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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. This is the same Dave Cameron who says the idea of the referendum was the biggest mistake he ever made in his life.


    Now he's saying that we should have another one!


    If his chums in Westminster had got on and responded to the result in the first place Brexit would be history by now and we would not be plagued with it every time we open a newspaper or turn the TV or radio on.


    We're in our 4th year of it now!

    • Thanks 1
  2. 15 hours ago, Chivas said:

    You and emptypockets must be living in a parallel universe. Someone for god alone knows what reason reads from the profile I'm from Rochester someone then links that to Chonburi and now we got reference to gypsies in Maidstone and Chatham.

    I give up what are you two barking about lol


    We are discussing foreign visitors to Pattaya.


    We've mentioned Falangs, Chinese, Russians and Indians.


    The referral to gypsies is entirely relevant because gypsies are a nomadic people who originated from the the Punjab area of India.


    Many of their descendants are likely to be seen today not just in Pattaya but also in Europe. Rochester and the neighbouring towns in Northern Kent are a part of the UK that over time seems to have attracted these people.

  3. On 9/11/2019 at 9:16 PM, roo860 said:

    I was replying to a poster who said to come to the UK as an illegal immigrant, because you get a free house, money from the government, a free pass for everything you need. I asked for evidence of this. Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app








    Local authority (council) housing estates are numerous all over the cities of the UK especially in London. 


    Visit any one of them and count the indigenous occupants.


    Grenfell Tower was a huge block of flats run by a local council. Few of the 'tenants' worked but lived off the welfare system.


    London high streets are thronging with people in the daytime who are obviously not British. Ask can yourself why they're not working and where does their money come from.


    The evidence you requested is available but it will require your getting off your backside to go and see for yourself. It's visible proof not merely evidence.


    The liberal media won't help with your inquiries because such information is hardly conducive to their multicultural agenda.


    Any referrals to this state of affairs are always met with accusations of racism and bigotry. However such accusations do not make it any less truthful.







    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Chivas said:

    You and emptypockets must be living in a parallel universe. Someone for god alone knows what reason reads from the profile I'm from Rochester someone then links that to Chonburi and now we got reference to gypsies in Maidstone and Chatham.

    I give up what are you two barking about lol

    There are gypsies from Kent and Essex who come to Pattaya on a regular basis.

    • Like 2
  5. 7 hours ago, MadMuhammad said:

    ‘Genuine’ tourists will have no issue whatsoever 

    My pal is a genuine tourist who certainly had an 'issue'. He's a retired plumber who visits Pattaya 3 or 4 times a year for 4 week visits yet he got 'weeded out' and accused of working at BKK airport immigration recently.


    They let him in after a 40 minute interrogation but it left him with a nasty taste in his mouth and is an indication of which way the wind seems to be blowing.

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 2
  6. 7 hours ago, leggo said:

     who'd want to go there anyway, except for fat men who couldn't get laid anywhere else! thirty years ago it was okish , ten years ago it was a <deleted>hole and the last time I was there at a language school I swore I'd never go back and have kept my promise!






    You are overlooking the fact that there are 'fat men who couldn't get laid anywhere else' all over the world and many of them come to Pattaya.


    Fat men like a bit of affection just like anyone else as do the disabled and elderly men you see in Pattaya.


    Is it a problem for you, if so why?

  7. 7 hours ago, soistalker said:

    The fun is gone out of travelling to and in Thailand. Last time I travelled to an island, Koh Chang, after the ferry landed on the island, it was 15 to 20 westerners and 3 or 4 Thais in a shouting match about the Rip off taxi prices. One thai kept telling "go home! Go home!" 

    I really wanted to go home.

    I've heard that in LKM when a falang was complaining about the drink prices outside a GGB. They also told him 'Go 7/11'.





  8. 36 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    So they are drinkers and mongerers.

    Many more people visiting here then them.

    That's why I wrote 'no one I know'. I don't know any Russians, Arabs or Chinese etc.


    Those i refer to belong to the general falang community and consists of holiday makers, ex pats and long termers. 


    They are practically all punters and drinkers who patronise the bars and girls.


    The Arabs tend do the same while the Indians do it on a more limited scale.


    The Russians rarely do it.


    I've never been aware of a Chinaman in a bar nor chasing the women.

  9. 34 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    No you are not correct.

    I you really knew what you were voting for you would have known that SMEs, or whatever name you wanted to give to them, represented the largest percentage of the workforce and being SMEs, or whatever name you want to give them, would be the most vulnerable with the loss of the single market.


    As for voting, that is a matter for the individual. Information gives rise to a more informed perspective and it would be a sad case indeed for someone to deliberately vote in a manner that put the livelihood of the largest part of the workforce in jeopardy.

    I don't think for one minute that was the intention of the electorate, with a lack of meaningful dialogue just unaware of the potential outcome.


    Freedom of movement has to a certain extent a physical presence and something the public can relate to. The Single Market on the other hand is an abstract concept and quite meaningless to the majority, they were never told otherwise.


    Well I am correct then. Your actual words were 'If you really knew what you were voting for you would know that SMEs are the largest employer in the UK'.


    That's exactly the same as telling me that if I did not know what an SME is I did not know what I was voting for.

    • Like 1
  10. 13 hours ago, Yinn said:

    The thais never like you. You say before you don’t have any Thai friend.

    But other farang have thai friend, happy life.





    Fex have the big imagination he the important guy and all the Thais care and talk about him. 


    But most Thai do not think anything about farang. Do england people in England care about thai people? No, they care about there own live.


    sorry Fex, you are not important to thai people. Nobody even want to be friend together with you.

    Thats no true Yinn.


    People in England especially those who've holidayed in the LOS do care about Thai people as do falangs in other Western countries who know Thailand.


    We were concerned about the Tsunami when it hit and how the Thai people were coping. Western falang countries offered help and collected and sent money.


    We were concerned about the boys trapped in the cave and it was actually an Englishman who went down and helped get them out.


    Many falangs send money to Thai people every month. I know a man who sends money on a regular basis to a girl he met in a bar in Pattaya. We tell him he's a fool but he still does it.









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    • Haha 1
  11. 13 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    I do so only to illustrate how facile arguments are that suggest it is only farang without money or who have led uninspired lives who have noticed Thailand's changing geopolitics and xenophobia. 


    The regional signs of anti westernism and anti globalism are EVERYWHERE! Particularly strong in China and its derivative countries like Thailand. 


    Below is a video of what is happening in China - which I can confirm as several prominent business friends have left are in the process of leaving.


    Thainand is no different, and more forum members would know if they knew people of any significance in Thailand, as opposed to random broke farangs. 



    How do random broke farangs manage to stay or even survive in the LOS. I have long holidays in Pattaya, have met lots of people but don't know any broke farangs.


    If you've got no money nor the necessary visa you're out the door.


    Although admittedly I don't know any 'people of any significance' either.



    • Like 1
  12. 11 hours ago, 7by7 said:


    Perhaps had you known the full effects of Brexit on the UK's economy rather than just the pie in the sky promises of Cummings, maybe you'd have thought a bit more before casting your vote.

    What exactly are these full effects of Brexit on the UK's economy you've just mentioned.


    Do you mean like people losing their jobs, getting in work benefits, having zero hours contracts and the introduction of food banks. Are they some of these effects?

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