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Posts posted by mamborobert

  1. Am sitting blissfully at home watching the Wales v South Africa game on ITV.

    Opening sentence of game was a classic backhander by the commentator. "and the referee Wayne Barnes, an Englishman who has made the quarter finals, starts the game"

    What is it with Welsh players who do not sing the National Anthem !!!!!!!!!

    TRY smile.png

  2. If you mean the Pizza place right next to it I think it may be closed...or it was Thursday night anyway.

    Sign is still lit up (with a big Singh on side) but when I asked while at BB they said no pizza...and Chang girls and staff did not seem to know if a one of or not. I drive past it a few nights a week and never seemed ot have much business (the pizza place I mean).

    As a side there was abit of a blue with the kids on the Iron Bridge on the night as well. Machette produced and part of someones hair taken off and a small patch of blood....There was a bigger police presence on Friday night (reported in CM108 s well). Shame...its a nice place for kids but after tenish they tend to act up a bit and things get tossed at cars occasionally or a bit of bravado is thrown about...but this time ended in a hospital visit. Regreattably probably not the last time.

    Food at BB is Ok but smaller portions and pretty limited...its a booze/music sorta place....A few farang hispters/digital nomads there on Friday night standing around with large Changs being hip to the beat of the street and down with the kids. Might have to look for another venue if that keeps up sad.png

  3. Don't people need to be authorised and qualified to be involved with, and offering, financial advice in any form in Thailand ?

    And a company would need to be formed etc?

    This is a little of what I meant by being side tracked.

    As far as I can see no one is offering an arrangement that provides financial advice having said that I somewhat share your concerns based on past local history and hence perhaps we need greater focus on social aspect.

    Again, local history clearly demonstrates that Financial Advisors neither need to be qualified, authorised, or dare I say "competent". There is no adequate regulatory body or real enforcement.

    I do think this has a lot of promise as a social club with a common interest in investments. No different than say a social photography club, which may or may not have professional members who are not "qualified" or "authorised" but are competent, articles of association, different equipment exposure etc, The key thing here should be social sharing of experiences, developments, discussion of a common interest.....much like any club

    As said, clear parameters from the get go focussing in social aspect, full agreement by members and perhaps some disclosure requirements to build some trust/protections may see this as a real social goer.

    If there is no Thai and/or social element then you might as well join some investment forums or discussion groups online there are plenty of them.

  4. I do hope that this post does not get side tracked or as Winnie has suggested wound up quickly.

    Unfortunately there have been some prominent local expats involved in boiler room/financial advisor type activities and several older expats got badly burned.

    I think if the OP put more details out about club governance, aims etc that would be good. Particularly any way to ensure the "social" aspect always has priority over the financial side. Whilst the amounts being talked about are relatively small one would not for example want to see a vulnerable person, or addictive gambling type personality, or someone of poor financial means make a series of 25k baht "investments" or "bets".

    Perhaps to make it more Thailand focussed or even CM focussed as well as provide something new and in a small way reduce the shark element there could be some focus on the SET? If its only play money for social gatherings this would be a novelty and keep one involved as a social being only, learn something new about Thailand (as far as risks, Asean impact etc) and have personal financial investments if one has them (as opposed to "club" social decisions) in offshore exchanges so the boundaries are clear.

  5. On the serious side Uniqlo is a good move...I am in same weight/height range and they have a good range/quality.

    On the not so serious side and following on from Gonzo there is a new supplier with a unique one of a kind range.


    Not sure if he has a work permit though.

    If you want to stay Thai and local you could also try this guy.


  6. Was out and about in Loi Kroh ast night (Aust v Wales) and there were a heap of places, dare I say the majority open till 1.00pm on Loi Kroh. Up until about 12.30 it was all go then police started doing rounds, bars toned it down, some closed or partially closed shutters, some just turnedout a few lights....but they were open and poloce did not seem to have a big issue with it as long as not in your face or noisy type. Heaps of tuk tuks still oustide boxing bar leading up to 1.00 am ....and more than a a few patrons in the darkened complex.

  7. Nothing to contribute as such but I am perversely amused that the topic "bars closing at 12 am" is for the momment immediaetly followed by "happy sausage suprise in chiang mai"......it is good to see that some things have not changed for those that would be happy that sausage is still out and about as usual in the dark recesses of Loi Kroh after midnight. smile.png. Last drinks gentlemen...bottoms up.

    edit...bugger (the exclamation noun not active verb) by posting I ruined it.

  8. Cynical of me I know but I always think everything is a bit more relaxed at the start of the month so that those with a fresh pay (Thai and locally engaged expats) including BIB and the powers that be can spend their baht on booze, massage, girls, gambling and remit monies made from same to families....then back to the close down after first real weekend.

  9. Instructor wise I thought there was nothing now in CM. sparring drill wise you might find a contact through Chabad House and that is a big might. Occasionally there are people that attend the MMA joint near Central Plaza that have some exposure but that is inconsistent. Best bet might be to contact the Thai Krav Maga website or Facebook but as far as I know the only accredited continuing courses are run by Alwyn in Phuket. If there was something starting up here I would be interested as well, no doubt a few others as this query has come up in the past.

