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Posts posted by Bosse137

  1. I am the owner of a Vigo 3.0 diesel,about 7 years old.I also own 1 year old Izusu V-cross,also 3.0 diesel. The Vigo is still as good as it was when I bought it;a fantastic car;lots of power and accelerates like a racecar..The Izusu is not as good compared.Even my brother in law,who is a Izusu fan,had to admit that the Vigo was "better"!! No particular reparations,no problems whatsoever. The things I like about the Izusu is dubbel airbags and the GPS. (Thats the main reason why I bought this second car) Want to sell it though,but no market for that no. If I had to give away one of them,the Izusu had to go!! PS I am not a Toyota fan;before the Vigo,I had a Toyota "Tiger" Worst car I have own in my life!!!

  2. you can try to educate people as much as you want,but they will not listen to a single word you say!When they decid that they want to have as nice car as the next door family,that is what they fokus on.What will happen when the time comes for paying some of the loan,that is tomorrows problem... I was here,when it was popular to borrow some 200000 thousand in order to go to Taiwan or south Korea and work.No matter how I detailed for them,that the cost for the loan,with interests,would make it a loss to go,they still did it.And came home broke,most of them.To add to the experience,many found that their wife gambeled away the money.Or leant to a relative,who could not repay it.Or even split with another man! As some posters already have said;they borrow at any occasion;never worry about repayment!And,as also said,using it for things they do not need.

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  3. Yeah,"poor farmers"...New cars and spending money on snacks,before and after school every day! I know,you can be undernourished and fat at the same time,but do not blame it on lack of money! There is money for parties,telephones,even for letting small children play around with motorcycles all day!!I would say it is a matter of choice what to do with what you have.Education? I think most people nowadays know,that eating snacks and drinking soda is not healthy.But do they care???? Finally,of course there are some,who are dirtpoor,and do not have much choice,but that has to be an absolute minority.PS,I live in a small easaan village,since more than 20 years,so do not say I have no idea of life there!

  4. Where I live,people put flags along the road at many occasions.Like to show off their love for their country,I suppose and one might be a bit impressed to see this outflow of love and respect.Less impressive though is it when you check a couple of days later..Many of the flags have fallen to the ground and lay there in the dirt! Nobody cares to pick them up! Although not beeing a Thai,I feel sad about it.Makes me wonder why they care to put up the flags at all...

  5. Where I live in Isaan,there are no papers at all, People sell and buy,build houses and so on in a "normal" way. In my more then 20 years here there has never been the slightest problem in any way!!My gf is of course the owner of all our land.....She has not thrown me out yet.Should it happen (who ever knows..) then I can say that I have got more than my share already, many years ago!Go for it and good luck! (Always needed after all..)

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  6. Of course,you can not trust every poll.That is the reason for my disbelief regarding the littering... Regarding the poll you showed,I can actually believe it if it is done with Thai.The things they believe in..! E.g.,some time ago,everybody,except me,hanged out red shirts with a note telling "pii" that in their house did no man live,meaning the "pi "did not need to enter their house and kill the man in order to make him "her" husband...Actually not only in my village,the whole region!

  7. "The youngest are 9 years-old, while 30 per cent of the girls are in grades 8 and 9. Some girls aged 11 to 12 are already pregnant with their second child."

    This can't be true.

    Means that you do not live in an Isaan village when you say that! I can assure you that it is true! It is total anarki in many aspects.Not only scores of pregnant children,also many other things,e.g. small children driving motorbikes.Today I saw one,about 7 years old.At first I saw only the bike,then a small face between the handlebars...And a boom in fat children.I mean,really fat,like their mothers! To the questions,why then do I live here.Nothing to do with me.IF I could do something to change things to the better,I would.But nobody would even listen to me,so it has to remain just some observations.

  8. I was not surprised about the many polls,that said that the majority of Thais think it is ok with corruption as long as it benefits them selves.But I was totally in desbelief when I read in another poll,that what Thais hated most is,wait for it,littering!! Well,my guess is,that they mean other people`s littering.....

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  9. BKK-Pattaya hospital.Cant remember the doctor`s name,though.I am 70,younglooking,but wanted to have a facelift anyway.The doctor showed me in front of a mirror,why it was not a good idea,since my skin has lost much of it`s elasticity,which would make the whole procedure difficult and probably not give a good result.If I insisted to go ahead and do it,he promised to do his very best,but he advised against doing it.Very honest doctor and I could see his point.Very thankful to him;saved me money,pain and disapointment!!Regarding the price,much cheaper than I had imagined...

  10. I think the impact of "votebuying" is overstated.First,as others already have said,many people take the money and vote their own way. Secondly,how do anyone know how many of the votes the paying party would have got ANYWAY! I mean,if somebody intends to vote for party X and they are offered money to do so,well.... Then there are a few,who get angry and vote for the other side.And finally,since all (?) sides do the same,it kind of even thing out a bit. Okey,if the winning margin is very small,then I guess it could have some impact,otherwise not. Whatever,it is a bad habit,but Thai people seems to find it o.k. like all kinds of coruption as long as it benefits them self.(According to several polls and from my own observations) BTW,that`s why I am somewhat surprised over the outcry about "Thaksin being corupt",as if that is something unik in this country.Who is NOT corupt??? Does not make his case better,of course,but why is it so chocking,when most other politicians try their best to cheat!? PS,I am not a Thaksin fan.save your angry comments....

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