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Posts posted by pastitche

  1. Is it just me? or has any other Members,noticed an abundance of novices,with no idea of Thai Politics,and spouting nonsense,on this and other threads at the moment?

    Hmm, quite strange,the depth of feeling they put into their political posts!

    What exactly are you trying to suggest - that TV News Forum is a club of some sort where new members must go through some ritual initiation before posting? Have a look at how many posts some members managed in a short space of time with strong ideas on Thai politics.

    More than 700 in two months, I think, but don't worry he's banned now 1zgarz5.gif

    I believe that you should have a closer look at the history of some of your confreres.
  2. Wow! what very good authority was that?

    The answers, Grasshopper, are in the questions you seek....

    Have you shared it with the security authorities as well as TV?

    I hope we're not referring to the Thai cops here. Moving on...

    Is Stallone on standby?

    He is on the lookout for morons, and he's got his work cut out.

    I assume from your answers you are admitting that your post was fiction. Stallone will have found his first moron.
  3. An official in the Cambodian border town of Poipet said yesterday that Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen had ordered immigration officials to provide special treatment to red-shirt supporters crossing over from Thailand.

    The official, who requested anonymity, added that all immigration officials had been instructed to not search any red-shirt vehicles.

    Okay, that's worrying. I have it on a very good authority that many of the weapons used by the red/black side during April/May 2010 originated from Cambodia.

    Given the number of "red guards" there, along with the low turnout, could this rally simply be a guise for an arms run? Stocking up ready for when the "political situation returns to normal"?

    The date July has been mentioned over in the other English-language daily.

    Hold fast, Thailand. Again.

    Wow! what very good authority was that? Have you shared it with the security authorities as well as TV? I'm sure you and the other Special Forces people on here can intercept the arms run you expect. Is Stallone on standby?
    • Like 1
  4. Is it just me? or has any other Members,noticed an abundance of novices,with no idea of Thai Politics,and spouting nonsense,on this and other threads at the moment?

    Hmm, quite strange,the depth of feeling they put into their political posts!

    What exactly are you trying to suggest - that TV News Forum is a club of some sort where new members must go through some ritual initiation before posting? Have a look at how many posts some members managed in a short space of time with strong ideas on Thai politics.
  5. Is it just me? or has any other Members,noticed an abundance of novices,with no idea of Thai Politics,and spouting nonsense,on this and other threads at the moment?

    Hmm, quite strange,the depth of feeling they put into their political posts!


    Just maybe there are many who realise that spouting forth on politics is just a complete waste of effort and time, I have a lot more important things to worry about.

    However I do some times have a wee giggle at some of the posts.

    If you can't change it then ignore it and do something more benificial or interesting to yourself.

    Sawadee Pee Mai

    You seem to be missing the fact that Majic is talking about "novices" ie not members of his club. I agree with your post completely apart from the +1
  6. but not to worry you are not alone I am sure some are here just to get a shag.

    Actually I am gamefully employed here with a real job and have been for many years, Although I am not adverse to the concept of travelling to BKK for a shag, however pretty sure Mrs Soutpeel would object to the idea.

    what time does your "English class" start tomorrow ?

    Not very clever to be a smartarse when you are "gamefully employed" - does that mean you are on the game?
  7. Texting at a royal funeral... can you imagine Blair or Cameron or Iron Maggie doing that?

    Not on your tintype. At least they would have an ear bud and someone OUT of SIGHT

    would be telling them things they need to know.

    Nice of her prep-team to get her adresses to dignitaries in proper protocol form.

    President of Malaysia....

    I wonder how well Matahir Mohamed would have taken a boner like that one?

    OK you are an American, but let's forget the embarrassments of George W; how about Reagan falling asleep during a papal audience?
  8. The minister of education in this country needs to set up a pilot program with the Embassy of England, The American Embassy, The Australian Embassy, The Embassy of Canada, and the Embassy of Singapore to put children in the homes of English speaking parents who have children whos native language is English.

    The pilot progam would allow native Thai children a dramatic learning experience in speaking English. Children do infact learn quicker in an environment where there are other children of a similar age group.

    That would help to reach to very important goals. 1. Give children a hands of approach to speaking english and the ability to pick up the nuances

    of the language, and help to reduce the amount of prejudice between two culltures.

