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Posts posted by mamborobert

  1. Went there once, quite a few years ago.

    To call Ron " objectionable" would be an understatement, always perched gargoyle like out the front, hardly welcoming.

    I thought I saw the building on the market ( including adjacent?) two years ago or so for 7 million with I gather no takers, as I was looking forward to a positive change of scenery.

  2. Says something when you can have a handful turn up to protest when thousands may lose jobs/financial support directly and indirectly verses multi city protests about US ambassador criticising application of the law rather than the law itself.

    Still a bigger crowd would have brought on bigger issues and not helped the good General view this plight in a favourable light.

    A photo op of a crowd of Farang owners (no doubt with a associated visa work rights) would not have helped. Neither would a gaggle of ladyboys and bargirls/prospective pensioners helped in the cold light of day either, or bleary eyed patrons be they backpackers or retirees, sleep walking digital nomads, (could not be teachers as most only get paid on the day of the protest). Perhaps tehy could have organised a Chinese tour group to be there to help.

    Problem is also that the Night Market is down as well to me as a casual observer, hotels seem less busy as well, and plane flights are less full. The bars may just be the canary in the coal mine....and in the current environment the local Chamber of Commerce etc may be a bit gun shy.

    Maybe a long wait till the elections for the possibility of some change I guess...only bright light is that Thanom Kittikachorn did say there will be elections at earliest opportunity..

  3. Gonzo.....author has been here a while.

    Thomas Fuller

    Thomas Fuller is the Southeast Asia Correspondent for The New York Times based in Bangkok.

    He began reporting from Asia in 1997 during the region’s financial crisis and has covered the American invasion of Iraq and the Arab Spring. He was also posted in Brussels and Paris, covering the European Union.

  4. It's been very very thin on the ground tourist wise in Loi Kroh and Thapae and massage joints the last two nights I have been about.....and not just he bars are hurting.

    In one bar came across two late 20s I know from the Night Market, no one buying so closed up their stalls at 10.00pm and off to the bars to try and supplement from lady drinks.

    A lot of Thais are short at the end of the month baht wise but for these two ladies to knock off early is a first and they can see this becoming a regular practice for them. They are not making more money, just clutching at straws to keep themselves and stalls afloat in the hope of some improvement in tourist numbers, but I think they were pretty well shattered when they saw empty bars as well.

  5. There is a good article in the NYT that discusses the Thai economy but the local printer has left a large white space by not printing. How can this place really expect to compete in ASEAN successfully with this level of myopia. Ridiculous things like 6 of 43000 English Teachers having near native fluency etc compared to Burma, Cambodia, and Vietnam for example that are opening up and will blossom under ASEAN....

    When you combine myopia with xenophobic protests it's just a distraction from very real underlying problems that are simply not being addressed.

    I see these protests and related actions and feel nothing but sorrow for local Thais.....the future does not look good for them at all.


  6. There is a really good, popular, professionally run AA group for Westeners on Kong Sai Road Wat Ket. It is about number 120 I guess, near Dr Wong Hospital, it is opposite a Pet Food store that has a lot of signage.

    They have the whole building, regular meetings, often see motorcycles parked outside. Have caught up with a few guys as I was walking past on regular jaunt, and seem liek a great bunch of guys.

    They have a large banner out the front and they do hold quite a few meetings a week.

  7. Nancy, if you sincerely believe that one letter to the Bangkok Post and some emails from embassies/consulates lead to a limited improvement then why not pursue this avenue rather than sledge G4T, as the improvement occurred regardless of their existence.

    If ONE letter truly made a difference why not through the Expat Club, or Lannacare, or Rotary, or TRBL, whoever you are advocating for, write multiple letters from members and the organisation itself. Surely then that would solve all problems?

    Or open up an agency for members or the club sponsor an agent.

    The expat club did pay "extra" for their recent service to members by Immi thereby "jumping the queue" of non members......who prefer perhaps to use agents.

    Is the expat club planning another queue jump. Perhaps focus on that rather than other queue jumper competitors.

    If however this is simply a budgetary and policy decision by the powers in Bangkok for whatever reason then all that is occurring is further alienation from the local Immi. The local boss gets the budget he gets, he can ask for more, or get promoted for doing same with less (by utilising agents), or moved on if he fails (shockingly similar to many western countries) but he cannot conjur money out of thin air, and if he could it would go to consolidated revenue.

    Give G4T a rest would you. It's elimation will no more right the wrongs of Immi than it will solve world hunger,

  8. Surely any revenue that Immi receives goes into consolidated revenue to be used by the government for pensions, defence, infrastructure, health, education etc....or are we suggesting that my local school fees very modest as they are pay for all salaries, pensions and operating costs of the school.

    Governments work on budget not profit. If G4T is making money it does not translate that their service charge will become funds available for Immi expenditure.

    Less agents with full and complete application (and therefore quicker processing) means more people and longer delays at Immi and more elder abuse as you call it.

