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Posts posted by pastitche

  1. its not really all that dishonest ,

    those noodles would last for years ,i have bought jars of coffee ,crates of beer and probably other stufff in the past that has a use by date but doesnt really change

    dishonest would be changing the dates ,or hiding the expired date with a sticker and selling it for normal price

    they are giving people a choice to buy a poduct for 4 thb thats perfectly fine to be eaten

    differnt if it were fresh meat or dairy product that might cause a risk but these are as "wholesome" as they ever were .......

    Sadly, this is quite necessary in Thailand and esp as many of Tesco Lotus' customers are dirt poor. Helps that poor Thais have stomachs like nuclear fission reactors. They wouldn't buy if they were always getting deathly ill.

    Utter nonsense, have you ever been to Tesco? Their prices are nowhere near as low as the local markets used by "dirt poor".
  2. Yes i can confirm the product was "noodles".

    When i walk inside a "western owned" business, i am expecting that basic health rules would be respected, after all, if they have an expiry date, it must mean something, so, it would be the people in charge of making these sort of decision working in the company in question to make sure at least the very basic requirements are adhered to


    and also make sure that the managers implement these discounts BEFORE the expiration date, not having a 6 months nap and then wake up to start the sales, i am scared to think with what else they might come up with, not long ago i can recall another place(not Tesco) switching off all the fridges at night to save on the bills ! laugh.png

    My old grandmother used to switch off the fridge because she had been told that leaving electrical appliances on, they might go on fire...the butter was usually spreadable
  3. ...

    Was it a joke about a French lad at Murrayfield?

    Surely you remember the joke about the French lad who asks for an England shirt for his birthday?

    If not, you must be the only one

    Go on then - remind me; has it got something to do with le coq sportif?
  4. Uhm, interesting theblether mate, a bit hard to keep it Thailand-related though..

    Your last line :" Is it so hard to keep an open mind ?"

    Yes it's hard !

    If you want to treat everybody the same, you'll probably end to be seen as a stranger by everybody.. My little experience so far..

    The reality is that the really free minds have a hard time in this world smile.png

    I agree with that, I am not proposing that we go through life in some hippie style peace and love happy clappy fashion, we still need to keep our wits about us.

    The Thai angle comes from the fact that this country really has tribal issues, which are dealt with a bit haphazardly but on the whole Thailand ensures that the refugees have a safe home. We also know that there is nationalism afoot here, and a degree of racism.

    I found it interesting that the young man mentioned was doing a dissertation on the subject based upon Rwanda, when in reality this country is a better case study. We discussed the effects of the troubles in Mynamar and how that was driving tribal people into Thailand, and that really got him thinking.

    Got me thinking too.......unusual event that biggrin.png

    Haven't the Thais, as a matter of policy, been sending hmong refugees back to Laos where they are being persocuted?

    When you say "the Thais" do you mean all Thais, or some sub-set of all Thais? Perhaps those that live in Thailand? Perhaps th Thai government? Perhaps some groups within the Thai Immigration Department, acting on behalf of the Thai Government, or perhaps acting without the sanction of the Thai goernment...

    I don't have an axe to grind in that race (some woul say there's no such thing as race, though Bernie Ecclestone might disagree), but I just highlight that as an example of how imprecise language can be used to engender prejudice and encourage an "Us and Them" mentality, which stood us in such good stead at Murrayfield a few weeks ago. In fact, it reminds me about a joke which I am sure you all know regarding a French lad ... anyway, I'll not bore you with that digression.

    Anyway, I am sure that NewlyMintedThai does not repatriate Hmong to be persecuted... nor Samran, though some of their compatriots might be involved in such activities.


    Was it a joke about a French lad at Murrayfield?
  5. It's some times hard to see how one man can lead a country into civil war, but it usually just takes one figure head backed by a great PR department and incessant prodding to get the job done. The makings of a national conflagration are in the final makings, and it will harm all but a few Thais in their daily lives and livelihoods. Very saddening to see all the indicators pointing to this same bad end.

    I am puzzled by your post. Where has a civil war started because of a "figure head backed by a great PR department and incessant prodding to get the job done"?

    What are all the indicators pointing to this same end outside of the normal hysteria on threads such as this?

  6. No mate, that's Brussels sprouts named after the Belgian city; looks like your Ivy League education came up short if you can't spell where you live with your HiSo wife

    OK, you got me. Sorry.


    I thought about playing the game with you, but I anticipated that it wouldn't be much fun since we both know more-or-less how it's going to go.

    You bait me. I rip you. You come back. Perhaps another guy joins in on either side. The mod comes in and deletes our stupid posts and issues us warnings. One or two 'responsible' posters make posts about getting back onto the topic. You and I get a bit upset that we typed these long-winded, silly posts that are now deleted and realize that we are powerless to get them back, and because we have no real interest in actually arguing our points with each other, rather than sending personal messages to each other, we instead just give up, more interested in selfishly feeding our individual boredom, ignoring each other for the rest of the day, and we get back to posting random, often silly things on an anonymous board.

    Yes You're right - it does tend to be boredom; we really should find something better to do.

