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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Oh, she was more than worthy! her cleaning my desk was the highlight of my day.


    As I said, she worked for a company that had a contract that covered all of our sites, all over the country. The salaries were set in the contract and negotiated by head office. Well above my pay grade. We did club together and use every excuse to buy her presents.


    Sadly, it all came to an end when one of the other guys put her up the duff.

    You said it was 'my company'. I gathered from that that you were the boss.







  2. 2 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Really? What nonsense. My father volunteered and fought in the Airborne and he wasn't even British.


    Also a big supporter of the EC/EU.

    I was not referring to your father.


    And it's not nonsense. They even imprisoned registered conscientious objectors. Men dreaded getting their call up papers.


    To fill the ranks the govt had to introduce conscription because most ordinary blokes had nothing against the Germans and objected risking their lives simply for the whims of politicians.


    I had an old pal who served in France in the Great War. He never hated the Germans but hated the general staff officers and the politicians with a passion. In 1914 thousands volunteered till the casualty figures brought them to their senses. Then they were conscripted by law just like in WW2.

  3. 14 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    She worked for a large service company who had a contract with my company. The requirement to pay minimum wage was in the contract.

    Why didn't you do the decent thing and insist on her getting a reasonable wage in the first place instead of the lousy mean spirited minimum wage.


    Wasn't she worthy of it?


    I used to have a lady help me with my cleaning in London. I gave her 30 - 35 quid for three hours work and I'm an OAP.

  4. 9 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    And who is to blame for not enforcing British labour laws? The EU or your own government?

    Such laws are unenforceable.


    If you have a woman in to do your cleaning no EU nor UK official is ever gonna turn up and tell you how much you've gotta pay her.


    The same goes for painters, decorators and gardeners etc. I've never even heard of any such officials.

  5. 35 minutes ago, Basil B said:

    Cheap Eastern European labour flooding the country? so how many?


    Are people loosing their jobs? just the opposite lot more cheap labour needed for seasonal agricultural work and care work.


    Why do people from poorer countries want to come to the UK? because we will not help them develop jobs in their own countries, Britain as a wealthy part of the EU bulking contributing to a fundamental principle of the EU. 

    That's a different matter.


    Who IYO should the people I mentioned vote for and why.

  6. 6 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    Jingoistic, xenophobic nonsense.

    Saying modern Germany is trying to dominate through 'its economic and political power' as being the same as Nazi Germany is just insulting to the men and women who lost their lives in WW2 fighting an established, potent and very real evil. Your comparisons are neither accurate nor constructive, and your faux intellectual musings is just thinly veiled xenophobia. 

    People paid the ultimate sacrifice so that peace would come to Europe and the member countries could come together with a common vision of democracy, decency and co-operation, with modern Germany being at the forefront of the movement.  This vision of the common good prevailing and providing a safeguard against similar right-wing extremism is more under attack now than at any time since WW2, helped nicely along by Brexit.  

    You should all be ashamed of yourself. 


    The men who lost their lives in WW2 did not do so voluntarily. They were called up and had to go. They were often punished, humiliated and even imprisoned if they refused.


    They'd seen what had happened to the previous generation in the Great War. Only a very few volunteered to take part in the replay.


    For all the good it did Britain in the long run we should have left the Germans to fight it out with their ultimate enemy, Soviet Russia. The Soviets beat them in the end anyway.

  7. 11 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    Does the UK not have labour laws, such as minimum wages that apply to everyone, including Eastern Europeans AND British ?


    You know they do but such laws are largely ignored where casual labour is concerned especially in the building trade.


    If an employer should be paying 50 pounds a day for a labourer and someone comes along and offers to do it for 30 which person do you think is going to get that labouring job.


    That's what's happened in large parts of the UK since the millions of Eastern European workers arrived.






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  8. 7 minutes ago, Basil B said:

    I agree on the binding referendum, but for a Referendum to be binding it must be a Clear Majority...


    Factors like the weather can have an effect on polls like if it rains or if is is cold a person with a car is more likely to vote than a person without, and a person without a car is more to vote labour than Tory.

    Who should a person vote for if they already have or are likely to lose their job to cheap Eastern European labour.


    And which way should they vote in another referendum if we have one?

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Never watched the HoC live before it seems!

    No strong drink should be permitted anywhere near the HoP let alone tax payer funded subsidised bars! 


    It was just a few years back that investigators found traces of cocaine in all the toilets of the Parliamentary buildings yet that was soon covered up and swept under the carpet.


    Little wonder there is concern about alcohol and cocaine addiction among the middle classes. Our politicians are probably the ones that set the trend.

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  10. On 9/1/2019 at 10:34 AM, sunnyboy2018 said:

    Soi 6 is dreadful. The girls are not pretty. The bars play the worst music in the world  except Scooters and the foreigners are low class footie fan types. WS is much more fun and less sordid. 


