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Posts posted by Bosse137

  1. "The minister said Thailand agreed with Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam to increase the natural rubber price to Bt60 per kilogram in 18 months."

    Silly me ... I always thought price was set by the market ... supply and demand ...

    I smell another mess or they are just talking nice to appease the rubber farmers

    How about telling them to grow a more lucrative crop? one that is actually in more demand

    How about YOU telling us which crop you have in mind! Surely you must know,right?! I mean,before we are uprooting all the trees we waited seven years for to mature,we like to be sure we choose the correct crop this time.But what if everybody choose the same one,what will happen to the price on that..?!
  2. It's a pleasure to have seen what's going on, but this is not even scratching the surface. You want a promotion at a school? Pay. Promotion at a bank? Pay. Promotion at the local council? Pay. Promotion anywhere? Pay. Dirty money has taken over the country and, unfortunately, there is no way out.

    Millions and millions are involved in some kind of bribery.

    In my village,you have to pay 30000 Baht to work on the garbagetruck as a collector...
  3. Amongst other problems with "agents" are,that they will yank up the price to a level,where sombody,who would have bought at a price you would be ok with,walks away! They do not loose,because they can aford to wait or introduce the prospected buyer to some other sale. I tell all these luck-seekers,that I can pay them a fixed sum,not so high btw,and all they have to do is to find the client;i take over from there.Usually,I never hear from them again...

  4. How about people taking some responsibility themselves!? If you are "poor",how can you borrow 10000 and think you are able to pay 3000 a day in interest! Yeah,not educated...You can be stupid as a doornail,but still understand that it is impossible.And where do these money go,so urgently needed? In many (most?) cases,to gambling. I am not guessing here,I know this.BTW,whatever the money are used for,it is certainly not for a meal...And then,when reallity hits,call for help.But as usual,only think of the moment,never mind about tomorrow,especially if somebody else has to take over the problem.Last,before you screem;yes,I am sure there are some cases which deserves symphaty,but they are few and far between them.

  5. Some 20 years ago,in Pattaya,I had my bike stolen by the cops! I parked it in a correct place,left it for 5 minutes and when I got back it was gone.I did see a police pick-up with a bike on it,but did not reflect over that at that moment.I went to report it,but nobody was interested.Some time later it was in BKK Post;a gang of police were cought stealing bikes!

  6. You can not eat fruit and vegs in Thailand;full of pesticides.I know,since I live in an area where it is produced.About education;people could just take a look in the mirror or look at their children to find out,that they eat too much and the wrong kind of food.But they do not have the will to change it or they do not care. They live in the moment,also when it is about food and health.I feel sorry for the children I see queing outside the snackshop in the morning before school,getting fatter almost by the day! I see it as childabuse,the parents could as well give them drugs or alcohol...

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  7. JoeLing "Buying candles for churches and temples for a better afterlife" THAT I find utterly corrupt if anything!(By your defenision)To "do good" with the intent to get something back (better afterlife).It´s also stupid;you think that, if there is some kind of God,he would be so easily deceived by something like that,a very selfish action!? Your life must be hell,seeing corruption everywhere;in the shops,in the family and so on.Relax!

  8. Allah Wakbarr! Inshallah he rots in prison for all eternity and become the love slave of many foreign and local inmates w00t.gif

    Not bad, in a two-line post you managed to prove, that you are a racist, islamophopic and straight from the trailerpark!!

    What a disgusting post.bah.gif

    Sorry JOC, but I for one agree with BKKBrit.

    I may be guessing here, but would you probably give him his own lawyer paid by legal aid, put in minimum security prison with his own cell and bathroom ( because it may be against his human rights to wash with others). Lets not forget halal food, and at the end of it all, sue the police for not respecting his religious beliefs.

    That is what happens in UK all the time, I for one will be happy to see him rot in the Bangkok Hilton for twenty years.

    Rant over, thank youcoffee1.gif

    I hate drugs!! And for me they can kill all dealers and traffickers tomorrow.

    If the guy they had arrested was from Sweden, we would have had the-hang-him-high brigade out in full force (and I would have joined), but there would have been no mentioning of him being a Christian!!

    I don't like stereotyping based on religion, nationality or race, that was my point! Kow jai??

    JOC; I get your point,a valid one,but I must tell you,that most people in Sweden do not have any religion (in practical terms,so to speak),they are beyond that crap !

    • Like 1
  9. When law enforcement is not paid a decent living wage, they will be open to bribes and corruption.

    Train them and pay them well if you want any improvement.

    You get what you pay for.

    Until them, bribes, beating those who refuse to give false testimony and other shenanigans will continue.

