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Posts posted by Bosse137

  1. Where I have lived for 18 years,farmers sell their land in order to pay for a lavish party when a son "get mellid" or "goes to Buddha".Or they want to buy a new car to keep inside the house (no money for fuel) etc. Or,they borrow the money and later,when they can´t repay the loan,complain to the government and want its help to bail them out!! Make of it what you want,but that´s the truth in many,many cases..

  2. Foreigners taking over land in North, claims farmers' group

    CHIANG MAI: -- Vast tracts of land in the North are now in the hands of foreigners, mostly through marriages to Thai women, a local farmers' group said yesterday.

    Most of the land has been used for hotels and resorts put under the names of their wives, said Samarn Thadthieng, head of a group of farmers based in the Kuang River Basin in Chiang Mai and Lamphun. Plus, he said, there is an estate covering around 100 rai that only foreigners can rent.

    He added that a large number of farmers also rented their farms to foreigners, and received payment in the form of rice instead of cash. In addition, he said, foreigners were also benefiting from the government's price-intervention scheme and were being given free rice seeds through other assistance programmes.

    "This is dangerous, because these foreigners will turn from renters into beneficiaries exploiting Thai soil, sending remittances overseas and damaging the country's economy," he added.

    He said government budgets were now being spent to benefit these foreigners instead of poor farmers, and those who have rented their land on a long-term basis to foreigners, end up encroaching on forests to obtain new land for themselves.

    He called on the government and local administrative bodies to look into the matter.

    In Chiang Rai, chief of a palm oil cooperative Inkham Namwong claimed that around 70 per cent of farmland and plantation in the province had been rented to foreigners. He said he was waiting for government funds to help set up a new cooperative that would help Thai farmers compete against foreign-owned palm plantations.


    -- The Nation 2009-08-12

    I find the last statement very funny. Yes, government help is quite helpful in the short term, but then later on these same people would probably be the ones that say the government is corrupt and want to overthrow it. Or, they would be complaining that the government is not giving them a fair deal. Either way, the government will be blamed, which IMHO is not fair. The farmers are at fault for renting out their land in the first place

  3. Contrary to popular western media common perception, and the perception of many farang in LOS, the VAST MAJORITY of Thai women are absolutely NOT "on the take"..in other words..they are GENERALLY NOT out to : fleece the farang of his money / rip him off / aid in a motorcycle helmet scam / cut off his junk (just kiddin' on that one) / extract as much money as possible from MR Farang. The Thai women I am alluding to comprise the 10's of millions of regular everyday Thai women from all walks of life. On the contrary..Mr Farang may have a hard time MATCHING their JAI DEE nature. They want to give as much or more BACK TO YOU as they receive..be that LOVE or material things. THATS why Thai women make some of the best wives in the world. My wife had to go back and forth to BKK several times in the visa process for various things and business as well..probably at least 10 times..with or without me, she always insisted on taking the over night bus instead of the airplane ( airplane one hour, bus 12 hours..and a pit stop at CHUMPOON at 1 am with music blaring.. just as you are finally "asleep" :D ) She has done this at least 8 times on her own the last year. I try to tell her to "take the plane..its not expensive..never mind..tam sabaii..my bpen rai..karunaa!!" but she always says the same thing..." I take bus teraaak..I need you SAVE YOUR MONEY" :) The ironic and sad thing is that I have met a few Thai 20 something female students studying in Vancouver,Canada on student visas ( I work in education) who say they felt the need to lie about their Thai nationality to locals, to avoid the sometimes scorn that they receive as a result of the western media perception, reinforced by many..

    As a Troll,very successful.

    Every time you write some bull****,lots of poster feel the need to answer.

    It tells a lot about the intelligence level of the forum! :D

    YOU too answered;what does that tell us about you.....?

  4. For sure, not all Thai women are on the take.

    Many are, but the idiot farang has to take some responsibility. The ones who allow themselves to be taken to the cleaners make it more difficult for the rest of us.

    You have to remember that so many Thai women think that farang have unlimited resources. They honestly do not realise that once a man's life savings are gone, he will be poor. They just think that we have a money tree or something and it is easily replaced.

