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Posts posted by mamborobert

  1. The Oz consulate web site is pretty much always kept up to date, It still lists Michael as Hon Consul.

    A long standing issue has been what an Hon Consul does, what they should do, and what is accepted by local Thai authorities. Basically it was different by each Hon Consul and each local Thai authority. They have now all been brought into line on a short leash consistent with Honorary title, hence now we have consular visits. Please do not read this as a dig at Michael at all.

    I cannot see this change if/when a "new" Hon consul is assigned. There has been talk of replacing Michael or Michael retiring for well over two years. Some local expat may be desirous of this position for their CV but it is basically toothless and Honorary now. Might as well join the Tourist Police.

    In Chiang Mai, Koh Samui and Phuket limited consular assistance is available through our Honorary Consuls. Honorary Consuls are not able to perform the following services:

    • Perform notarial functions (such as witnessing documents)
    • Accept or process passport applications
    • Accept or provide advice on visa applications
    • Accept or provide advice on Australian Citizenship applications
  2. If I might interrupt the gleeful missionary bashing, does anyone know why GIS is losing its present location? Did they knowingly squat on someone else's property? Were they sold false title by a crook? Is a developer with court connections stealing the land out from under them?

    The link does not give background information.

    There is a lot of background information available on the internet particularly for Thai readers.

    Whilst people have often been critical of Thai courts and appeals systems used by wrong doers to evade punishment it is worth noting that this issue has been going on for many years and GIS have been dragging it out through appeal courts...while at the same time hedging bets with another property from 2013 (ie the recent call, out for funds is not new by any means).

    The lower court originally handed down their decision against GIS in 2009!!!!!!!

    The appellate court in Bangkok handed down its decision almost 3 years ago in July 2013. Amongst other things that order determined that GIS pay 4.9 million baht damages...AND interest at 7.5% from 2008 AND to be determined legal fees AND make good provisions on the property...so we are probably well north of $200 000 USD by now........I cannot see a copy of the Dec 2015 Supreme court decision which may have added to this given decisions at this level are usually on questions of law rather than individual facts.

    Whilst this (Appelate )was not the final decision (given GIS appealed again to Supreme) it would be interesting to find out how much donations/money went towards a prolonged appeal process as opposed to building a new school from 2013. It could well be one of those situations where abusing the court processes at the expense of the lawful community owners costs less than the school was making by staying open, obtaining fees and donations, and keeping the staff in well paid employment.

    Have not seen the GIS apology to the neighborhood association who have been unable to use THEIR facility for 8 years. Maybe when hell freezes over.


    Last newseltter on GIS website from the school in relation to the court case is posted below. Noting last sentence that SOON after decision handed down on 18 December an update would be provided......do not hold your breath as no additional newsletter on site so far..

  3. I am not sure that the Boss of GIS should be asking for funds now without updated instructions from God.

    If God instructed him in the arrangements for the beginning of the school and the school is now kaput best take reference from the Book of Job, "the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord".

    Maybe God wants less missionaries in CM and SE Asia generally. He (or she for the Femen crowd) would not be Robinson Cruse on that view. (if selfishly for nothing else much easier to get a seat at Dukes some nights).

  4. If you were based in the Melbourne area, we've been with the same firm since 1991 - virtually no chance of ever getting an audit as they are so straight up and won't mess about with any claims for deductions that might attract attention, which to my mind is a good thing. Happy to pass details on and send an email to them by way of introduction if you are interested, just send a pm.

    Many thanks. Am currently Freo/Perth as home base so if no joy in CM might combine tax with a quick visit home to family, for a cool change ( 8 degrees in the evening with the heater on per my sister), and get the 2 July election early voting knocked off at the same time.

  5. Thought best to revive this one thread with my query.

    But any updated info on practicing CPA or Tax accountant from (or familiar with tax practices of) Oz in CM.

    Tax time approaches and I have some ugly complicated issues with capital gains/losses that would like iron out before submitting tax return. So much easier to resolve and explain face to face rather than through emails to unknown quantity in Oz. Thanks.

  6. Have lived in Metro Manila and Chiang Mai. Personally prefer Chiang Mai due to smaller size, closer to family etc...for the most part there are very personal reasons.

    PI does however have many things going for it.