    Based on language research, the learning curve to learn another language is from the time a baby is in the womb until age 7. After the age of 7, the learning curve begins to drop dramatically.Think of bilingual children who ability to speak 2 or several different languages comes from parents who speak 2 or more languages in the home.

    The other crucial point is that children in such a pilot program would have the opportunity to speak English everyday and not limited to a 1 hour classroom. After class now, children go back to their native Thai language and forget about the rest. Also, it would help to o reduce the natural shyness

    they have with trying to speak English outside the classroom to begin with.

    Thailands approach to learning English or another foreign language is completly butt backwards.

    We all learn to speak our natisve language in the Home where ALL native languages are spoken.

    We certainly do not learn to read or write first do we. Wle Learn To Speak First..What could possibily be more logical or natural than that. Who would pay for this you might ask. Well that would be a joint financial effort on the part of the Embassies involved and the Thai Ministry of Education.

    Please please - there is no embassy of England
  9. "Thailand was never colonized so why botherto learn English. For them English is the language of the British colonies. It has no place in Thai society. Someothers with a myopic vision believe that Thai peopleshould not be made to feel insecure and inferior because of all the hype about importance of learning English"

    This attitude says it all. Whilst Thais hold on to this rather pathetic argument it will forever be the poor relative of Asia.

    I would not even think about colonisation if the locals would speak English, for me all British colonized countries drive on the wrong side off the road.....

    In that case so does Thailand
  10. I can't believe that BS. Not just a high degree makes a teacher successful.I'd say Thais believe their Masters in English makes them to better English speakers.

    I speak English as a native speaker and never had anyone with a degree, never mind a Master's degree teach me the language and I have coped pretty well over the years

    For the most part only basic English is required in Thailand and this could be taught by anyone who is a native speaker of English.

    My question would be quite simple - how often will the majority of Thais have to interact with an English speaker, given that they mostly live outwith the areas where foreigners will be and that very few will be involved in business at a level where language skills might be necessary?

    Whilst I agree that the standards of teaching here need improvement, I have to say that I do not believe that any country in the west uses "native" speakers to a large degree. Teaching is a skilled profession, no matter the subject.

  11. What our kerryk says is true to a point, but it still depends.

    All is fine providing these farangs that suddenly decide to park themselves in Thailand can adapt to Thai culture and ways of the people, keep within the laws and do not expect a yes massah approach from the Thais.

    Unfortunately from my experience and what I have witnessed over the years many seem unable to follow these golden rules and often end up in conflicts with they’re Thai neighbors or having to frequently peer over their shoulders because they are contravening one law or another.

    Not a big problem in moderation but as more and more of the West’s less wealthier citizens begin pouring into the country, believing that they are onto a good thing because their mates have told them it is cheap, more relaxed and more able to keep a low profile here, then their activities begin to attract the attentions of the Thai authorities and can bring in tighter Immigration restrictions onto all of us.

    I have no problems with those who abide by the laws, rules and regulations but unfortunately many here I consider as suspect and shady, so these sudden influxes of farangs into the provinces is not a good thing in my opinion and certainly not beneficial for the ex-pats that are already here.

    A very nice post from the OP.

    What does Beetlejuice's reply have to do with the topic? - nothing

    Why do some posters have to keep introducing meaningless diatribe aimed at nobody in particular.

    I disagree. Beetlejuice's reply was well thought out and true. Many western louts come to Thailand and give other tourists a bad name. They treat the women working in bars and cafes like pieces of meat, and the backlash is the women treat the sexpats like a sucker that should be fleeced. It's a two way street.

    Beetlejuice's reply was aimed at farangs in the provinces - he appears to have a problem with them.
  12. Yeah Sure but when? violin.gif

    If I remember correctly South did not vote for the Red Shirts, so they are not priority

    How could they? The Redshirts (UDD) were not running for political office last election.

    Did you not know that they are like the IRA. They have a military and political part.

    There is a mere smidgeon of sense in your post in that during the conflict in Northern Ireland there was a close relationship between the Provisional IRA Army Council and Sinn Fein and undoubted overlap in members; however I cannot remember anything that would in any way reflect the situation in Thailand. Are you suggesting that there is an armed wing of the UDD?
  13. "Thaksin is well aware of his sister's problem, so he intends undertaking a big Cabinet reshuffle"

    PM YingLuck, if this is permitted, should be struck down and kicked out! This is more that scandaleous and illegal.


