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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 3 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

    And you dont think old Etonians like Johnson, Cameron and Reese Mogg are not establishment?

    Obviously not in this case. They support the majority of the people who voted by a majority of 1.3 million to leave etc etc.


    The invisible strong men in the civil service behind the government have demonstrated that the will of the minority rules when it fits in with their wishes.

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  2. 14 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    AFAIK, the referendum did not give a green light to Boris Johnson to break the law.

    Sent from my SM-N935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    The referendum was a demand to leave the EU. 


    The judges and the Establishment are the ones breaking a moral law and code of honour by having done all they can for three years to defy that demand made by the British people who employ the MPs and judges.

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  3. It's about time the problems associated with big bikes was addressed. Only a loon would allow a stranger to hand over some money and climb on to a 750cc M/C and go roaring off into the traffic.


    Anyone remember those two young Welshmen who got killed on Pattaya's Second Rd near Big C within hours of hiring one of these lethal machines.

  4. On 9/20/2019 at 3:41 PM, Leaver said:

    Ok, so, one of your favorite bars is struggling.  Read the heading of the thread again.  "Is the closure of your favorite bar or restaurant imminent?" 


    Whilst I am happy to discuss the various reasons for why, or why not, some will survive, whilst others will close, your post tends to indicate that indeed, one of your favorite bars may not be open 6 to 12 months from now.  Do you think it will survive, or close?


    I understand there is a large expat customer base here.  Do you think the next generation of retired expat will be as large, given the majority of tourists to Thailand now are Chinese?  It's holidaying to Thailand that advertises Thailand as a future retirement destination for many. 


    You make an interesting point about "customers drying up." You mention the big expats customer base, but what about the bars / restaurants that rely on western tourists, with the expat base being a bonus?  What future do you see for these establishments?  


    No argument from me, Billabong is the busiest in LK Metro, and I agree, the band is great, however, with a 2 for 1 business model, it has to be packed, 7 nights a week, or it runs to a loss, such are the small margins from the 2 for 1 business model.  


    I understand your point that a bar / restaurant owner can determine how their business goes, but there seems to quite a few circumstances for this coming high season which may see it be no high season at all.  Things like, strong baht, weak western currencies, Brexit, rising local prices (yes, this includes the girls) stronger competition from the likes of Vietnam, visa issues, particularly for snowbirds etc etc.  These are outside of a bar / restaurant owner's control, and all they can do prop up the business with their savings, or close.  They could try to sell, but in this climate, it's a fire sale, or no sale at all.      



    An ex pat pal of mine has lived in the LOS for over 20 years mainly in Pattaya in the same cheap hotel. He's not a big drinker but likes his football which he watches in Katesiree or New Plaza.


    Like many of us he has concerns about his future finances.


    I rang him yesterday as he keeps me up to date with things in Pattaya. When he answered he surprised me by telling me he was in Vietnam.


    He sounded favourably impressed and I suspect he's gone there on a scouting mission to see how the land lies. If he relocates it will be a sign of what's to come as far as many ex pats are concerned.


    To me he's always been like part of the furniture in our part of South Pattaya near Hellfire Crossing where Soi Bukhaow meets Diana.

  5. On 9/19/2019 at 8:22 AM, jacko45k said:

    And yet, last night, a midweek evening, it was packed in Walking St, quite a few GGBs difficult to find seats.


    Cafe Racer is dependent on Australian customers so very specific. 

    Quite a few of my English pals went in the Cafe Racer. It apparently closed for a while because of a fallout between its owners/partners.

  6. On 9/6/2019 at 4:18 PM, CGW said:

    I actually agree with you - in a roundabout way ????

    It amazes me how strong the economy is & how strong their "balance of payments" is, they have had a long run of "luck" maybe this time their luck will finally run out? They do have plenty of money in the bank though to see them through any hard times.

    Thailand does no have to carry the burden of the welfare payouts we in the West are saddled with. That money is immense and a massive drain on our economies.


    The billions we dole out in benefits could otherwise be spent on manufacturing goods for export and domestic consumption. We have container ships from China unloading in our ports every day. And to a smaller degree ships from Thailand as well.


    We think of Thai tourism but overlook to their exportation of vehicles, seafood, poultry, rubber and rice etc.

