulls..t propaganda that we can see too often...?

    How about the last election or the latest polls?

    In 2007 TRT Party received 14,071,799 of the Proportional votes, and the Dems received 14,084,265 of the Proportional votes.

    Polls in Thailand I don't trust and they also mean nothing. Especially with up to 44% of people that are still undecided.

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