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Posts posted by mamborobert

  1. It has been on for the last few weeks at the end of the "old" Bumruang road location, both sides of double road (Rattanaroskin). Better way to drum up business for McCormick hospital when you try and cross from one side to the other, quick run for ambulances to the hospital now Bumruang clear. Still popular though now a crazy set up.

  2. I see that Fora Bee is mentioned in a few papers today after getting a mention in Twitter and facebook over last few days. Good to see it was just a misunderstanding after all.......


  3. Just did my first ever 90 day reporting online. I had a few concerns given what has been written earlier but thought I would give it a go. I am in a new address not previously notified to immigration, and most recently entered Thailand by air on 17 January. My due date would have been the first Monday after Songkran, so with the prospect of a huge crowd given office closure over Songkran it was try online now, and if it failed still an opportunity to attend in person next Monday or Tuesday ( as I had commitments on other days)....with again potential crowds given office closure later in that week.

    I briefly followed the guidelines published by CM Christian community basically for the link and browser advice.

    I used Google Chrome and it would have taken all of 5 minutes to enter the required data. After I submitted the data I received a transaction reference number and a time stamp of 1.03pm today.

    I was going to check progress in a few days but surprisingly ( to me anyway) received an approved notification by email a short while ago at 4.39pm.

    All in all could not have been easier. I would encourage others to try online notification and hope, in this case, your mileage does not vary.

  4. Songkran is in the middle of next month.

    But why worry over police checking bars? As long as you're not in violation of Thai laws, it's nothing more than a 5-minute inconvenience.

    The problem isn't the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.

    Would have to respectfully disagree.

    Whilst you are right it can simply be an inconvenience as I don't carry a passport; also know many who don't routinely carry the passport. This can cause hassle if the police want to see your passport of course.

    Carry recent copies of all pertinent passport pages. I also keep a copy of my housebook, and my Thai DL which has my address that matches my housebook. Dust off your Thai speaking skills. Be polite. The last time I was stopped by the BIB, as soon as started speaking Thai and he figured out I have been living here for years, he gave me a "Mai Bpen Rai" and waved me along before I could pull out my paperwork. I smiled, thanked him, and off I went. I also normally wear slacks, shirt, and shoes. If your covered in tats, body piercings, have long-hair, and a bone though your nose, your mileage may vary. Lol. <puut len>

    There is no percentage in arguing with those in power when in violation of the rules, and the rules are quite clear. It's what ever those in power say they are. Period. You are not required to like it. You are just required to live with it or face the consequences. Your choice. There are no other options if you wish to remain here. Live in peace, or live in a constant battle. You get to choose.

    Follow the rules regardless by those that are set by an unrepresentative authority.

    Guess your not a big fan of Mahatma Gandhi, D Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Aung San Suu Kyi, Nelson Mandela, some North American colonials, etc etc.

    By all means comply...but to do so willingly in full acceptance diminishes us all, Thai included. I accept that there are limits that can be done, but the alternative is not automatically to embrace the current regime and its rules, to live in peace as it were, as acceptable.

    You can only turn a blind eye to injustices for so long......unless North Korean melodramas is not the only ideal the dear leader would like us to embrace.

  5. I think a relaxed stance, exactly in between amused and bemused is best.

    By all means follow directions,

    I don't speak any Thai, and I can't understand any English spoken by Thais.

    You'd be amazed how quickly Thai officials want to get rid of me.

    I'm as cooperative as someone who has no idea can be.

    If I could only understand their directions, I would be more than pleased to follow them.

    ('I'm sorry I don't understand what you want', my own version of 'arai na')

    Is it quicker than if you just showed them your ID? Perhaps you just prefer to create problems...

    I think sometimes it can be. The ID produced can always be deemed insufficient to that particular officers needs or desires on that particular instance. Sometimes producing photocopy works sometimes not, same for passport on occasions especially if there are ulterior motives. As others have pointed out enforcement of laws are not fixed, there is no consistency.

    My father used to capitalise on the general Thai belief that every westerner spoke English to some degree. He would smile, shrug his shoulders, use open body language.......and only talk in Latin. He was always dealt with quicker than myself or waived thru, despite me having multiple ID formats(including Thai).

    Producing ID does not automatically mean end of issue. But for minor matters feigned ignorance with a smile can work wonders (when in Thailand do as.......).