    • Like 1
  7. On 8/21/2019 at 5:48 AM, Leaver said:

    Due to the hoards of Chinese tourists coming here now, the demand for accommodation has increased, while there has been no corresponding demand for alcohol and sex from this demographic.


    Not that I care too much for them, but all those tin roof, single story, beer bars, are now just a waste of land.  Many will make way for hotels in the future. 


    The Thai landlords have no concept of what a business can sustain, so the property can remain rented, and the tenant run a successful business.  If the restaurant was capable of seating, for example, 20 people, the Thai landlords charge rent on 20 people, constantly seated, buying food, every day, the whole time the restaurant is open, which is simply unrealistic.  


    As some of our favorite places close, we will adjust and move to other places.  This will see the businesses able to survive, get busier.  Then, the Thai landlord raises the rent on those surviving businesses, and they will pass that cost onto us, the customers, because the few places left that survived will know there few options left for farang customers to go to.  

    And as bars close and the rents on the surviving ones go up those cost increases will be passed on to us.


    Eventually the bars will continue to decrease in number or vanish all together and so will the falang customers. It's already happening.

  8. On 8/13/2019 at 5:09 PM, RoadWarrior371 said:

    The one constant is change, deal with it.


    We don't need more doomsday experts, we already have enough of those boobs on the forum.


    If you don't like change, live up to your name, and leave.






    How do you expect anyone to 'deal with it'! That's a rather gormless remark.


    None of us are in a position to deal with anything to do with the Thai government's attitude to falang visitors, visa regulations, the exchange rate nor anything else.

  9. On 8/13/2019 at 4:38 PM, elliss said:


          You  joke , about  joking about a persons supposed death . 

          You must be so sad and lonely ... Go Away ..

             PS , fyi   the proprietor ,  is  a well known character on brit TV comedy .

            Obviously , he did not like you,   same me ...



    You are probably talking about a different bar.


    Dave was a comedy act OK when drunk but he was never on the telly. You may be confusing it with Only Fools And Horses which was constantly on the two TV sets he had in the bar.

  10. 16 hours ago, bander said:

    Right and maybe he can get a fair trail without any corrupted judge and jury .

    We have yet to hear Mr. Bullman's statement, he was stabbed in the shoulder prior to the choke grip if I remember right.

    My impression of Indian businessmen are mixed, mostly they are provocative, rude, intrusive and not afraid to insult strangers.

    I'm talking about the tailor shop Indians in Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok, Singapore and Hong-Kong.

    Anybody who have been approach by an Indian salesman on the sidewalk or shoppingsenter can confirm this.

    You do not have to be Indian to get provocative or rude when a loud drunk in the next hotel room is keeping you awake at 4 o'clock in the morning.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Enki said:

    He is accused of manslaughter ... not of murder.

    i did not mention what he is accused of.


    I said he murdered someone.


    He attacked and killed someone with an act of violence while drunk. He's hardly going to admit he did it intentionally because doing so would be admitting murder in most folks' eyes. In spite of what lawyers and liberals might claim.


    All he has to do now is say he did not mean to kill the victim. Then in some peoples' opinion the authorities have to prove he did intend to in order to class it as murder.


    A very difficult task to accomplish even for a high paid lawyer.


    Going by recent cases in which a tourist kills another tourist the Thai authorities don't seem to want to get involved. In Pattaya the American who beat an Aussie to death in Soi 6 and the Swede who fatally stabbed a New Zealander in Soi Diana were both released on bail.



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  12. 42 minutes ago, hansgruber said:

    After living here for nearly 2 decades. I don't own a pair of pants. 

    I used to buy them in Big C for 99 baht a pair but now with the weak GBP they are cheaper in the UK at 4 quid for 3 pairs in Primark. They can double up as swimming trunks.





  13. 1 hour ago, shy coconut said:

    She was held in an immigration cell before being sent home, she wasn't arrested on the 

    streets intact she never even officially entered Thailand.


    As for the bail, yes that seems crazy, but in the UK, 4 suspects in the case of the

    Berkshire policeman murder were also released on bail although I'm sure the criteria

    was stricter.

    If she was not intact when they arrested her then it's likely she would not have been intact by the time she got back to the UK either.


    If such is the case I hope she sues the BIB. It's about time someone did.

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