    Nobody can really take a parrott seriously anyway. We all know that the Thai PM headquarters are in Dubai ...

    What is a parrott?

    A bird of limited intelligence but the ability to reproduce speech fed to it. Very limited capacity for original ideas, none at all for answering questions in a meaningful manner.

    Really? And for all of these years, I thought that was a parrot and Parrott was a surname.
    • Like 1
  14. Somchai was earning 180 baht a day and now is being paid 300 baht, and is very happy with it. His supervisor Charoen was being paid 280 baht a day and he has also received his increase to 300 baht, but to maintain the ladder, Charoen's boss has increased this to 400 baht. He is also happy.

    Charoen's section chief Somporn was on 360 baht a day..................etc, etc.

    Extreme case I know, but this is how I see it happening for the smaller SME's; the effect won't just be on the minimum wage.

    I also don't believe we have seen the effects fully until some of the other 70 provences come into it, where the wage increase in some cases will be as high as 80-90% to meet the minimum wage.

    And if the increase to 300 Baht is 90%, what does that say about the present wage structure? Surely there is a limit below which subsistence is little more than a daily struggle?
  15. Now that the duopoly is fractured, although the support for both sides of the disgraceful sectarian divide will still remain, perhaps it is time to make the SPL a more democratic structure

  16. The ex-leader also urged the red shirts not to take aggressive action against the Opposition Party but to express their willingness for negotiation to foster national reconciliation.

    Agressive action???

    Not exactly the words of reconciliation.

    Thaksin somehow imagines that 'Agression Is Peace.'

    It's right out of Orwell.




    Agression Is Peace

    More like Carrot or Stick,

    we will harrass you if you don't agree to SHUT THE HELL UP.

    "And I believe that totalitarianism,

    if not fought against, could triumph again."

    - George Orwell

    I genuinely believe that your writing style, if it is not an affectation for poetic effect, indicates a problem for which you should seek advice

    • Like 1
  17. The ex-leader also urged the red shirts not to take aggressive action against the Opposition Party but to express their willingness for negotiation to foster national reconciliation.

    Agressive action???

    Not exactly the words of reconciliation.

    Thaksin somehow imagines that 'Agression Is Peace.'

    It's right out of Orwell.




    Agression Is Peace

    More like Carrot or Stick,

    we will harrass you if you don't agree to SHUT THE HELL UP.

    "And I believe that totalitarianism,

    if not fought against, could triumph again."

    - George Orwell

    How does your post relate to that which you quoted from the article :

    "not to take aggressive action against the Opposition Party but to express their willingness for negotiation"

    (My emphasis) which IMO does sound like a reasonable first step.


    Please don't interfere with the proclamations of our resident poet/prophet/guru/self-appointed ..........

  18. I really think that you need to consider the true meaning of "despot". How could he be a despot in a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system?

    In the same way that Ferdinand Marcos was a despot in a constitutional republic with a presidential system.

    The form of government is flexible amongst despots.

    A taste...

    Foreign Policy Magazine

    Bad Exes

    Most ex-presidents and former prime ministers devote their lives to making a positive difference in the world, or at least fade away into obscurity. Here are five former leaders who have done neither.


    Please do not try to play games; Thaksin may have had ambitions to be an autocrat but the simple answer is that he was not. Instead of producing spurious instances that have no bearing on what we are talking about, admit that you were


    You said

    :I really think that you need to consider the true meaning of "despot". How could he be a despot in a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system? Yes a healthy majority helps a strong leader to assert his/her will as did Margaret Thatcher but I don't suspect that you would pair her with Thaksin.

    I say

    No comparison between Margaret Thatcher and Thaksin. Margaret had a majority Thaksin had 48% and that is being generous I am betting some of them thought they were voting for Yingluck.

    I really think that you should check your facts since you know so little about British politics;or for that matter how parliamentary majorities are formed; the "Blessed Margaret" or "She who must be obeyed" or "The leaderene" (all designations from Sir Norman StJohn Stevas, a fervent admirer of hers) never approached 48 per cent, she would have sold her soul for that. In fact she had virtually no representation in parliament from Scotland or Wales. It got even worse after her sacking when there was not one Conservative MP in Scotland. It might help your credibility if you were to look at how parliamentary systems work so that your posts were at least based on fact and not just your own misconceptions
  19. "Did you obtain a French language-based Masters degree at a university in France?"

