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Posts posted by JulesMad

  1. Talk, talk, talk.... Nothing will change in Phuket... Ruled by greed and stupidity, just to get more money now... Long term planning?!? cheesy.gif Nah, too difficult, just get the money now as long as they can...

    Phuket: the most disgusting place of Thailand! Of course they have to make sure it stays that way!

  2. Let's make the fine a percentage of the new price of the cars, something like 0.5% only for the first offense, 1% for the next and so on. More realistic....

    Also, please give priority to BMW's, Mercedes, and other expensive cars to be towed away.

    This method is fairer than the proposed method; more money for BIB is coming in; rich people pay more than not-so-rich people (side note: how come you have a car in BKK when you are not-so-rich?!?!?)

    This is a Win-Win-Win solution thumbsup.gif

  3. It is all speculation, but the following scenario is (Thai) plausible:

    Fact: she left the keys in trunk, not him

    Fact: after 3 hours Rescue services were called (by who? gf? why wait 3 hours?)

    Speculation: maybe the gf needed 3 hours for undisturbed shopping, maybe she takes revenge for something completely else, maybe she is not so smart (as she has proven already), maybe a cocktail of the above plus more...

    Anyway, these guys have plenty of money and more than enough (other) toys. Loss of face is involved, for sure!

    ...and now it is in the paper and TV, so how much loss of face now?..... whistling.gif

  4. She memorised his password (PIN)..........

    Strange to trust someone so soon in a relationship.

    Personally, I say NEVER divulge your PIN's to anyone ...except your grandmother's parents.

    (PS..your grandmother must be older than 110).

    Agree 100% Nobody, and I do mean NObody, gets ever my PIN number....

    Maybe, just maybe, I make an exception for my grandmother's parents (I need to see some id though) giggle.gif

    • Like 1
  5. Just been told about a post in Thai on Facebook claiming staff closed the shutters to Supercheap to stop people leaving with goods when the fire started... I really hope it is just a rumour. Perhaps someone can translate - https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1379413_4977762622173_863651496_n.jpg

    I tried my best to translate ...

    i am talking with my dads friend. He was at supercheap at the time the fire was starting he was one of the first people who saw the the flames starting at tried to leave quietly just as people were starting to shout FIRE and everyone started fighting to get out. The fire started to come from the area they sell bags and foam boxes. when the staff started to realise that there was a fire the they started to close the shutters because they were worried that customers would leave stealing goods, this caused lots of people to be trapped inside. My dads friend said that he thinks because of this lots of people have died inside. This story im telling you is true! right now he is still very nervous (in shock) The most important thing is that there was no fire alarm sounds to warn people and the staff tried to close the doors to stop people going out. thank you for reading

    I do not want to believe this.... IF this is true, they should lock the staff that was closing the doors, in a little building, close the doors and put it on fire!!! It is MURDER!

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