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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. Thanks yet again Joe.


    It gets a bit tiresome all this visa business and asking the embassy on the phone for help is a waste of time even if you can get through to them so I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates your help.


    Such a daunting process must cost the Thai economy a lot of cash because folk will holiday elsewhere and take their money with them.


    For example in 12 weeks with this expensive TB I now spend 180 K - 240 K baht plus my hotel and Thai Airways flight. I have been doing this for around 12 years. Some people I know spend a lot more.

  2. 2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    That is correct. In reality the embassy in London was one of the very few embassies that would issue a multiple entry non-o visa for retirement. Many will not ence issue a single entry non-o visa for being 50 or over since the will only issue a OA long stay visa.


    A multiple entry tourist might be the only option. It will allow unlimited 60 day entries for 6 months from the date of issue. Each 60 day entr can be extended for 30 days. It is possible to get a total stay of almost 9 months of total stay by getting a new 60 day entry just before it expires.

    There are a couple of nearby locations that may issue a multiple entry non-o visa but they would want to see 800k baht in the bank or proof of 65k baht income.

    Thanks again for your help and patience Joe.


    Would that 800K have to be in a Thai bank.


    I do not want to transfer so much money from a UK bank to a Thai one just to be able to spend my time and money on long holidays in Thailand.


    I have a K Bank account but just for my holiday money when I visit.


    Is the 60 day visas obtainable from the London embassy and can I extend it for another 30 days in Jomtien if I stay in Pattaya. And is it permitted to get this visa two or three times in a one year period.


    I keep my room on all the year round so obviously I want to make the most of it but do not want to live in Thailand. Bit I do spend 6 - 7 months of the year there.


    My current O Visa expires 28/3/20.

  3. 13 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    There are are many embassy or consulate that will not issue a multiple entry non-o visa. About the same for any other non immigrant visa other than a OA or OX visa and possibly couple of other special ones.

    It has never been possible to a apply for a multiple entry non-o visa here in the country. They are only issued by embassies and consulates.


    Cheers Joe.


    Is it correct that a 'multiple entry non-o visa' is no longer available even from the London embassy in person?


    If so what is the closest alternative for retired OAP who holidays in the LOS 2 or 3 times year and who likes to stay for 2 or 3 months each time?






  4. 25 minutes ago, thaibreaker said:

    Roger is a common name in Norway, 8.800 people have that name. But you are correct about Bullman. First time I have heard it, and statistics say it is less than 4 people with that name in Norway. That makes his family probably the only one.

    My uncle married a Norwegian woman. Their son has a typically British surname.


    It's not Bullman by the way!

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

    I’m not sure about now, but back in the day, British was British. I know some English people have wanted to leave the UK, but they’ve never been brave enough to put it forward.  I know many of my compatriots would be delighted to see them go, but for all their foibles, I would rather stand shoulder to shoulder with my English, Welsh and Irish friends and compatriots.


    Are you Scottish then. I did not think you'd be English.

  6. 1 hour ago, StreetCowboy said:

    People can move freely within the UK,  yet somehow local councils manage planning and investment in local infrastructure.  I never felt I was jeopardising the council plans, nor impoverishing the locals, nor unduely burdening their services when I migrated to Cheshire, even though I lived in a council flat for a while.

    HTF did you get a council flat! You cant be English.

  7. 9 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    This has nothing to do with the EU and everything to do with Tory austerity.

    You keep doing this time and time again; blaming the EU for what are obviously the problems of the government at the time. and/or the consequences of Tory austerity. Please educate yourself. I'll start you off.



    Since 2003 - 04 when Blair opened the gates to EU citizens the UKs population has risen by 7 million. This is based on findings by the Office of National Statistics. As the ONS is a govt organisation it's probably much more.


    It stands to reason no country can stand for such a population increase and the strain that is put on facilities and services. If we had not been in the EU this would not have happened.


    We've even got Polish shops in parts of the UK to cater for the hordes of Poles that arrived and put down roots.


    I live in the UK and have seen this first hand.


    Even Boris got an education about a lack of hospital staff from the father of a sick child yesterday when he visited a London hospital. It's been all over the news.






  8. Yinn, as Lenny said you can't go by what you read on this sort of forum.


    Most of us are miserable old gits who are never happy unless we're moaning about something or someone. It's all some of us have got left to do in life.


    You get grumpy old misery guts in every country in the world and us falangs are just as bad if not worse than anyone else. But few of us would be in the LOS if we were not at one time fond of the Thai people and probably still are.


    It's the immigration and visa jobsworths we've little time for.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

     For the same reason that British passport holders can do the same in other EU member states.


    You have been shown time and time again that your so called " unnecessary strain on housing, employment and other essential services" is a myth. Yet you keep repeating it!


    Why do you prefer myths to fact? The answers obvious.

    Shelter, the organisation claim that there were more than 250,000 homeless people in the UK in 2016.


    Crisis another organisation said that in 2018 there were 200,000 people living in bed and breakfast hostels in the UK.


    As I said before there are 8.6 million economically inactive people of working age in the UK. The can't all apart from the approx 1.5 million unemployed be sick or caring for those that are.







  10. 2 hours ago, CaptainNemo said:

    It's a fact that England is the most densely populted country in Europe, the figures are only hidden because of the low densities of the other parts of the UK, but England is full and there's not much space left for tribal reservations for the ethnic English, nobody is queuing up to get into the rest of the UK.

    We're told that the UK population is 67.6 million as of 17.9.2019.


    A few years ago the UKs food retailers announced they sold the food required to sustain a population of 80 million. This information has since been removed from the internet.