  10. I am on the look for a newer set of wheels myself and fOr those that are interested the next Chiang Mai Motor Expo is coming up shortly and will hopefully have some of the newer models launched at the Bangkok show.

    Flyer link is below (in Thai -substantially).....apparently "sexy car wash" is best described in English, for target demographics or to sound more exotic or sophisticated for Thais I am not sure.


  11. Nothing to do with Australian humour at all....and more to do with less than financial international tourists (backpackers). There have been quite a few court cases in Australia against the wording on these vans and they have (believe it or not) been toned down.

    They are now part of an international group called Wicked Campers based on the success of international tourists (read backpackers) to Australia wanting these vans...google away to "wicked campers offensive slogans".


  12. Drive a friend visiting to the old office today office as he was converting to Non Immigrant O.

    Arrived around 2,00pm and there were only 5 cars in the front car park and 1 motorcycle, no one waiting outside, and less than a handful of people in the open air coffee shop annex out the front.

    Went into the office proper and heaps of uni students who must be on work placements or something as all they seemed to do is take selfies (apparently the university course does not cover the part about signage indicating no photos) and them escort people to the immigration officers desk and then stand there either learning or blocking fans, I am not sure.

    Anyhow, filled in the paperwork, looked like there were maybe 6 real clients there, no problems with seating, lodged paperwork, escorted by student, fan blocked, photo taken and we were out within 40 minutes....and that was a drop in with no appointment. Quickest and easiest I have ever seen it in there, saw only one uniformed immigration staff, just a few with identifiable polo. Did not see Dragon Lady (who I always look out for and in the past has always been good to me).

    Quite a pleasant experience all in all.

  13. I am living within a 100 yards of the new one that has gone up in Wat Ket (while I am having a build myself so took an interest in this one). Its close by and new so you could perhaps take a look at your convenience. The property goes front to back from Sanna Lung Road to Kong Sai Road (and a very short walk from the train tracks) I suppose about 30 properties all up in a small area. This GPS would put you in the middle 18.782341, 99.014457.

    I would say that this is not a particularly nice part of town as far as facilities/amenities, its old, dirty, unkempt but it is pretty much close to all one would need, but the area itself is by no means flash. To me it is more or an enclave rather than an estate (like say L&H as you have mentioned). Very high walls, good security and like Loptr mentioned expensive compared to some other estates. This new one was all in the high 6 million baht range.

    As a casual observer construction took no time at all, by that I mean it was well organised and scheduled. All good quality stuff and teams of uniformed workers always on site. The houses are very big, three full floors (given small land site), very little deviation in design, and seemed to be made for those higher up the food chain seeking a secure enclave rather than a estate community (this example of Q anyway).

    This one does seem at odds with other Q estates location/amenity wise but as said once you are "in" it is all very good quality (though to me repetitive which leads me to think that this was more targeted construction for the security and location while maintaining Q quality, presentation and management).

  14. Where is Manheim auctions located?

    There is a car/motor cycle auction place on Hang Dong Road just inside the outer ring road? Does anyone know the web site for this auction place?

    As far as the place I Hang Dong is concerned I believe you are talking about this company that runs auctions throughout Thailand.


    Likewise Manheim


    As mentioned earlier there are some ridiculous estimates on the cars (including ones 20 years old that would be lucky to sell at all) so largely ignore this aspect.

  15. Thanks for that.....and you are more than right on the risks involved,

    I was curious as to whether there were more finance repos in CM (so hopefully newer less mileage) now that the initial rush of blood purchases with the government subsidy hit the wall of repayment reality.

    I gather Toyota Sure have first stab at vehicles Toyota finance so I imagine there would be some age/mileage or worse still on the newer vehicles "issues" if Toyota Sure have passed on them.

    Am by no means locked into an auction or indeed second but personally have never valued cars that much more than something to get you from A to B and hence dropping dollars on them has always been an issue for me.

    I also imagine that in Thailand any "bargain" may well have been picked up pre auction by bank/auction/finance etc staff and relatives.

    Nevertheless I remain curious about the size/quality/range on offer now in CM so if anyone has been to one please chip in.

  16. Has anybody any experience with Manheim auctions of vehices in CM. They have another one coming up in early October and I am on the lookout for a newer set of wheels, I know they are popular and a good bargain can be had on some repos from their Bangkok events but just wondered if anyone had any first hand knowledge or experience of their CM operations, Their catalogue is not out yet so I am trying to get a feel as to how big it usually is, what the vehicle range is, general age and standard of vehicle etc. and if it a dud then will look sooner and elsewhere but given that it is coming up thought I would ask the TV gurus.

  17. Ok...checking out the lastest Thai news for CM and came across this accident.

    This is from this morning, at the Iron Bridge, single male driver., no other vehicle involved, good weather, good visibility.....and my question is "How exactly do you manage to do this in this location"?


    Just goes to prove that lucky number license plates are not a guarrantee.

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