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Posts posted by mamborobert

  1. On the other side of town, but on the river and close to great bars/restaurants, quick walk into Warrorot or NIght Market would be Floral Condo or Rimping Condo (if you can get into them), Great views (probably amongst best available), and has the security, parking,pool, gym, cable tv, internet etc etc. Much easier (to me) to travel to other places (Festival, old city, road trips, even Nimman...and getting home at night easier as multipple routes available). Always thought these places a better deal than Nimman (especially the size of the apartments and management).

  2. Just went into a Honda dealer that I have bought two Honda Clicks from before (new) and was "looking" at next purchase.

    Usually I have supplied a residency certificate and passport etc and the dealer has done the transfer, i drive of he lot and pick up the green book later no problems.

    As my visit today was somewhat unplanned I did not have a Residency Certificate and it was strongly suggested that the dealership could still arrange the Green Book and transfer by seeing my rental agreement and/or license plus passport with valid Non O visa..

    Have never heard/experienced this before. Dealer is reputable and as stated I have used them twice before and am confident with their service (including after sales).

    Has anybody done this before for a new bike from a dealer in CM?


  3. I think for a lot of SME hospitality related businesses such as bars, restaurants, tour agents, etc you also have to look at how good teh season is and how long. You cannot extrapolate one month for all months.

    Up until maybe two years ago (when there were a lot more tourists with spending money) my wife worked as a cashier in one establishment that in high season often net 100k Baht a month. Trouble is that there were also a handful of months where the owner had to kick in to cover salaries, rent and utilities.

    SME in tourist related businesses at the moment appears to be more of a gamble than an investment.

    The (Thai/Chiang Mai) economy itself is not looking good on a local, national ASEAN, or worldwide basis. At the moment there are many factors outside of the control of any proprietor that will have a detrimental affect running from arbitrary and new policing initiatives, junta smell test, another gruesome murder, constitution referendum,initiatives under bringing happiness back to the people, upcoming significant court cases, etc etc etc all which will not paint Thailand in a good light despite he best wishes of TAT.

    A good idea even five years ago...maybe a good idea in five years time......but now????

  4. Whilst we are digressing a tad perhaps the Japanese Consulate could do some good deeds for local Thai women that are trafficked through debt bondage and the like to Japan, as many as 2000 a year from Thailand, and a significant portion from the north.

    I would suggest that considerably more Thais fall victim to Japanese than vice versa and suffer considerably more hardship as well.

    As far as the OP is concerned 65k will be sweet. They should also not be worried if initially the monthly total is more than this as they buy significant household items to establish themselves (depending on the level and desirability of furnishings where they live, Tv, internet set up, motorcyle, flurry of side trips, language classes etc as well), and becomming familar with an acceptable pricing in a bartering world.

    I do think that the longer you are here and the more established you become (and translate form visitor to expat) your costs do come down significantly.

  5. The coldest Australia Day I have ever had......34 degrees back home ...perfect BBQ and Beach weather...and here I am with a beanie!

    Regards to all Oz expats...better luck next year weather wise.

  6. I would fo Chiang Mai Plaza Hotel. Has a nice pool, within walking distance on NIght Market and Anusarn (where there is food galore) and Kalare (and McDonalds for kids), quiet area at night (beingback from the road) so easy for kids to sleep. Kids not generally "exposed" to some sights that they may see closer to bar strip (exception being cabaret ladyboys at Anusarn but only if you go there and its quite mild given tourist venue). Easy transort out front ....

  7. In someways this is more justice for the survivors at least they got a big payout.

    How much do you figure your life is worth? Your nearest loved one? The death of a parent?

    Did they get paid that much? Probably not close.

    Could not agree more.

    That kind of logic always reminds me of the Tom Lehrer lyrics from Wernher Von Braun (a designer of V2 rockets that rained on London, SS member, user of concentration camp slave labour........and then worked for NASA)

    "Some have harsh words for this man of renownBut some think our attitude should be one of gratitudeLike the widows and cripples in old London townWho owe their large pensions to Wernher von Braun"
  8. Good????????

    Alcohol level is not the only motor vehicle related crime.

    Right, well yes, she was also female and tired.

    A very unfortunate accident, but this is Thailand; crap like this happens every day. Just usually the victims aren't rich, and on bicycles. At 5am. On a main highway. For some reason.

    If you drive when tired or exhausted surely you must be held responsible.

    We hold truck drivers, bus drivers. train drivers, liable when they cause accidents when tired let alone when they result in multiple fatalities...even in Thailand!

    The cause is making a decision to drive when being tired.. people are aware when they are tired and she made a decision to chance it, with fatal consequences for others.

    Driving while tired has been shown in study after study to reduce capabilities and response times.....dare I say to alcohol levels (hence warnings in the west and even parts of Thailand to rest and have established rest stops.. so if she had "a little" to drink and was tired, she had impaired abilities. I mean she is using that as an excuse (not reason). She acknowledges a diminished level of functioning and blames that for the "accident". This is only partially correct. Choosing to drive in that state is the culpability here.

    She was tired. She chose to drive. She killed people.

  9. Who's the babe?

    Lost in Translation perhaps.

    Actual article refers to she/her and then mixes gender.

    "Sriton Teja has been accused by Preyaporn Prajanket of stealing her Toyota Fortuner (กษ 709), his two Pomeranian dogs and pet supplies from his house in Doi Saket.

    Preyaporn Prajanket employed Sriton Teja who spent much time at her house.

    The polcie are currently tracking him and ask that anyone who sees Sriton Teja to report him to police. He was last seen using an ATM in Bankok Bank Prachautit branch."