    The recent investigation of the murder of the tourists is not the way to gain the faith of anyone who has their eyes open.

    So you think that it is because they have too low salary they steel,extort and so on!? From what I heard,the higher up they are,with higher salary,the more corrupt they are! The illgotten money is transfered upwards,meaning what I just said. It is very naiv to think,that better salary would stop them from their illigal activities,"much wants more".

  10. I will just point out,that the twothousandsomething goes only to rubberfarmers who has land titels.Where I live,nobody has,although they have lived here for generations and are registered with ampue and the bank.I think they need as much help as anybody,especially since they were persuaded by former governments to invest in rubbertrees;in some cases got financial help to do so!

  11. Would advise going a day late rather than early as they run the licence for 5 years from your next birthday. By going just 1 day late you get 6 years on the licence instead of 5. You also need copies of both sides of your existing licence(s), and copies of your passport including latest permission to stay/visa. In Pattaya the confirmation of address is usually obtained from immigration, maybe yellow book is acceptable but I don't have one so I don't know.

    Your correct on all you say it's just at the place I use they do all the copy's there.


    The yellow book you only get if your married to a Thai and it is your guarantee of address so can use it anywhere. If you have one it save's bundles of buggering about.

    I have yhe yellow book and I am not married to a Thai.The book is evidence of your address,not about married or not.

  12. First I have to admit,that I do not have any experience of these language schools,but why is it,that those who are to young to get retirement or workvisa want to spend time,money and work to learn Thai,when, after they are done,they are not longer allowed to live here...?Not very logical is it. Ok,ok,I know,it is a way to be able to stay here at least for the time it takes to learn,but still,there is something odd about learning a language for a country,that you are not allowed to later live in.

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  13. Where I come from,scandinavian country,you are always in the wrong if you hit another car from behind,because you are supposed to keep a safe distance to the car in front of you;just basic traficrule !!! Now,everybody can become confused by the action of the car in front of you,but that does not take away from the fact,that you were too close.Just because somebody drives slowly,doesn`t give you an excuse to hit it,right? Not if you are the skilled driver some of you think you are!

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  14. My wife has her income from our,hrmm,her,rubbertrees.Although it isn´t fun to see the price getting lower every two weeks when we sell,it was to be expected to happen.Higher output-lower demand;what can you expect! To us,we still see it as a better commodity than most others,and if one can forget the crazy high price some years ago,one can still live ok on it.That is,if one can do the work oneself,instead of paying others 50% of the income!

  15. He's Swedish. Sweden has one of the most extensive and generous welfare systems in the world. I personally know a Swedish resident (not even a citizen) who was recently flown home from the IDC.

    If this man is not insane then he must want to sleep on the street near nana plaza. After rereading the OP it appears the man has mental issues. Let's hope he gets home soon and on proper medication and into rehab.

    The "extensive and generous welfare systems" does NOT apply to citizens living outside EU ! They get NO benefits whatsoever,exept if they have a good income,then they get some taxrelief.Low income persons pay ordinary tax.

    I also doubt,that the Swedish government pay for a ticket home;that is not what I have heard.

  16. "she (the wife,my edit) won`t tell you either as that`s a loss of face" Hmmm..,good luck with that one! Being a woman,she will blame you anyway,even more,since that will take away the attention from her..Not logic?? Well,do not expect logic to stand in the way of a useful way of saving face..

    Regarding insurance,better keep to the truth,not a big deal worth trying to be smart about.

  17. To answer my own question above,"Who is the ricefarmer" :It has to be the financier,owner ,since he is the one who sell the rice and pay the 3 %.The people who work in the field for small money,has nothing to do with how much the rice is sold for.So,why that person has to be subsidied by taxmoney is anybodys guess.And why does he have to retire at all..?

    To Hawk: Yes,farmers are a huge group,but so are the rest of the workforce too! Why single out a section of that group,and the welltodo section especially,well,I will never know.

  18. Farmers will get 4000 a month.No matter how much they do contribut,same amount for everyone?And as somebody said already;who is a "ricefarmer"?Is it the one who owns the farmingland? Or the one who rents farmingland.Or is it perhaps the many,who actually do the work on it? The owner does not have to do the actual work,which also leads to the question:Why does he have to go into pension??!! If he has the land,the workforce,it does not matter,if he is 50,60 or 90 years old,does it?!The only people who would need a pension are those,who most likely will not get one;the workers.But as usual,the money goes to those,who already have enough.BTW,why only ricefarmers? Are they more important than other Thais? Guess one should not try to find out these kind of things,they are just too much "Thai" for a foreigner to get a grip on...

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