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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 5 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    So by your own admission you worked 'cash in hand' which means you definitely didn't pay tax or NI. Were you also claiming benefits at the same time?

    You have an issue with foreigners taking your job...... your black market job? The job that encourages people to defraud the tax man and possibly the benefits system?

    I have no sympathy for you. If your job was so low skilled that any Johnny Foreigner could come and take it so easily from you then you only have yourself to blame.

    But as we have seen so many times from your posts, that doesn't stop you blaming everyone else BUT yourself does it?   

    The fellow we worked for paid our tax and NI.


    And incidentally I've never requested your sympathy nor can you point to any of my posts in which I have.


    And the only people I blamed or I take issue with for what happened were the politicians who opened the gates to millions of cheap workers which was a policy pioneered by your Tony Blair.


    In many peoples' opinion a politician's first duty is to all the citizens of his country not just making sure there is an abundance of cheap labour so businessmen can make bigger profits.


    It was immigration that determined the outcome of the referendum not sovereignty. People whose livelihood is threatened could not care less about other issues.

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  2. 7 hours ago, sandyf said:

    If you really knew what you were voting for you would know that SMEs are the largest employer in the UK.


    The usual definition of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) is any business with fewer than 250 employees. There were 5.7 million SMEs in the UK in 2018, which was over 99% of all businesses.

    HOC BRIEFING PAPER Number 06152, 12 December 2018


    Thanks for the valuable information SF.


    But could you now please explain how knowing what SMEs are would influence how someone votes. 


    The way I'm reading your post you're asserting that had I known what an SME was I may have voted differently. Am I correct?

  3. 1 minute ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Small and Medium enterprise. A brit would know that, a Russian probably not. 555

    How would a 'Brit' or even a Russian who has never had any business experience know that.


    You only know it because you just googled it like I just did.  You did not have a clue before.



    "SME stands for Small to Medium Enterprise. However, what exactly an SME or Small to Medium Enterprise depends on who's doing the defining. Depending on the country, the size of the enterprise can be categorized based on the number of employees, annual sales, assets, or any combination of these."





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  4. On 9/1/2019 at 4:20 AM, villagefarang said:

    @Fex Bluse Reading the news and social media coverage, one could easily get the idea that many Westerners have a very strong negative feeling for immigrants and those who do not speak English or whatever the native language is.  Granted 'some' Westerners are polite to immigrants but I am not sure you can say, 'most'.

    Ex pats and immigrants are not quite the same thing.

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  5. 22 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    Sure. Let me get right on to that for you sir and whilst I’m there would you like some information on the immigration policy that you always get wrong as well?

    For someone so against something for nothing you sure are happy to get something for nothing. 

    Thanking you very much in anticipation.


    As I'm what they call a Brexiteer I'm sure you're of the opinion that I'm as thick as two planks so I'd be very grateful for any enlightenment you can throw my way on these subjects.


    But put in plain easy to read English so I can understand it.

  6. 32 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    Typical Brexit fan; literally no idea of what happens but in their mind, it still can't be as bad as staying in the EU. 

    Look up the information on the internet (it's not just there to rant on sites like this). Educate yourself to the huge tariffs UK exporters will face when reverting to WTO rules (there's no choice, they're automatic), investigate the cost of tariffs for importers, driving up prices in the UK, see how long the delays for importing/exporting are going to be and find out how long it typically takes to get a trade deal properly sorted out (especially now they have to do it with EVERY single country) and then you might start to understand why many of our Remain fans are so concerned and why we reject Brexiters calling it Project Fear. It's Project Reality.

    It's been a long time coming but welcome to the party.  



    To save me doing the necessary research why don't you spend a few minutes typing a few paragraphs explaining the intricacies of these tariffs.


    You sound as if you're familiar with them.


    If they are already in place it won't need a lot of work implementing them will it.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, JamJar said:



    You know that this is nonsense, don't you? Let's say you are working in London for £10 per hour and you work for 40 hours per week.

    Average one bedroom apartment in London perhaps £1200 per month in rent. Not including bills.

    You then have to pay your bills, buy work clothes, pay for transport and eat from that.

    Would you feel valued?


    It's easy to sit in an ivory tower and proclaim. But when you are under the cosh of a zero hours contract, don't have the freedom to supplement your income nor have any influence over government policy, what are you supposed to do?


    I should add that I'm not in the position of being under a zero hours contract etc. But I am not so divorced from reality to see that very many are in that position and would not have a way out of it, if it weren't for 'freebies'.


    Welfare doesn't tear people down. There are always winners and losers. People who owned houses and saw the value go up and enjoyed taking equity from said property were happy. People looking to get on the property ladder, dreadfully unhappy.


    Many years ago, you could leave school, get yourself a job, get yourself a council flat and get on with your life. You might even have a job for life. So fewer worries about taking on a mortgage.

    These days, you need to live with your parents until your are thirty, before you can even raise a deposit for a property. Forget about getting a council flat. There is little security of employment, but yet you can still be tied into a twenty five year mortgage.


    So your soundbite of welfare tearing people down bears no relation to the reality on the ground.


    Welfare isn't the problem. Populist soundbites only excite people who cannot be bothered to think for themselves.


    I've lived all my life in London.


    There are way too many people chasing way too few homes and way too few decent well paying jobs and yet more people are being allowed to pour in every day.


    The Grenfell Tower tragedy summed things up. Immigrants who were mainly claiming welfare being packed into a block of flats from which there was no escape in the event of a fire.


    In 1945 there were 2.5 billion people in the world. There are now around 7.5 billion and many of them want to live in our comparatively prosperous Western nations.


    We used to hear of the black townships in South Africa yet overlook the fact that there are now black townships in London. The violent crime that was associated with these African ghettos is now being replicated in London.


    Someone earlier cracked a joke about stab vests. It's no laughing matter if you live near one of these London townships particularly if you have sons or grandsons.





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  8. 44 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Power corrupts - and he was a very good example of that adage. Became increasingly corrupt, enriching himself and his family and putting himself above the law whilst strangling democracy by crushing opponents, critics and fiddling elections. His widow is of the same mold and they did well to block her crude attempt to seize power.


    That's Africa.


    The land of corruption, rape, violence and murder.

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