    The again, in Thailand could always be an each way bet, smile.png

  10. Paul Thompson passed away recently from Brain Cancer.

    Paul had been all over the region as a photograher of Muay Thai, and in Chiang Mai for various spells (with Tiger Muay Thai). You would sometimes see him in the "old" Kawilla boxing stadium (a beautiful Eddie Munster haircut smile.png stuck out a bit ) and Loi Kroh for some international fights.

    True gentlemen who has know his days were numbered for quite some time, accepted this, and his sole concern form many months was the welfare of his wife, who had her own very significant health problems.

    He loved Muay Thai, and was passionate about the photos he took. Lived live to the full albeit far to short.

    You can see some of his work on his facebook page as his company page has sadly been deregsitered


    RIP Sharpshooter.

  11. The guy was called Tim, an Australian. I met him in a bar in the boxing complex about 11.00 pm. Just got chatting at the bar as you often do. A really nice guy, been her for 6 month due to a couple of health scares and had decided to live life to the full. And I don't mean doing anything crazy but just getting out there and experiencing what life has to offer. Anyway what seems to have happened is that after me left me he went to find his gf. Some argument occurred, she said she was going off with another farang to hurt him. Actually she disappeared off to eat some noodles. And he hung himself with his shoe laces. I saw the picture last night on the phone of the bar owner because I went back expecting to have another drink with him. The girls in the bar who had become his friends were very upset and emotional. The gf didn't seem to give a <deleted> and was laying low. Family will be arriving in 3 days to take him back home. I am still a little bit on shock. From the small amount of time I spent with him I would have never in a million years thought him caperble of such an act. He wasn't particularly drunk but I was told he was very jealous of the 17 year old gf. A real shame. RIP Tim.

    I don't think I have seen anyone near 17 working in the Boxing bars for eons.

    Is there any chance you could in some way identify the bar,name, area, size,....anything. Reason being is that I would want to avoid such a place like the plague.

    Legally they should not be workiing and I would be worried if they were due to the possibility (however remote) of BIB being aware or having an interest. I would have thought that a few of the other bars would have had words with BIB if there was an underage person on staff/working etc given scrutiny they are now under.

    Whilst I have every sympathy for the man's family from such a tragic demise.....being involved in any way with a 17 year old when this individual was 45 is problematic for me.

    Apologies for sidetracking slightly.

  12. This is now on Bangkok Post as well as CM108.

    The behaviour if correct is obviously criminal and indefensible.

    Having said that sometimes these reports concern me a bit. Fabian has been here for yonks, speaks good Thai, came here after his army discharge and for a while was a monk (and this mentioned in the CM108 article). He has been posting youtube and facebook photos of kids and different hill tribe events for a long time. He has published on the on the internet widely on religion, photography, fund raising, and hill tribes. I just become a bit concerned that after 20 odd years someone has considered some recent images offensive and classified as child pornography.

    Make no mistake, If he has these images and they are child pornography then I fall into "lock him up and throw away the key" group.

    Interestingly the CM108 article has a photo of an officer from Fang Immigration, and the article seems to suggest that there was a British police officer observing the search/arrest. There is a sizeable Farang in the photos with a digital video camera recording at various points. I have not noticed the UK government interested in procedural issues before.

  13. You can move things pretty quickly through bahtsold, give a good description, quality photos, and make aware of discount and preferably reason......also ddproperty, But a word to the condo reception staff so they can make a commssion/percentage (with adjusted bump in price) is also a good move.

  14. I thought we already had a permanent live in Farang exhibition at the Promenada zoo site. You can see them very early in the morning queuing for hours as the sun breaks, devotional like, waiting for a keeper to hand out a limited number of much sought after shiny numbered cards. Those that are slow or late and miss out slink away grumbling to return to an even earlier vigil the next day. Darwinism at its finest.

  15. Interesting, do you mind sharing information about the charity? I like these kind of projects.


    ​Given associations of directors Rotary in Chiang Mai might be a better start than Lions. though Lions do fantastic eye work.

    Op may also consider contacting the Fred Hollows foundation. They do a LOT of vey good work in Asia, a fantastic organisation and Fred, though a larrikin at heart was one fo the world's great humanitarians.




  16. Can we kill this one off as having nothing but the most tenuous link to CM and perhaps move to a more appropriate forum?

    Taking the religion aspect out ...Saudi Arabia verses Thailand ..., Thailand has a few problems for sure but........Saudi Arabia (Wahabi based) being known as it were for it's many forms of institutionalised "tolerances", gender equality, smiling people, judicial procedures and penalties, press and other freedoms, democracy. and generally laid back culture......the list goes on and on.biggrin.png

    Getting along with other religions is relatively easy...even in Thailand for the most part, getting along with totally alien, value wise (dare I say inferior), "culture" is decidedly harder.

    Perhaps the animosity is more driven by cultural behaviours rather than religion.... they can and should be separated..

    As a side the Prophet's birthday is celebrated by different Islamic sects on different days, and even in different countries (In Pakistan it past a week ago).

    The Prophet's birthday (Mawid Al Nabi) is a movable date on the on the Gregorian calendar. This year celebrated in early January and on December 24th in Saudi Arabia.....perhaps your Saudi friend should be the one feeling embarrassed smile.png.......unless Christmas was yesterday in which case I apologise.

  17. Now all they need is some of those tourist type people.

    Anybody running a book on when first person gets a major laceration, partial amputation, concussion, drowning, maybe a double on nationality and injury.

    Can we at least make the moat one way, that will improve my bet as to first nationality injured. ​

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