    The amount of Sin sod that so many farang pay is just ridiculous, in some cases more than a village girl could earn in her lifetime. This sort of thing just strengthens the belief that farangs are rich and stupid enough to give away vast sums of money.

    Yes, there are some women that are not on the take, but all of you that boast about your good wives ask yourself - "Would she have married me if my income was 5,000 Baht per month?" I think that in 99.99% of relationships the answer will be no.

    If you're honest with yourselves you will accept that the primary factor in her deciding to have a relationship with you was money. Full stop. If you were poor, she would not have looked at you twice.

    Would my gf be with me if I was poor? I don't try to kid myself. I know that the relationship would never have got off the ground if I had no money.

    We have a good relationship now, but it has been difficult at times. Now she does realise that I have to limit my spending to stay within my income. That was the hardest thing for her to understand, that a farang only has access to limited funds.

    You can understand it. If a couple start a relationship in the Uk or other farang country and the man makes a gift of a huge amount of money to the woman early in the relationship. Maybe 100,000 pounds, the woman will think "Wow, this guy is reaally rich" After all, nobody but a total idiot would hand over 100,000 pounds after knowing her for a few months unless he had multiple millions - would he?

    I agree totaly!! I am in the 17 th year with my "wife";she is the most loyal and hardworking person I have ever met! She works from early morning to late in the evening (agricultur,mind you),never ask for money and so on.Before you take me to task for "letting her work" like that,let me tell you,that I tried everything to stop her;for her sake and,actually,for mine.I did not come to Thailand because I needed somebody working all the time...Anyway,I know for a fact (she is honest about it) that she would never have given a rats ass for me,had she not got the impression,that I have money and could benefit her.I see nothing wrong with that. In my turn,had she not been beautiful and charming,I would not have given her a second look.so..It works out great! By the way,the reason for coming here in the first place was that a "not on the take" farang wife in Sweden tried to rob me of everything,including my children!Let me add: MANY Thai women in our village,all ages,has asked us to help them find a farang husband;never mind age or personality and also regardless,that some of them are married already...It takes all kinds...

  5. I want to know,if I can use the water from a pool,in which there is chlorine,for watering my rubberproducing trees?Or any other trees or plants? Probably a stupid question,guess that is a bad ideea? How about salt,then.From what I know,salty places are not good for agriculture.. Well; I know that I CAN, but what I mean is, of course,is it harmful....

  6. disagree with all complaining!

    ever considered the rules when a Thai goes to Europe? Even as a tourist it is difficult to enter without....etc..

    Try to see this without your personal biased view.

    Apparently I am not the only one which disagree with you.

    Some years ago,I brought a Thai woman,who I had met a couple of monthts earlier,to Sweden.She got workpermit,free education i Swedish,social security card and so on.This in the first months of her stay!After 3 years,she could become swedish citizen,had she wanted that.Rare enough for Thais in europ,she opted for moving back to Thailand after ca 6 months!Thats different from my situation here after 20 years,I can not do anything of the above and still have to report every 3 months.So why do I Stay here? Not because I like the regulations or the immigrationofficers,but in spite of them;there are so many other good things here.But from my experience,it is easier for a Thai to go to Sweden (and be fully "incorperated") than it is for a Swed to do the same in Thailand!

  7. Many strange details in this story..!Why would a woman leave her handbag out of sight? How did the police know,that the mat was there?Did they sit and stare at her handbag all evening?If so,if they saw what happened,then logically they also saw WHO put the mat there.Why did they not interfere at that moment?If they did not see it,again,how did they know? Collaberation with somebody in the bar,perhaps? Many qestions,few answers.

  8. All these different kinds of visas and extensions...Very confusing,I must say! I have the same qestion ( I think) and want to be sure,that I got it right: I have a non-immigrant visa "O" (retirement) and have had extensions every year since 1998. Now I would like to spend 6 months plus a couple of days in Sweden and the rest of the year here,probably for the rest of my life. Could there be any problems with this?? I intend to get a normal reentry visa. Is there a limit for how long time I can stay outside Thailand on this and,most importantly,can there be problem when I apply for my yearly extension next time?? Thankful for advice!

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