    Once again we have NO linking to show that closing G4T will lead to an immediate and sustainable improvement at Immi.

    Make up your mind what you want, and see Immi to fix. Maybe they cannot within existing budgetary limits, in which case this is a Bangkok governance issue.

    If you think there is something untoward with G4T contact the junta as the General is quite keen on this, but leave the bleating off TV please.

    Immi were bad before G4T and bad now....but at least with G4T and other agents there is a vehicle that speeds up the service for those that want to use it AND those that do not through lessening processing times.

  9. Like a broken record playing the same track over and over.

    When you can show that removing or limiting G4T (and other agents) has or will lead to a significant and demonstrable improvement in Immi then it might have some relevance.

    Immi were according to many bad before are bad now...and G4T (and other agents perhaps to a lesser degree) quicken the process. If they are not used there will be more people at Imm,i with more incomplete applications leading to greater delays

    If this the plan you have?.....to break immigration through a deluge of numbers and damn anyone that wants to use an agent be up front about it...perhaps .in the "hope" that it sees the error of its ways and gets funding, staffing, procedures etc etc. I'm sure that will work .....not

    How about focusing on fixing what you consider to be the problems with Immi instead of confusing with agents and those that want to use them, and TM forms etc that are increasingly looking like a ......an attempt to "blame" or distract as you have been unable to fix what you consider to be the Immi problem.....so far all we have is 26 pages of smoke and mirrors.

  10. Still knocking G4t but were cheaper and easier to use

    We need G4T back in business

    Do you know why they are in business?

    I will take a wild guess and say " to make money and profit by providing a service", much like other agents, restaurants, real estate companies etc.

    If people consider something untoward is going on, and God forbid can evidence same, take it to the police.

    Otherwise are we not getting into the defamation area, where in Thailand, even if factual is no defence.

    What is being achieved here. Just an attempt to close of one agent only, of the many who have varying degrees of close relationships with Immi....

    Put up or shut up time....I like quite a few others want to continue using them. Others are free not to.

  11. Could be either way (legit or a scam).

    My wife has now and in the past family members working in Taiwan, mostly in unskilled/labour jobs, one for 8 years now, one has come back and now managers a Silver shop on the Chinese tourist trails.

    In the majority of cases they got the jobs on word of mouth, family members helped with payments for passport and flights (pretty cheap now)...a few wanted to go but could not through a lack of a Thai ID. It is now an aim for most of the young men in the extended family to go to Taiwan for a few years to then set themselves up back in Thailand.

    In ALL cases they spoke and read Mandarin and that was how they found out about the jobs and obtained the jobs, educartion was not a factor for these jobs.

    You would have to be wary of an agent/labour hire company coming to little old CM to seek out unskilled labour when it is far cheaper to get them from Indon/Viet etc and moreso soon after ASEAN. Debt bondage would also be a real concern here for the desperate or unworldly..


  12. G4T were in s hop just down from Immi but I gather may have changed (unfortunately) per another thread thanks to some busybodies.

    I used them aout two weeks ago now. No problems with English, very thorough checking and preparing documents, and escorted/quick trip through Immi. Dare I say a "one stop shop" at Promenada.

  13. Welcome to the land of the Thailiban.

    Without a large and consistent police/army present I just cannot see this working out at all.

    Also a bit of mixed messages that big crowds expected, (per TAT) as long as you do lanterns on X days, within X hours, within X zone, do not drink XXX, and are home in bed (preferably with ones own spouse or significant other) by XII.

    When they enforce helmets, speeding, drunk driving, crosswalks etc etc you might actually see less "safety" issues (the pretext for this farce)....what is the fatality/injury rate for Loy Kratong vesrses any of the previous.

    Hopefully ( I like to kid myself) this is just to enable polcie to move on individual trouble makers and have a legal basis to do so....so if drinking with no trouble then no problem (hopefully). Delusional of me perhaps......

  14. GIven that backhanders for want of a better term are common in Thailand are we not missing the mark if a sense of achievement is seen in closing/moving G4T. It seems lke this is a distraction to the lack of progress on actually changing Immi. All that is happened now is there is one less option (G4T) and no improvement. Other agents have "relations with Immi, perhpas not as close, are they next for the chop?

    For all the fanfare what has been achieved, a business limited and no improvement with Immi. Has this led to the much dreamed of comparable service with other Immi offices?

    Trumpeting the "success" with G4T is a smoke and mirrors action to excuse the very real failure to imrove Immi....and now we have one less option to use, and G4T clients now cloggng up the Immi office taking more time with their queries and incomplete paperwork. Surely this must add to overall processing times?

    Which agent is next?

    And once again.....I liked G4T.

  15. Hiding the perceived problem (G4T) without a significant improvement in the service level at Immi solves nothing.

    I liked using G4T and have stated same before, being closer and quick they were very convenient for me.