    As far as whining and expats I put it down to language (and to a lesser extent government/politics/religion/free expression/music, work ethic). In PI you are much more likely to have many and genuine local friends, widespread English language ability allows you to mix without being involved in with expats at all. Tagalog itself is not that hard for basic phrasing (not being tonal), so your pool of potential friends is pretty much endless. Thailand can restrict you to expats that you are thrown together with simply through having one common basis (ie being expat, or same nationality, or support same football team, or attend same pub)...you become acquaintances more than friends (again my opinion).

    In Thailand (and accepting generalisations on my part), not having sufficient Thai language ability limits your pool to expats and a limited number of Thais who may or may not have common interests and desires. Even learning the language does does not, imho, get you the same level of interaction as PI. Some topics are simply not discussed, and some topics Thais are just not interested in. It is much easier to have commonality in PI than Thailand.While people in Thailand are for the most part very welcoming I would opine that for a longer term fulfilling friendships and camaraderie PI has it hands down. To me there is much less need and take up for a board such as TV in PI.

    So the whinging...to me...is by those who have an unmet need for social interaction or social recognition and manifests itself in the negativity and sniping by some/most (depending on your tolerance for crap threshold) on the TV board. t would seem that the way to "rise" in your happiness for some is to make others "fall".

    If you are a social animal for validation or for source of happiness, to me PI is a lot better,,,,if you are can enjoy your own company (and very comfortable with that), appreciate what is around you and want a different/freer/unrestrained quality of life than CM does it (for me anyway).

  7. Or he can repeat the cycle with a new true love. I know one guy who lost two houses that way and is still searching. the funny part is he considers it easier than back in England. LOL

    Man-points awarded for optimism :)

    I am not sure who said it first but it was never truer than when applied in Thailand, "second marriages are the triumph of hope over experience".

    Prefer " hope" as the reason than sheer unadulterated stupidity.....but hey, I'm an old fashioned romantic :)

  8. I'd say it's like watching grass grow except you need that rain stuff to make grass grow....so in a way it's worse than watching grass grow.

    Can't the junta just speed things up and make it rain by the sensible use of the all purpose article 44 ?

  9. Necessity the Mother of Invention?

    Not really Rimping Condo style, maybe wood grain the polystyrene box.

    A degree of sophistication in this model.....by using water bottles you can put the cap on one or two at night to make it last longer or have a more directed blast :).....don't want to catch a cold.


  10. I am in Wat Ket and so far have had two very brief outages. MIght be a nationwide thing. Yesterdays national paper advised that the daily electricity consumption record had been broken three times this month, highest ever consumption was Monday 25th.

    Hot weather, more aircons, running longer, people staying inside with multiple fans going day and night....and more hot weather to come.

    I think Gonzo has cursed some transformers as well in Wat Ket.

  11. Count me another positive for Bangkok Bank, in other branches and cities have always been able to clarify an issue or conduct banking business with ease.

    As far as the OP, I was impressed at the "sorry cannot". I am far more familiar with the "no cannot", even from my wife.

    The OP must be a very hansum man.

  12. Thanks all for replies so far. Quite sad no service, shame there is no local RSL but even in Oz my local is slowly getting smaller each year. In one way not necessarily a bad thing.

    Nancy, thanks for the link. I have seen their pics from previous Anzac services and appreciate the efforts they make. Unfortunately I am from a generation and faith that does not clap hands so the Foreign Cemetery was/is always the go for me when in CM for Anzac. If nothing next year Katchanaburi will be the plan.

    Shame nothing from the Consulate (Hon) having said that it is Hon and been on the way out for yonks.

    I did check out the Downunder pub website. They will be open from 10.30am and showing the Collingwood Essendon game at 12.20am so may stroll down there.

  13. It has been a few decades since I have heard the word "jobby"

    I'm still trying to work out how you jobby up a stand without affecting your husband's sinuses....definitely not something I would do in this heat.

    A jobby to me is something the odd Chinese tourist has been known to deliver to the moat........

    Clearly North and South of Hadrian's Wall provide vastly different meanings for the word!

  14. It normally always starts early somewhere.....combine young kids on school holidays, hot weather and impending festival and it would be like trying to stop kids opening Christmas presents early.

    I see the BP has just published an article on Chiang Mai advising of reduced occupancy rates, desertion of locals at the bus station, and shorter rental terms etc etc

    Police had a block on Thapae last night checking helmets, licenses, drinking, .....made a point to ensure I was aware of large signage of no drinking at Thapae

    Kids in photo maybe spending time on attitude adjustment training in new Deep South camps, clearly a patch of red on shorts.

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