    That is irrelevant to the point I was making, and you know it. My point was that any language unless frequently used gets rusty. After 21 years of disuse I would expect here usage of English to be poor.

    The reason I asked was that you were making a comparison of your experience with those of Yingluck. I was just pointing out the dissimilarities, which negates the comparison.

    Your other point that, without use, language skills can diminish with time is valid.

    It's just that the image projected of her even before she was PM was that she was international business executive who proudly proclaimed to being in charge of a company with 20 million customers. In that sort of scenario, one might think she encounters English on at least an occasional basis, if not daily.

    If, instead, she was actually a business executive in title only and acted only as a pretty front for her brother's businesses, with no actual responsibilities, and who only had very limited exposure to the real international business world, I could understand her current language shortcomings.

    As usual a post full of non sequiturs. Anterian made a perfectly valid point about loss of language skills over time and you dragged in Yingluck's attendance at a US university. I know nothing of Anterian's history but, if he is from Europe, he would have spent at least a year at a French university to obtain his degree.

    She was a business executive in charge of a company with 20 million customers? How many of those customers were English speakers? And why, do you think that she would encounter English on at least an occasional basis?

    Just the usual diatribe I have come to expect - full of puff and no substance. You would do well as a Nation opinion writer?

    You take things entirely too personal. Or at least it comes across that way in your inflammatory replies.

    I asked the question of anterian to see if his circumstances mirrored Yinglucks. He never answered it, but apparently he didn't obtain a Master degree program using French at a French university so their situations were different.

    I acknowledged his valid point on diminishing language skills.

    Yingluck claimed in an interview (the ABC News one linked earlier) to lead a business with 20 million customers. That's her claim. I'm unaware of how many English speakers were customers of her family's AIS corporation (I'm assuming that's the one she's referring to). As the supposed boss of the nation's largest telecom business, I would think she encounters English at least occasionally in the course of her multitude of corporate headquarter duties.


    The fact that you "would think" has no validity, you are making a statement that you cannot support; my problem is with the fact that so many posters on here make unsubstantiated and indeed unsubstainable allegations about those people who are not of their political preference. I have no political affiliation for any party in Thailand because I think of it as an emerging democracy which still has a long way to go. But I still believe that universal suffrage will in time produce a solution that is appropriate for Thailand, if not for TV's fascists who do not believe that the less-educated should have a vote because it might have been bought. Would they vote for another party if the reward was higher, or if there was no financial incentive at all? I do not think so.

    Thaksin may be a tainted individual but he has been unwittingly,the inspiration for a raising of political awareness amongst Thailand's underprivileged; that I think will be a major factor in the direction of the country that I am committed to. How that will evolve with the current crop of political godfathers is anyone's guess.

    Apologies if I sound a bit like Calgaryll

    • Like 1
  20. Geriatrickid-----Did I read you right, "she managed to deliver benefits" like 40% rises in food prices in many vital foods, suggesting she avert a war with Cambodia, Her own minister admitted he made a mistake with the dam water level, not releasing water before the rains arrived. Ha Ha the nation cared for in the flood crises YOU are Joking, 5,000 bht per house---and still waiting. Big % electricity was to blame for deaths.

    If you remember at the time so much fuss was put on Thaksins return, and other related matters rather than the crises in the country. The army did a fantastic job for the people, NOT the politicians--and not the police--Thai people and Farrangs worked round the clock. Your government was pathetic, totally opposite to your comments. You amaze me with your posts, better tell some truths, than this rubbish.

    I will admit that some good things did happen, the country rallied round. But at the end of the day whatever the P.M. did, she gets paid for doing it, and it's her job to do it.

    If I remember well it was Abhisit who had the luminous idea to sell eggs by kilo.

    As far as I know Good Old England is the only other country that sells eggs by weight and potatoes by number, but they live on an island and drive at the wrong side too.

    Where did you get hat idea from? Eggs are sold by the dozen and potatoes by weight (unfortunately kg rather than lb).
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