  6. General chit chat witth family I am fine....but anything topical, political etc then there is no hope. To me it is not about any Thai reserve. They simply do not know and do not care.

    I read the news, watch the news, read generally, try to observe my surroundings ina broader sense, In the last 7 years I have never seen any of my Thai family read a book or newspaper, and may have seen them stumble across a TV news broadcast half a dozen times for all of them combined. They much rather Facebook for thei news, and the news they view on that is generally graphic violence stories, paparazzi snapshots, and religious stuff.

    The US elections, war in Syria, refugees in EU, even Thai politics is not discussed as they are simply unaware and have no interest (beyond a blind allegiance to the Shin clan). I could have the same conversation on shopping today that I held with any of them 5 years ago, and probably in 5 years time as well.

    I don't see this as purely a family thing though, generally their extended network is pretty much the same and dare I say the broader society. Perhaps a poor education system, and inwards Thai focus, a focus on sanook, and just generally trying to make a living day to day makes the average Thai converation understandably focussed on more immediate needs and issues.

  7. Not sure if this is what you are posting about but the furniture aspect of this show has been emphasised on some Thai forums.


    It is at the International Exhibition and Convention Centre open from 11.00 am to 10.00pm from today till the 13th.

    May not be your function as they have a very wide selection of items but certainly furniture was promoted.

  8. My wife is Thai/Chinese from Chiang Rai way. In a lot of that area there are no registered land titles but land that is nominally held by one person is sold to another with written agreement and the Land Office is not involved at all. This is a parallel system used by Chinese on many issues and stays in practice through tradition, respect, and clan ties.

    Turning now to Chinese buying land in CM. my wife is on three land titles as owner for Chinese. The last one is 8 Rai in Borsang that is now having a 6 million baht 7 bedroom house built on it. House construction, electricity, is all in my wife's name.

    Not supporting or condoning this in any way and have had more than a few arguments with wife about it. We are currently between houses ourselves and there is no way I will buy another place in wife's name while she has title over the other places (for a variety of reasons)......but the clan family pressure on her is so strong given at she has Thai citizenship/ID card. Once one had her on the title word seemed to spread. She is by no means alone in doing this. Two of her Chinese/Thai freinds from CR are doing same. I don't know any Thai/Chinese males that have this arrangement (but there may be). Maybe a throwback to daughters looking after parents with Chinese as sons start new mini patriarchals themselves.

  9. A completely different and plausible account of the wife getting the gun (and having it in first place) in self defence on Khasaod now.

    Let's face it no one knows.....and does it really matter.

    They are both gone and an innocent child is left.....and he will never know but will possibly question that he may have been the cause however minuscule or irrational. That is one hell of a potential burden no matter how many reassure otherwise.

    The only innocent one potentially carries the most guilt. That is the real tragedy here.


  10. Digressing slightly but I have kept photos on my phone of bio page, cover, and visa (as well as other items like licenses and rental agreement). These can be enlarged on the phone and significantly clearer than a credit card size reduction. Have shown to BIB (twice only, once in Bangkok). They were happy with them for ID as saved them some hassle. Also unless BIB is stroppy maybe does not want to explain later as to how pedantic it was to detain given multiple verifiable I'd initially provided.

    Of course....all may change at a whim. You pay your money you take your chance either way (reduced card or photos)

  11. Though I note the wife was named it is probably best that no other is named at this point.

    I thiknk quite a few will know him as Winnie has pointed out,

    Given that this is recent it is quite possible that family overseas are unaware and may not have been contacted by BIB or consular staff given weekend and time difference,

    It is a bad enough tragedy as it is without a family member or aquaintance accidentally stumbling actoss a TV post with the reference to the deceased. Also a reminder that when/if a nmae is mentioned in the news to perhaps be somewhat discerning in what is posted here that family may come across in the future.......it is posted forever.

  12. Perhaps best moved to the news forum.

    CM108 are reporting a murder/self defence killing and suicide involving a married westener and Thai wife in Koolpunt 8 after lunch today..


    As if not tragic enough, there appears to be a child now left parentless.

    RIP to those departed and pray things turn out ok eventually for the child.

  13. You;re in Thailand,

    Listen to Thai bands playing Thai music!

    Under the same rationale...

