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Posts posted by JulesMad

  1. I would argue that all of those gun shops should be forbidden to feel weapons to expats and Thai people alike. Only mentally sick people need a gun, it is after all an extension of a certain organ, that is probably too short or not working. Sell weapons and you get the mess that the US and the Philippines are in, including school murders, random shootings and a new mister Breivik will emerge soon. (Lot's of nice little Islands in Thailand after all).

    There is no need for a gun in the hands of non police (and even they should not all get one) or army. Anyone who comes up with the bullocks statements that guns do not kill are fooling themselves Gun owners are not blessed with too many working brain cells though

    I am with you 101%. Could not agree more!!!

  2. IMO, there is absolutely no need for guns!!! Unless of course, you are a criminal or police (same same but different wink.png) More guns only means more stupid people using them (mostly in wrong situations!), and killing other people! I assume that most people have seen Micheal Moore's movie about the gun laws in the US...

    Do I need to say more?!?

    Please do not start the usual BS about "the right to protect myself" angry.png

    Maybe they should change the law, so that only 'responsible' people can own guns... I am sure that not many people in Thailand (or in the world for that matter) would qualify wink.png

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  3. December the 31st? Wow! What time exactly on the the 31st?

    12 O.clock midnight ;)

    ....Happy NewYear!!! .....and if it is 1 minute late, everybody (farang too!) in Thailand gets 1 Million Baht...

    THAT would have been a good promise.

    Now it is just more words with no consequence or repercussion of not keeping his promise. Who is still believing whatever this guy says or promises???

    May Buddha help Thailand. Maybe it is Karma :jap:

  4. The stated accuracy just can not be true, based on what data, are we talking full-time jobs, what about part-timers, etc etc.

    "Out of the total of 993,929 flood-affected workers, 661,627 are only temporarily out of work (how long is temporarily?) and would likely (but not for sure?) to be re-employed, he said.

    The NESDB estimated unemployment in the last four-month period at 1.8-2.3 per cent, or 780,000-920,000 workers, after 28,678 businesses in 39 flooded provinces had to close.

    The ministry has reported that 14,647 businesses have reopened and re-employed 332,302 workers, he added.

    The Cabinet yesterday approved in principle an aid package under the Social Security Office for 24 million workers (24 million or 24,000,000) in the informal economy, such as hawkers, vendors, taxi drivers and motorcycle taxi drivers."

    Excuse me, it is possible that the numbers are in that range, but stating absolute numbers is complete BS. Nobody and I do mean nobody can confirm these numbers. The whole of Thailand is flood affected!!! I did not get any customer during the floods (I am not in a flood affected area). So do you think I get 5000 THB as compensation?!?!?!? Not that 5000 THB would cover it.....:annoyed:

    I have absolutely no trust in so-called 'official' numbers, just someone's big thumb! From (expensive) experience I distrust almost all officials :realangry:

    Thanks Buddha for the normal Thai people :jap:

  5. IMO - It is only a matter of time before all of Bangkok gets flooded

    No one in charge has a clue how to stop it or how to redirect the water

    You are probably correct so why not offer them some advice or are you the same as those in charge? Not A clue on What to Do. :ph34r:

    I have lots of Clues on what to do, and I am more than happy to share them

    IF those in charge would listen,

    OR IF they pay me the same salaries/fees/tea-money as what they pay them :jap:

    I also know that's NEVER gonna happen :whistling: (not the listening and not the paying)

    However I would settle for the second one... I promise I will shut up :rolleyes:

  6. I am not sure why people think utopia can be achieved by this. Somehow it feels like a feeble appeasement to the Thai populace. Has this method worked anywhere in the world?

    "More developed" countries like Holland even gave free heroin to addicts on houseboats in Amsterdam.. What about the alcoholics then? Forgive them cause they don't know what they're doing. Guess they need dutch coffee shops here sooner or later.......:jap:

    I am from Holland, and the main reason to supply free methadon (not heroin however!!!) is to give the junkie his/her daily fix, so they don't need to steal/rob/scam to get the money. It is not really the junkie who causes the problems, but their actions (petty crime in general) to get the money for their fix (i.e. stealing car radio's and such, breaking into houses, etc). Collateral damage is far greater than what they get...

    Dutch coffee shops are very strictly regulated, as they will immediately be closed and loose their license when they find anything stronger than weed and hash on the premises (including on their customers!). There is NO alcohol at all in the coffee shops!

    If Thailand ever comes to legalizing softdrugs (weed and hash), I volunteer to open a Thai chain of coffee shops along the Dutch model. I am sure it would work, and there would be a lot of customers (thai and farang alike). It is also good for the government as they can tax it, same as alcohol and tabacco (these two drugs have the most addicts, but they are legal and every government in the world is making a LOT of money on it)

    Dutch Proverb: "A happy smoker is not a trouble-maker! (een tevreden roker is geen onruststoker)" :jap:

  7. I trade places with him, if needs to be :rolleyes:

    He can "enjoy" all farang liberty and he hands over all his money (yes, ALL of it!) to me

    In exchange I promise not to come back to Thailand again, how sad I feel about that though!!!

    I would NOT stay in Dubai, however! There are so many nice places in the world and with his money, I surely would find a nice one B)

    And what is this about "fair"???? Does he not know yet that life is NOT fair??? Ask anyone, Thai or farang :whistling:

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