    We often hear how we've lost control of our borders and how deported criminals have been discovered to have arrived back in Britain the same week.

    • Like 1
  11. 11 hours ago, tebee said:

    Equally though the EU has had major positive effects for  many British working class people - the working time directive, workplace protections.


    Do they not think the most right wing conservative administration in decades will be quick to eliminate these laws  and free the British working man from the tyranny of Europe enforcing paid holidays and safe working environments on them? 

    What right wing conservative administration? They've let more immigrants in than tony blair did!

  12. 1 hour ago, Blue Muton said:

    And now we have absolute classic Brexiteer hogwash, blaming the EU for UK government policies. 


    Or perhaps not. Perhaps you can point us to the EU laws that have demanded that the UK government neglects social housing. Conservative policy and EU legislation are not the same thing.

    And perhaps you can point us as to why EU passport holders should have free movement and can come and settle in the UK putting an unnecessary strain on housing, employment and other essential services.

  13. 19 minutes ago, tebee said:

    Equally though the EU has had major positive effects for  many British working class people - the working time directive, workplace protections.


    Do they not think the most right wing conservative administration in decades will be quick to eliminate these laws  and free the British working man from the tyranny of Europe enforcing paid holidays and safe working environments on them? 

    Those positive effects have not gone unnoticed. For those on zero hours contracts and low incomes there are now 2,000 food banks throughout the UK.


    The amount of free food they dole out has increased by 73% in the last 5 years so things are nowhere near as bad as some folk make them out to be.


    How delighted and grateful we should be that we can now get free food if we need it.






    • Sad 2
  14. The Brexiteers voted to leave for two very important reasons. And ones  that seriously affect many British working class people who are the section of the population that represent the majority of leave voters.


    The main one was unwanted immigration and its negative effects on life in the UK for its native population such as its traditional culture, terrorism, crime, unemployment, employment conditions, housing and general overcrowding.


    The other was the perceived EU interference in our 'sovereignty' such as what laws we choose to implement and how we choose to implement them.


    The remainers who have more of the means, authority and clout to do so have not said how they are going to tackle these problems but just keep scaremongering and going on about 'deals' without presenting the actual nature of such deals, calling leavers racists and xenophobes which admittedly has a degree of truth to it and of course of being stupid.


    We are now seeing how little our out of touch politicians care for our wishes, their inability and blatant reluctance to put things right and their refusal to listen to the people. The result is the country is divided and its people often bitterly so.


    We're now in the 4th year of it and nothing has been done by those useless imbeciles we pay 80K a year to do as we instruct them. If they were employed in the public sector they'd have got their cards and severance pay offs long ago. At least Boris is one Eton toff who's trying to get things sorted out.


    For those who live in Thailand one source has claimed that the GBP will be down to 28 baht by 2022 if things don't get sorted out ASAP. The way the it's crash dived since June 2016 that source could well be right.


    Returning to the nightmare that the UK has become can't be a very attractive proposition for ex pats. Not just from the LOS but also everywhere else.


    But financial conditions will mean many of them will have no choice but to have to do so. Not much fun for some old blokes who have spent years putting down roots in what they thought was going to be their final home.

    • Like 1
  15. On 9/15/2019 at 11:47 PM, Lacessit said:

    IMHO beliefs in an afterlife or reincarnation are rather pathetic cries for relevance and meaning. There is no factual evidence to support them. Only myths and legends.

    When an anaesthetist renders me unconscious for routine surgery every six months, the interval between going under and waking up in the recovery room is a total blank for me. No dreams, visions or perceptions. It's what I imagine death to be like - the absence of everything.

    We only get one life, so we should make the most of it. For dust thou art, and to dust you shall return.

    Kerry Packer died temporarily on on a hospital operating table.


    They managed to bring him back and he described death as nothingness. No pearly gates, no fire and brimstone, no being reunited with deceased loved ones just a blank nothing.

  16. 7 minutes ago, jastheace said:

    go on then, do it. why hasn't any one done that?

    because you'll get the comments along the line 'I been here 30 years and I don't like it now' or ' I been here 20 years and I don't like it now' or ' I been here 10 years and I don't like it now' or I been here..... ad infinitum..personally, I like it here, circumstances change, I change , I deal with it, I not going. sorry, I am staying, whingers , I know where the exit door is, and if you pm me I will tell you where it is, because it must be such a secret that you can not find it, but just complain how life here is a bitch. it ain't . life here is cool, no matter how **** you think it is. it's still sweet here. adapt to the changes, good times are around the corner...… (I hope)...

     So to cut a long story short you won't, can't or refuse to start a positive topic about life or holidays in Thailand. You've already made four posts knocking this negative one.



    • Like 2
  17. 3 hours ago, jastheace said:


    the topic the OP has started and is fairly stale now????

    ' I went out and it was quiet'

    ok, and.....

    'has the novelty worn off'

    maybe you have 'worn off' for Thailand ?

    maybe the topic of ' wowee its not busy in the bars !!' will come up soon

    I'll have a wee wager with anyone, how long before the next new topic is opened regarding bars/ lack of customers. hours ? days?, 

    then.... come xmas, lots of topics come along the lines of....

    'busy, can't get into bars, can't get a drink, prices gone up , blah de blah.'

    please though, enough topics re quiet bars, goverments fault, Thailand fault, thai people fault, exchange rate fault, weather fault, ENOUGH, ARGHHHHH....

    Why not start a topic about how wonderful everything is in the LOS.


    Good luck with that. Bad news sells while good news is hard to come by and usually boring.

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