    "You're in Thailand,

    Do posts in Thai script on a Thai message board to a Thai audience............."

    I am sure that you will have a ready audience for your commentary, at least one anyway.

    PFC is also beautifully produced visually as well...Would encourage those that like this clip to have a look on Youtube at some of the others.

  14. OK.....your call. And neither would I...but then I do it all myself comfortably others may not.

    He is Dubai not Thailand.....

    Oh...and Touchwood was a Sri Lankan based investment company....who in their right mind.....

  15. Could you show us where he has the authority to sell securities in Thailand? http://www.biznews.com/mailbox/2015/10/14/to-biznews-community-is-high-pressure-seller-holborn-am-legit-or-a-scam/ Do a little googleing....more red flags than Mao's birthday party.

    Holborn Assets......http://www.professionaladviser.com/professional-adviser/news/2409617/disgraced-adviser-working-as-ifa-to-expats

    Far enough....but a few points.

    On the first link (before Richard took up his position) we at least have some recognition that the company (and any compalints), and it's staff (including Richard) are regulated and subject to FCA sanctions. Richard has not been sanctioned. You can check the register on line.

    The schemes beinng referred to (like Devere) were high risk for people that sought high returns...and certainly agents got high initial commissions for sale raterthan an ongoing trickle. Whether there was adequate disclosure always get brought up by those that made the loss on a high risk roll.

    As far as being licesned to sell securities in Thailand....not a lot are. I buy securities over the internet with companies in Australia (subject to ASIC regualtions) that are not licensed in Thailand. There are probably tens of thousands of people in Thailand dealing with overseas companies/agents/banks/financial advisors that are not licensed in Thailand.

    With an ponzi or high risk investment you are going to get poeple complaining after a loss (like the OP)..Presumably the OP has not gained any satisfaction through the more appropriate avenues for appeal. after several years, Richard still has his FCA accreditation, and the OP is now appealing to the Thaivisa Tribunal who;s sanctions (unlike the FCA) are unenforceable.

    Also a bit more recent info on client base and FAC approval.

    The company opened offices in London and Manchester at the end of last year and was awarded full regulatory status by the Financial Conduct Authority in February 2015. - See more at: http://www.portfolio-adviser.com/news/1019270/holborn-assets-enters-uk-offices#sthash.UeK51Gym.dpuf

    Either way people really need to do their own research...and as you and I have found out there is more than enough infor on Google......but greed always seems to over ride common sense.

  16. Richard is in the Dubai and is to the best of my knowledge qualified/licensed.



    Richard Colburn

    Pensions Strategist


    1. Holborn Assets LLC


    1. Sterling Assets,
    2. RT Financial,
    3. ATC International


    1. Chartered Insurance Institute (RDR compliant Diploma in Financial Planning)

    Of course on teh internet I am a Ninja, and on Loi Kroh everyone is former SF....but still. I thought he was qualified. Certainly you would not want to be mucking round with expat money in Dubai.

  17. And yet how many long termers have got to the point where when pulled over the BIB and clearly in the wrong (no helmet etc) actually initiate the on the spot "fine" payment before the BIB even suggests it (as a simple cost of operating and no desire to waste time going to station). Makes it difficult to complain about BIB corruption when so many pay on the spot, and are happ(ier) to do so than go the station.

  18. Bringing currency in or out of Thailand

    Any person who brings or takes an aggregate amount of foreign currency exceeding USD20,000 or its equivalent out of or into Thailand shall declare such amount of foreign currency to a Customs Officer.

    Failure to declare upon bringing currency that exceeds the amount restricted by law or its equivalent out of or into Thailand or making any false declaration to a Customs Officer is a criminal offence.

    For Thai currency (Baht), any person can bring total amount not exceed THB500,000 to any Thailand’s bounded countries and not exceed THB50,000 to any destination countries.

    More than that mentioned amount, you have to declare to a Customs Officer or exchange to others currency before depart from Thailand.

    Further information, you can contact The Customs Department at

    Tel: +66-2-249-0431 or hot line no. 1164.

    Website: www.customs.go.th

  19. Oz here and perfectly clear to me.

    I read it as if it were spoken than written if that makes any sense. This is the way you would say things but not neccessarily write things..

    It's no effort to understand for me at all....I don't even pick up on the difficulties others may have until I go back over it again slowly.

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