    Now that they are not there (hopefully only for a little while) if there is no significant improvement in service people will still feel compelled to used agents but now from across town, increasing the time taken. Less walk in clients for G4T means more walk in and longer waiting times for those that now go straight to Immi. Retirement visas are a fraction of what goes on here so an extra few cards being handed out may help some people but still inconvenience more that no longer have G4T however questionable, available.

    Do people now want the other agents/sponsors curtailed that have "close relations" with Immi?

    Is there going to be a significant, immediate and durable improvement in service at Immi simply because G4T are off the table?

    Without such a demonstrable change I cannot see how this is in any way an improvement. It is almost cutting off ones nose to spite ones face.

  16. I used G4T on Tuesday for a retirement extension, multiple entry and 90 day report, my reasons and experience was pretty much as NancyL outlined.

    I was a casual walk in about 10.15am, they took photocopies of passport etc as I had everything else, I signed copies, and blank application form and told to come back at 2.00pm.

    Came back and was walked into immigration quickly, saw officer on the right for extension and photo, and then officer on the left (who had trainee who took photo). In and out in less than ten minutes.

    I had no problems with the English of two staff G4T in attendance, the lady who looked to be in charge was fine and very thorough.

    I would use them again, just as I have used agents in the UK, USA, and Ireland, simply because they are a viable quick alternative that I am prepared to pay for.

    I can understand that some agents may have lost business, and certainly its proximity to immigration is a license to print money. But by no means is it the only agent by a long long long way that has a close relationship with immigration.

    For example from Chiangmaibuddy.

    "Aimmy is a former employee of the Immigration department, and has for years keep her established contacts with the Chiang Mai Immigration while running her own Visa Assistance Service. Aimmy is extremely knowledgeable about the continuing changes in the Immigration Laws and Procedures and Speaks English.

    Using her huge range of established contacts, we are often able to provide solutions to difficult Visa situations, sometimes bypassing the usual processes."

    While I was there another agent from across town also flagged her and clients presence to immigration staff by just walking up and talking to the immigration officer while they were serving someone else....and they were called across next bypassing those seated/waiting but perhaps they had an appointment.

    I do not need a full range of services, website, or ride across town so for me what they provide, quickly, effortlessly is perfect.

    To me G4T a good and worthwhile service all round, would use them again, and would like them to hang around.

  17. I would like to add my thanks as well, a very nice service indeed.

    I was somewhat suprised that it was not bigger given retiree population of CM but was advised at the event that the VFW holds a separate service in the morning. Given the nature of the service I would have personally thought that a joint service would have been more in spirit of such a memorial/rememberance service, and indeed other national groups also attending (given no RSL for example). A RBL member suggested that an invitation was made to the VFW but declined for some reason.

    I believe I saw NancyL there as well, thanks for Royal Thai Army? for the bugler, and it was nice to see wreathes from students as well..

    Many thanks to the RBL.

    Lest We Forget.

  18. Out and about last night down Loi Kroh and some places were open at 12 30 AM . Not sure what time they closed, because I went home

    Guess how much Chinese money is being invested in Chiang Mai? I have 2 Thai real estate friends that have switched to solely "sales"of land and buildings and courting the Chinese 90% of their time. Chinese tourists, especially tour groups will soon be housed in Chinese owned complexes (many are already near completion), driven about by Chinese transpo companies (who put in the highest bid at the airport?), eat at Chinese owned restaurants and the only Thais to benefit will be those who smelled the opportunity to make money by facilitating this. Look at Siem Reap, Cambodia and the Korean wave!

    The government wants stability and so do Chinese tourists.

    Loi Kroh and it's bars dont' appeal to the Chinese. Neither do the trinkets(since most are made in China)

    The real estate does appeal to them!

    With enough pressure, the government will bring the farang establishments to their knees and then the big scoop-up will occur with Chinese entrepreneurs and a select few Thais benefitting.

    The bar scene will go through an extraordinary facelift! Expensive drinks, plastic backdrops for fabulous selfies, glitter balls and stability. Need I mention karaoke and an eclectic dung-pile of muzak?

    It will be difficult for tuktuks and songtaews to park with all the Chinese tour buses on the roadside!

    we digress but I beg to differ. The PRC tourists are largely here on the back of the Lost in Thailand film which featured CM prominently. You see a lot more around CMU and other sites from the movie (CMU now having tours and buses and the like). They are not coming for the food, temples, culture or land. Thai land owenweship laws have not changed even though proxy arrangements still feature.

    China is investing in a lot of Asian countries...on a national level, on a private investor level accomodating western countries are still the favourites.

    Much like the Russians in Pattaya, this too will pass.

    Meanwhile a TAT tourist draw card has bars closing at midnight or thereabouts which is bad enough, but spare a thought for the local Thais who think they exist in a large city and can go out and party but apparently not...other cities in Thailand are clearly not being policed to this level, including other tourist type places. Somebody wants it dead here for some reason. What was the Cold War slogan, ."Better dead than....."

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