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Posts posted by mamborobert

  1. Seems like there is going to be no let up for Loi Kratong given article below.


    Pixilated faces for your Facebook page if you ere in attendance, and pixilated grog.....

    And it seems Thai places are also under the pump with military in attendance.


  2. Thai immigration in CM is not solely set up for expat retirees.

    Of course not, but why make it so difficult for the sector of foreigners who spend significant money here and are more aged?

    Why not make the backpackers wait in line at 4:30am to do their tourist visa extension? They're young mostly and should take to that like a duck to water.

    Sorry, I meant that with limited resources they may allocate staff to more pressing needs that cannot be put off, as an example having to place more staff at airport for increased arrivals for tourist season/Chinese etc, or having to now under the junta look at illegal workers quicker and detain and remove them quicker, or cases like our recent Irish national selling grass on Line, or the married German selling narcotics. Some things you cannot plan surge wise and you do not want the expense of extra staff all year round.

    Now that you have solved the issue with the backpacker substitution perhaps move on to the coloureds, catholics and Jews...and maybe have "for white use only" stencilled on the chairs....

  3. TheAppletons, you might be skating close to the line on that one, but even if you are suggesting some form of wrongdoing surely now is the time to address that with new Thai anti corruption body rather than consulates or embassies and presumably you have evidence of the secondary income statement? Myself I just put it down to incompetence in general and that expats are not a priority.....and I like that for the most part.

    Differential treatment in immigration offices within a country is not in itself unusual. Hell, look at the different deals Thai consulates will do abroad.

    Thai immigration in CM is not solely set up for expat retirees. They have other tasks as well and no doubt like all agencies worldwide prioritise and some people unfortunately are not the priority. If you think it is shady deal issues then now is the time to write to the good General with your evidence.

    I have not seen any evidence before and presume this secondary income argument is not being advanced formerly by say the Expat Club to consulates or Thai immigration?

  4. Before people start writing to their consul or embassy about the situation at the local CM Immigration office perhaps they ought to do some research as to how temporary migrants are treated in their own country and this may modify their tone and or expected level of response.

    Irish Ctizens may want to note that it is not unusual for several hundred people (including elderly and children) to wait overnight in Dublin...outside...in the rain or worse.

    Those at the top of the queue camped out overnight, arriving at 12am to ensure they would receive one of the sought-after tickets from the GNIB office.

    The issue of the length of queues has been on ongoing source of controversy as people are forced to stand on the street for hours, with some turned away and told to return the following day in the event of the office closing.



    UK Citizens may want to chase up about the registration/reporting issues

    ­ We do not operate an appointment system it is first come, first served. It may not always be possible to see everybody waiting in the queue due to the sheer volume of people you may be asked to return the following day.

    Presently we are experiencing an extremely high level of demand. This is resulting in very long queues outside the Overseas Visitors Registration Office. Please ensure that you bring suitable clothing and refreshments to make your wait as comfortable as possible.


    Australian Citizens may want to look at the processing times for a Retirement Visa (405 Temporary) requiresa 500k AUD investment and you must be over 55 etc etc and certainly takes several weeks if not months when you take into account health, character and state sponsorship arrangements.....certainly not knocked off in a day or two like CM.


    Decency and the need to keep posts below best seller length precludes me from commenting on US Immigration treatment of lawful prospective temporary migrants. I understand the Donald has a few ideas to improve the service though.

    How many complained about the treatment of temporary migrants in their own country when they were there?

    If governments work on elements of equity in treatment of foreign nationals (and that is what we are here) then perhaps it might be quicker and easier to have your own government address how it treats people before having their representatives in Thailand press for a much higher standard.

    We have a dream situation here and if they actually examined the visa the situation could be far worse or better (less applicants for one leading to quicker processing).The 800k baht has not changed for eons, is not really investigated, and there are agents/companies who will work around this. God knows what would happen if this were increased or policed/assessed properly or other changes such as health or character, like criminal checks as most countries do for long term residents.

    Dealing with Thai immigration in a retiree capacity is an absolute doddle compared to many (read most) western countries.

    By all means complain but please have realistic expectations.

  5. Nancy, my apologies, they were just suggestions, perhaps Ill-considered given that I am pretty ok with Thai immigration all in all. My experiences have not been the same as others and in general far better than I have experienced in other countries (US, Ireland, UK, PI etc).