    OI! Do you mind. I don't even like football.

  11. 1 hour ago, johnarth said:


    Me too built to last one thing I unhappy about the women here spoil it they wear those dam Olympic sports shorts under their dresses spoils all the fun

    I know exactly what you mean.


    You see a nice shapely girl in a sexy little dress but when you bend down to pick the 20 baht note you've just dropped you see she's got a pair of shorts on underneath.


    It's a bit of a passion killer isn't it.






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  12. An individual may have an unpleasant episode upon arrival at the airport. First impressions count for a lot.


    When he or she gets to their hotel they find the staff surly and unwelcoming.


    They then finds it all more expensive than they'd hoped it would be. They also get ripped off in bars and possibly shops and restaurants.


    Their reception at immigration is just part of their total holiday experience and may well result in their never ever coming back If their hosts do not nip this behaviour in the bud.


    My friend got grilled at the airport upon arrival and it's made me bit concerned about any future trips to Thailand. It's a long way to come at considerable cost to fly to a country where some bad tempered IO who got out of the wrong side of the bed that morning decides to refuse you entry!


    Word will get about and folk will stop coming and the people who rely on tourism such as airport workers, taxi drivers, hotel staff, bar and restaurant workers, coach drivers and vendors and so on will all suffer in the future. Don't forget ex pats use the services of these people as well, probably more so than the two week wonders ever will.


    Whether or not the Thai authorities are concerned about this remains to be seen.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

    It is more stark in Pattaya. But not really relevant to someone being denied entry at Swampy. 

    I expect this topic will be clipped of the off-topic posts soon. 

    They are both examples of how things in Thailand are not so rosy in the garden for expats and visitors as they used to be in the past. It's part of the over all experience.


    You or a friend may have a problem with an IO at the airport and that impression of the country is compounded when you or friends have other negative experiences when you get to wherever you may be going in Thailand. In my case and that of many others that destination just happens to be Pattata.


    Others are free to give their accounts of instances in Khon Khen, Samui, Surin, BKK or Phuket or anywhere else that is relevant to their experiences.

  14. 21 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

    Sorry,Pattaya is not for me. Too deprived and seedy. Good to keep this business there and spare the rest of us. 

    But whether you like Pattaya or not is not the issue. What is happening in Pattaya must surely be an indication of what is happening elsewhere in the resorts and ex pat enclaves of the LOS?


    We're hearing similar concerns and tales of woe from falangs in Phuket and Bangkok etc.


    Things may not be much different up in the boondocks nor the villages where fewer falangs live but in the more popular resorts and larger towns and cities many falangs are beginning to feel just a little bit jittery if not decidedly unwelcome.

  15. 18 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Reselling and refurbing bars is the business to be in in Pattaya! 

    Add to your list, Pig and Whistle closed, also next door, something going on, Rosie's being refurbished, I heard it was sold. 

    Cafe Racer I thought was a dispute between the 2 owners, and we now have the one of the original 2.

    Oasis, it has been a basket case for a bloody decade hasn't it? 


    Pattaya Beer Garden maybe. Cherry Bar if the owner stays healthy.


    I am not denying your claims, we are definitely losing the pubs and eateries. The GGBs change hands, but they are still there with new names, old girls. There have been a lot of changes in the last few months.

    As regards the Cafe Racer when one owner calls it a day all is not as it should be and the writing must surely be on the wall.


    I'm surprised that Dolls next door is still up and running and The Office Club along the way is already said to be in trouble.

    Bear in mind the rents in LKM aren't cheap.


    There may come a time when would be falang speculators finally somehow get the message and realise that owning a successful bar in Pattaya is now only a pipe dream.

  16. 2 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Reselling and refurbing bars is the business to be in in Pattaya! 

    Add to your list, Pig and Whistle closed, also next door, something going on, Rosie's being refurbished, I heard it was sold. 

    Cafe Racer I thought was a dispute between the 2 owners, and we now have the one of the original 2.

    Oasis, it has been a basket case for a bloody decade hasn't it? 


    Pattaya Beer Garden maybe. Cherry Bar if the owner stays healthy.


    I am not denying your claims, we are definitely losing the pubs and eateries. The GGBs change hands, but they are still there with new names, old girls. There have been a lot of changes in the last few months.

    The PBG is near Walking Street which nowadays is pretty much devoid of falang punters. Can you see that lasting another five years even if the owner does.


    Even the equally popular Bamboo Bar over the road does not get as much trade as it used to. The last I looked in there were plenty of empty tables. Admittedly it was in early July.


    The Cherry Bar has already changed location in recent years from Soi 8. He's fond of his drink and will be lucky if his health stands up for another five years. Neither does he look too sprightly. He's also putting on weight.

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