    I see you have posted that you were leaving the thread; that's a pity since I wanted to question your assertion that Neanderthals were our ancestors. They were not and I think you will find that while the two types of humans were around at the same time, there is little evidence of interbreeding and that is hotly disputed.

  7. Spot on 473.............

    Completely agree with you.

    To hell with the naysayers and the prophets of doom.

    Fact is she is well liked and her government is growing in poise, popularity and expertise.

    Big change is coming to Thailand and the next 2 or 3 years will decide whether we go forwards or backwards.

    All the Thais I know, understand this and are worried.

    Far from the clonish fool that she is portrayed on here, she may actually become a stabilising influence.

    Many of the Thai I know are also understanding and worried.

    Anyway PM Yingluck will not attend yet another session of parliament, no questions should be asked because all should know she's not present. No need to complain, the important government figures will be present and as you know we see no reason for further dialogue.

    For those who insist on complaining, please keep in mind we have it from reliable sources that the English parliament works in a similar fashion.

    Thank you. Now go your way and don't bother us.

    How can it? There is no English parliament
  8. Ok coming from a expat who's married to a Thai-Chinese woman from a decent family;

    What I can't understand is some westerners obsession with other westerners who are with Thai Chinese women who come from a decent back ground. They always come off sounding like spiteful crabs, jealous and mocking. Almost as if to say, "I rescued some splay toed Essan hooker from the bar and a broken family, why didn't you?!?"

    Guys, really, stop riding us, we don't care who you marry here, why do you care about us?

    I think you are all missing the point. The OP asked why you told people about it not why Thai Chinese women are so much better than Thai women. The answer of course is, that the men who care what other people think of their wife or wives are very insecure. The same genre as the illiterate kids on here who find it offensive that old men have beautiful women. Insecurity. Unless you are making a point about Thai Chinese women being less expensive than Thai women to keep. I can see that. Or being good cooks. But why would you mention her ethnic background. Or to insult someone mention her toes? One of the above posters said something about splayed toes. Now that is weird. My wife is a good cook and has a tight *****. Now those are qualities that would endear a women to most men. Or my wife does not nag me. Or my wife smells good. Who cares where she is from or what shade of brown she is? More importantly why would you think I/we care?

    I am guilty a bit of what you mention, although I did it to illustrate a point about many (not all) people.

    I agree with some of what you said, but I don't think you can pin it all on some insecurity. Some of us just live by different standards and motivations, that's all. I'd be prouder to own a Lamborghini than to own a Honda City. I'd be prouder of a woman who owns a successful national business than one who works in a massage parlor. I'd be more interested and proud of a women who forsakes cooking for me (which would be a selfish want of mine) to attain higher levels of learning and career success. I'm more interested in a women who has ambition and class. I'll likely fair better in my own success being tied to a woman (and she to me) if our families are of some importance within the society we've chosen to live in. Like that. Some guys are happy with a tight a** and someone cooking for them, and that is perfectly respectable. But, some guys are onto higher order things in the world which is also perfectly respectable. But, if you ask our side to argue against your side, these are the kinds of arguments we'll make.

    Just differing values. Not sure what the other poster (the one you were addressing) thinks, but that's how I see it. It's like, ... do what you want to for your own happiness, and I'll respect your choices and any decent human being would, but I'll draw a line if you start trying to compare your bargirl to my wife. NOT YOU KERRYK! smile.png

    NOT all people are created equally, and, even if they are, they dam_n sure don't stay that way.

    And your profile says you live in a place called BRUSSELLS - where is that?
  9. Road kill in Thailand does not involve rabbits or deer....all we have are dogs, cats and humans.

    Much the same as the UK; can't remember ever seeing a deer on the road - dead or alive, and rabbits still are ridden with myxomatosis but they taste much the same as cats, I'm told. Hedgehogs on the other hand make great crisps.
    • Like 1
  10. As I have aged, I have discovered that the desirability of women has widened - at 22 it was perhaps 17 -25, at 30, perhaps 20 - 32, now I have a 42-year old wife who is significantly younger than I am - I know that libido and the ability to perform 7 times a night may decrease but interest in women never does

    There is a tendency for men to 'settle' for what they are used to having, even when those items reach their 'sell by' date.

    Trust me on this one, in the unfortunate event you have to change partners, you will be looking at the younger models again, no matter what your age.

    Of course I trust you on this, I have settled for a younger model......
  11. In Thailand, it's mangled flesh that sells. In the UK, it's WAGS, messy divorces, cheating partners, and inebriated louts that make the news. In Thailand, those people in the photos are dead. In the UK, those people in the photos are alive. Did those dead and live people ever asked to be photographed? No. The paparazzis in both cases are at fault. The newspapers and tabloids that print those photos are also at fault. Paparazzi and print media respect nobody.


    Wives and Girlfriends of notable footballers eg Victoria Beckham
  12. You may not realize it now, but soon the years will catch up with you and you will realize your post is crap.

    Hey don't be unkind, it has always been my ambition to be regarded as an ageing reprobate ( I wanted to use the French word roue but can't find the acute accent for the "e").