    I still do not think this event is the right place to voice concerns but it was good to catch up with compatriots some coming as far away from Chiang Rai. I was surprised at how many Oz citizens there are here now ( and note your increasing Oz membership) but as stated this out service is limited and really targeted to high volume simple issues and any distraction from this will have an effect on wait times and I am somewhat considerate of those that have made a long journey for a specific advertised service.

  6. Connda, the op is perfectly understandable to the target audience and clear in English..

    The first two responses used Oz slang and you had no problem with this, or it seems with poor spelling by others. It is effective communication not an English test.

    There is no need for other nationals to hijack the thread for an alternate agenda or point scoring.

    Merv Hughes put it very nicely to Viv Richards in a Carribean test some years ago" In my culture we just say............". Google away.

  7. People could still submit their story in writing, couldn't they?

    Nancy, personally for me immigration is not a problem but if it were I would have thought that a collective submission by a group like the expats club, or Rotary, VFW for Americans the British Legion for Brits, or a enthusiast club (motorcycles for example) to all embassies to which there members were nationals would be better.

    Secondly I would have thought that embassy staff would question the severity of a complaint if the aggrieved party effectively waited until they arrived. There are email and phone options available for this. Being a complaint drop box is not one of the stated functions of the outreach service and I would not want to see any potential for the service new as it is being limited or withdrawn.

    Lastly would it not be better that approaches were made through the larger Expat national embassies such as UK, USA, or other EU nations? And if this has been done to no or limited effect then why presume that all Oz citizens have a problem, will complain, or that the embassy will act, or act successfully or in an actually committed fashion.

    Again I personally do not have a problem, have dealt with them direct and through two local agents.....and would deal direct with them again no problem (this Tuesday more than likely). Perhaps it is the nature of Oz nationals but if I had an issue I would complain at the time when there is an avenue for my complaint to be addressed there and then.....where my complaint is warranted and to me serious enough.

    From my initial reply on the consular service I am more likely to complain about their organisation but put the first few visits down to it being new and a teething problem and perhaps unexpected demand numbers.

  8. trying to keep this a bit on topic but it would be a bit much to use this opportunity to shit can local immigration for a few reasons. Firstly if one or multiple people complain it holds up the service for others. On the last visit there were three Thai staff (two on receipting and one admin or queue managing) and one A based Ausralian officer and a lot of people wanting to access that officer as he was the only one who could actually sign or witness a document. Secondly the service itself though welcome was not that much different than local immigration. The venue was packed, not appropriate, and a few codgers sitting outside in the heat (sound familiar), there was no efficient queue system so people were constantly seeking out how they put their name on the list and then going back up again to find how much more they had to wait (familiar?), after having your document signed you then had to wait and for quite a few until after lunch to get you reciept ( and wait you must as they kept documents or passports......familiar again?) so by no means was this quick, they ALL broke for lunch at the same time etc etc etc.

    I say this so that those attending appreciate that they may be there for some time, that this is a limited (in size and scope) outreach service so I would not call it a road show so not the best place to complain at length or have complicated queries, and not to different from local Thai immigration. It is a good service for simple high volume certification and application but recognise it for what it is and use it within its limitations.

    If I could have used a visa agent to go there I would have :)

  9. Short answer is Yes but having said that I am not aware if required material is in CM. over the initial cement a "stampable overlay" (google it as common building term) is applied to required depth. This is a special cement mix generally grey or a dry polymer and how faux internal walls are decorated or finished in a rock or repeated fashioned whatever brick shape you want and sometimes painted over. It is generally not carved into as a one of design as is made to be stamped. With the right product after render the stamping itself is a very quick process. Can make a great feature wall and size is not limited.

  10. The paper we are not allowed to reference has another CM resident named (53 year old German with Thai wife in Mae Rim) spending some time with the BIB tonight and probably a few more for selling and possession of speed apparently bought in Loi Kroh...and allegedly confessed had been selling for some time.

    Perhaps some rigid policing from the new blood. Before it was always about who they caught possessing illicit drugs, now and for Thais as well, its about who they caught possessing illicit drugs and then actual follow up of who in turn supplied them ....I wonder how far up the chain they are prepared to go now the junta has an increased focus on criminality and corruption within the state.

