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Posts posted by Bosse137

  1. 2 hours ago, mikebike said:

    Dude, you DO realize that there are TWO TYPES of covid vaccine. One type IS NOT made from inactivated virus.


    Good thing you are up to date on all this and able to make an educated decision.

    I am not up to date on all this! That is why I turn to this forum,hoping to get answers from experts like you !(Although even the experts seems to disagree....)

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  2. 27 minutes ago, rwill said:

    When you get a flu vaccine you are actually getting a mixture of vaccines against different variants.  The covid vaccinations may end up like that too.


    I guess what you are asking for is an antibody test to see if you already have antibodies for covid.  But say you had the alpha variant before and now get exposed to the delta variant you might not have much protection against it.

    I agree to that. But doesn`t the same goes for people,who are vaccinated against,in this case,alpha !? And BTW,following your logic,since it seems to be no end to mutations (I think there are already four known?), most vaccinations won`t work... Alternativly,get new jabs all the time...

  3. 4 hours ago, pepi2005 said:

    Thailand didn't seem to have received the news yet that vaccinated can be just as much - if not more - infectious as unvaccinated people, and they can carry a MULTIPLE of the viral load than unvaccinated. After all, that's the reason why Israelis have seen an enourmous spike in infections despite even being *triple* vaccinated, or why England dumped all plans for a 'vaccination pass' just yesterday...


    What's exactly the purpose of this 'pass' - to give these people a false sense of security and make them super-spreaders, so that even the healthy get infected?


    I'm not afraid of this virus as I don't belong to a risk group, but I don't want to be treated like a second-class person although I am HEALTHY while others may very well NOT! ????‍♂️

    Agree! In our village, next to everyone use facemask.Yesterday,a lot of people were vaccinated here (first jab),and today,almost nobody use mask! 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, meechai said:


    Yes of course it is the covid antibody test. Any hospital & probably most labs can provide it for a price.

    If you have the antibodies in your blood then yes you have already had C19




    Thankyou for your answer! Actually I knew that already,but what I do not know is,how to determine,that I am not sick from it any more? I mean,if I have the antibodies,and I want to have a helthcertificate,how does that work out???

  5. 1 hour ago, SpaceKadet said:

    If you're only paying 10% it's OK, dunno what special agreement that comes with.... nothing on the skatteverket.se....

    I thought the minimum was in the range of 30%+ as ordinary tax...

    For me it doesn't matter, the government already stole 60% of my pension to give to those in "need".

    Well,there is no "special agreement" that comes with it..I pay Exactly the same amount/% as everyone else in Sweden, with the same income,does! Just check the "skattetabellen" and you will find,that the more "final income" you have,the higher % you have to pay.That is the reason,that the SINK tax favours the rich;they get lower tax,living abroad.The poor get nothing,surprise,surprise...But,that´s life...

  6. 20 minutes ago, SpaceKadet said:

    I think Denmark has a tax agreement with Thailand too. That means you could pay as little as 10% or probably 0 if you apply that. This is not something that happens automatically, and you'd have to fight with your tax authorities.


    In Sweden you would pay 25% in tax on pension if living abroad, or try and fight to get the Thai taxation applied. This would mean sending all the pension to Thailand, and , of course tax authorities don't like it so one would have to fight them....

    You would think that Swedish pensioners would know that, but if they prefer to pay full tax in Sweden for nothing, I would say, let them!


    I have been an expat since 1983 and haven't paid any taxes since then.... now they make me pay <50SEK on my meager pension. But, 600SEK a year is not worth the battle with tax authorities.


    The worst part is, like you say, that you lose the medical benefits, despite paying the full tax. That's what the tax money is supposed to go to. Great governments we have in Scandinavia. Stealing from those who have the least....


    At this time I'm seriously considering getting an address in Sweden, lie to the Tax authorities, just to get the medical benefits, and being able to renew my Swedish driving license. Don't really care if they tax my pension to 30%.