    I am not as young as you appear to assume but when I was 22, a colleague appeared most mornings with the greeting "Hello, did you get a bit last night?" He was 40 (pretty old to me then) and my response was usually "That is unseemly in a man of your years!"

    As I have aged, I have discovered that the desirability of women has widened - at 22 it was perhaps 17 -25, at 30, perhaps 20 - 32, now I have a 42-year old wife who is significantly younger than I am - I know that libido and the ability to perform 7 times a night may decrease but interest in women never does

  13. It's the visa costs that have turned away or ruined so many people these last few years. Out of a group of 12 or so young affluent friends on Samui, only 2 of us are left in Thailand. 8 now live in Cambodia while the others have returned to their country of birth. 5 done the old 2 million investment but only 2 ever got the money back.

    I wouldn't class as "affluent" anybody to whom 2-3k per month as quoted by lopburi makes such a difference that they have to leave Thailand. If the implication was that their departure was a great loss to Thailand, it wasn't.

    You are quite correct. The 2-3k per month is on principle. When young people have retired and spend perhaps 4-5k a night plus renting a nice beach front house for 60-70-80k a month they don't expect to jump through hoops just to be able to spend this amount of money. We were blowing a million a year EACH and if this is small potatoes given they all lived within a 3km radius of Lamai then so be it. This group (closed group) now consists of 127 people and our eyes look toward Burma. If we open the group up it would go above 1000 in days which equates to a billion Baht a year. Now do you see?

    Sour grapes. There are loads of ways to stay in Thailand legally, and with not much inconveniece. And no one takes seriously the amount of money you say you and your buddies are throwing around. Not believable. But do take it to Burma or Cambodia--they need it much more than Thailand.

    If you were paying 80k a month on rent and only blowing a million a year, how were you also spending 4 - 5k a night? Doesn't seem to add up.

    Maybe that's the total for all 127 of you?

    • Like 2
  14. Am I the only one, who has a negative feeling about this?

    i don't have negative feelings when i touch boobs.

    Do you still do things like that at your age?

    Yes, we are normal old fogies. drunk.gif

    Not old fogies - dirty old men; the longest apprenticeship in the world (apart from the Prince of Wales waiting for his first real job to become available).
  15. Every time I read a headline with the word "reconcilliation" I can't help thinking that it is not the correct word being used - reconcilliation in basic terms means forgive and forget - I hardly think red shirt mass rallies - Fugitive Thaksin claiming to be the peoples savior and threatening constantly to return is anything like reconcilliation - to me it's more like a war being called on those that don't want him here and would prefer he was arrested silenced and thrown in jail

    What word would you put in place of reconcilliation to correctly reflect what is really going on here ?

    Reconciliation spelt correctly, childish I know, but you did ask.
  16. All fat people should be punished for their selfishness.

    Everybody suffers because of their weakness for gluttony......If I get one beside me on an airline woe betide him if so much as a cm of blubber spills over into my space....

    Have them removed from the flight. Or move me to an identical aisle seat or upgrade me.

    Its unacceptable to be waddling up an aisle and have a sweating pile of blubber park his arse next to mine.

    It's obvious nobody will be removed from a flight to satisfy your petty complaint. How many times has the other part of your strategy worked?

    It was indeed tongue in cheek........

    Are you a bit of a Porker yourself.....1zgarz5.gif

    No; a humourless 83kgs.
  17. All fat people should be punished for their selfishness.

    Everybody suffers because of their weakness for gluttony......If I get one beside me on an airline woe betide him if so much as a cm of blubber spills over into my space....

    What are you going to do? Attack them with a lifo-suction machine?

    Have them removed from the flight. Or move me to an identical aisle seat or upgrade me.

    Its unacceptable to be waddling up an aisle and have a sweating pile of blubber park his arse next to mine.

    It's obvious nobody will be removed from a flight to satisfy your petty complaint. How many times has the other part of your strategy worked?
  18. Hey there, Old Sailor:


    Please don't put the masses of expat critics of Thaksinistas and redshirts (the majority of expats according to polling) in the same boat as a very small number of extremists who would post about assassinating anybody! Also, it's totally specious to suggest anti-Thaksinistas consider any Thai politician as squeaky clean. Nice try. Actually, not nice at all ...

    An interesting view but the assassination suggestions occur regularly without condemnation from the majority of expats on the forum......Why is that?
  19. I have only been in Thailand 1 year,please take this in to account when reading this post.I am amazed at the venomous attacks on Mr T has he caused Farangs living here so much pain and misery.I think the best people to decide if and when Mr T returns are the Thai people themselves.If the prospect of living here under a Mr T governments fills farangs with such dread,the only course of action is too cut your loses and run.If the Thai people decide to elect a monkey to govern it"s ok with me,as long as I can have my visa stamped every year and the price of cigarettes stay the samejap.gif

    I heard Thaksin isn't a Hi-So, he's a Hi-Bee...!

    Don't you realise that the posters on here are so erudite that, unless they are aficionados of Irvine Welsh, they will have no concept of what you mean? Livi Lions rule!
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