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Posts posted by JulesMad

  1. OMBgiggle.gif

    All I hear is: I want ...., I want ...., I want ...., I want ....,I want ....

    There are many many things I want, especially if other people pay for it!!!

    For everything I have (in a material sense), I worked for!!! I, myself and me....

    Easy answer: your kid wants something, let him/her work for it. If I see they are serious, I will contribute to it, but I will never pay for all of it. They have to learn responsibility (yes, even in Thailand)

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  2. Too bad gambling is illegal in Thailand (((cheesy.gifcheesy.gif ))), otherwise I would like to place a bet on the chance that this criminal is never going to do any time in prison...

    Can you even start to imagine what would be the outcome of this show-'trial' if it was a foreigner who did the same things?!?!?

    I rest my case wai.gif We all know the outcome already coffee1.gif

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  3. She doesn't care about money. Nobody in the world of monoparty dominator autocracies cares about money. They all moved beyond money a long time ago. Their globalist masters have more money than anyone could spend in a lifetime. Autocratic totalitarianists such as the Shinawatra Cartel and their international overlords, don't need or care about money, they only care about power and control and remoulding planet Earth by lowering the population numbers and having a permanent slave/master dualclass system to to replace the current lower/middle/upper class system. Money does not matter to an overlord, only that the slaves are controlled and the military/police will keep the slaves in check. For the dictatorial overclass, money is just the sea they swim in, power and control are harder to maintain and those are the only two things they are actually focused on. And eroding population density and forcing the middle classes down into the slave class.

    I would not care about money IF I had that much tongue.png

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