    No,I would not pay 25 % in tax.That is a tax called SINK,(special income tax).That is good for people with high income,but for people with low income,it is better to choose "ordinary" tax,in my case less than 10 %.As you say,not much to fight about....It also means,that I can have my pension put in my account in sweden,and choose if/when I want it send to Thailand,depending on the exchange rate.

  7. 23 hours ago, SpaceKadet said:

    Interesting.. to be tax resident in Sweden, he is either:


    A. Staying less that 180 days per year in Thailand


    B. Lying to the Swedish tax authorities, telling them that he is staying more than 180 days a year in Sweden


    In case of B let him go back and get his jabs in Sweden.

    I don´t know where you got your information,but I can tell you,that you are totally wrong!  I gave the swedish authorities my adress in Thailand,where I stay all the time,decades ago,and I have to declare my little pension every year,AND pay full tax on it. My opinion on that,if I have one,I keep to myself. Another thing; Is it possible to travell to (and back from) Sweden,just like that ??? Just curious....

  8. As an example of "Thainess", NOW the transport ministry orders all crossings to have barriers and lightsignals....! That´s good,of course,( if it actually will happen,which I doubt),but it doesn´t save those people,and others before them,who already had accidents. As others here have remarked,it is another "Thainess" thing,not to care too much about trafficrules ,so perhaps it won´t help much anyway...

  9. 23 hours ago, jonclark said:

    "Fewer young people are also turning back to drugs after release aided by better testing methods"


    Whilst is it commendable to have better testing methods, this is not the reason people turn to drugs, or quit drugs. Drug misuse is a symptom of deprevation, poverty and lack of opportunitiy. Its is a condition driven by socio-economic factors primarily. 

    I am sure,that what you wright is true in many cases,but far from all.In my village,most of the young people,who are users,are from wealthy families,given good education,money and often some business of their own to take care of.But they use all that to drugmisuse.They are helped over and over again,but they just don`t care . 

  10. 8 hours ago, rickudon said:

    We tried ducks, worked for a while, but egg prices dropped and was only breakeven. done a little bit of vegetable growing, but too labour intensive to really do commercially. I just concentrate on fishponds, but really hard to turn a profit when other family members ignore your scientifically based stocking ratios and overstock - loads of stunted fish and poor food conversion rates are the result.


    Latest is mango trees ..... 


    And, of course, any 'plan' always starts with - my money!

    Mango was our first crop,but it was no hit.Whatever fruit or vegetable one tries,one needs to use a lot of poison to make it work. We had some good results with orangetrees,but we did not want to go on because all the poison and hormons one has to use.Finally we opted for rubber.Of course they need to be tended to,but not at all like the other crops.Price goes up and down,but you harvest 9-10 months of the year and have a steady incom.And no poison...So of all the bad alternatives,we have found rubber is the best. So has most of other people here done too.If not for the rubber,I don`t know what would happen to this area in the future.Most of the other labourintensive crops has started to use machines and don`t need much labour any more.

  11. 10 hours ago, rickudon said:

    When i came here to live 9 years ago, i looked for suitable crops to boost the family income. I looked at rubber, but one days research was enough to tell me that there was a massive acreage of trees throughout SE Asia (not just Thailand) which had been planted but not yet ready for tapping.The current result was utterly predictable.

    Which crop did you choose,if any?

  12. 49 minutes ago, swissbie said:

    No, rubber trees are good for 20 - 30 years, but they plant new ones all the time, in between the lines of the old ones. What i meant is in NE and North they started to plant rubber trees when prices skyrocketed, but here down south they had been doing this for a long time already.

    If you plant new trees betwen the old ones,it does not work;they get suffocated so to speak.There is a good reason for keeping ca 7 meter between the rows.Perhaps you mean AFTER,they took down the old trees.Then they have to wait 5-7 years for the new ones to be ready for tapping. BTW,we planted our trees in good time before the boom,I am happy to say. But too late to get the plants for free....

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