  11. Just a few questions on the full length skin tight Lycra suit. Is this just for lounging at home or Expat Club type social functions or visits to Loi Kroh or strolling round Festival. Does it need to be fluro for night time wear? Will there be some sort of flies eyes type effect when sitting?

  12. I think you might be out of luck in your quest after umpteen bumps. As mentioned before the average age on TV seems to be somewhere between 60 and dead, most Thais play online PC based games, transient younger tourists do not bring xboxs along, and your younger expat teacher is usually spending their meagre salary on silly things like rent, food, drink, and socialising.

    If your enhanced offer of "beef jerky" was a euphemism you might get a better response on Craigslist.

  13. I'm a few hundred metres away from that point. Apart from the Railway station (as mentioned before average at best) it is pretty slim pickings. You could try half a dozen places on Thung Hotel Rd directly opposite the Railway station. They have a few farang dishes as many in DTown condo and a squillion missionary families that seem to be in the area...Apart from that there is some good variety in the newer complex in front of the bus station which would be a quick run down the superhighway for you, grab some food and then loop back through Thung Hotel Rd to home again. Through the back roads from your place to the underpass to Don Chan is pretty quick as well and they have a limited selection and food court above but mainly Thai focussed and once again you skip the superhighway coming home through the underpass....and only a minute more to Promenada.

  14. I am now sold on the ITV player...no cost just using Hola on Firefox and then direct to TV all in Hi Def it seems ....commentary all in English and not prattling on....I wondered how many Thai people would watch this with the Thai language as posted earlier....I gather Cantonese may have been for the Hong Kong crew but even mainlanders are getting better with English (young ones anyway).

    They do like singing Fields of Athenry though :)

    Did not expect Argentina to start so well though...another good game so far.

  15. I'm afraid I have to go along with Northernjohn in this particular case.

    To get to the BB if by myself I ride over Nawarat and do a big loop through Chang Khlan.....If I am with Thais they will always insist on riding on the Iron Bridge footpath with me generally leading way (which I feel really bad about for inconvenience caused however. Thais do this all the time no problem). There will be occasions when some bravado is show by a Thai youth and he will be a bit slow to move (but move he does)....but when they see I have a Thai on the back and a group of Thais on motorcycles behind their deference and self preservation gene kicks in smartly. On the Iron Bridge specifically late at night specifically with this size of group of youths you will eventually find someone who wants to show it to the Westerner to impress his 14 year old girlfriend.

    In general I can agree with Winnie..on stepping over as a no no but manners are a two way street. The Iron Bridge is somewhat different, They do get out of the way for Thais walking, they do not make them walk on the road, they are head down and pulling legs in quick smart. People should be able to walk on the footpath (novel idea I know)...with the occasional contrite motorcycle as well smile.png

    I have walked across the Bridge like Northernjohn and later in the night SOME have been reluctant to move I have come across one lad snickering at his gf after a pitiful attempt to show some defiance towards me. I stopped leaned over the bridge to take in the view for a while with my body slightly pushing his head out of the way, he looked up, I looked down, he moved on. Mommy did not raise no bitch. If you provoke you should accept that there may be a response....that is why it is called provocation. Bad manners should be corrected....undeserved disrespect is not on either.

    This is an unusual place and later in the night does become worse as youngish couples give ways to groups of milling youth (dare I say on some occasions "gangs"..sorry TAT). There is a reason the police blitz this place every now and again....they check licenses to motorcycles (as often parked on footpath later on) id, ages, etc and I have (one occasion only) seen items tossed over the side (weapons or pharma I do not know). Same things happens in all cities all over the world...youth milling round late at night with drink/drugs/testosterone does not always end well.....this is not a Thai "culture" issue.

  16. Another enthralling tight yet still free flowing game (minimal involvement by ref) that went right to the wire. Great defence by Wales (thanks Gatland), some impressive break out runs by both sides, and the crowd willing Wales home for the last 10 minutes, but alas not to be after a Bok try in the dying moments, noise was through the roof. South Africa all to powerful in the end

    The World Cup is always fascinating for me..think about what got us here. Japan in a fairy tale over South Africa, Australia's great defence with two men down over Wales, the list goes on and on. There has been no stand out player throughout the comp so far just good team work, but then there has not been another Jonah Lomu on the scene.

    There will be a collective sigh of relief in the South African nation tonight

    Now to watch NZ to beat France, Ireland over Argentina, and Australia over Scotland and my weekend labour of love is complete.

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