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Posts posted by JulesMad

  1. Conflicting info (not the first time):

    The Perseids shower, Assoc Prof Boonraksa said, can be viewed from midnight of August 12 to the early hours of August 13. The shower is the second brightest, next to the Leonids meteor shower. This year, stargazers can expect to see over 100 meteors per hour.


    -- NNT 2012-08-10 footer_n.gif

    While topic starts with:

    'Watch the skies on Saturday night From 11pm till 4:30am"

    I guess we have to watch 2 nights.....

  2. All very sad and RIP! Many many accidents happen every day in Thailand, why so much attention for this one?!?

    Yes indeed, it is family of a so-called famous guy, 21 yr old in Merc Benz S class, coming back from a study session at 05:30 (yeah, right), driving of over-pass (not easy).

    Let's give some thought about all the parents/family of the un-famous death victims! They will never be in the papers or TV....

  3. Very good initiative! clap2.gif I like the idea of free massages for mama over 50thumbsup.gif

    “Mums and their children will have an opportunity to hug, as well as apologize for any mistakes that they have made” Very Thai and very good thumbsup.gif

    On the other hand, perfect opportunity to hand over some "presents".

    Mobil phones (stay in touch with your mum!), food (made by mum) and drugs of course (what would life in prison be without drugs) are probably most populargiggle.gif

    Mai phen rai, security is up to the task (cheesy.gif ) , it will be a happy day for all!!!

    Chok dee Sai Yai Rak thumbsup.gif

  4. Hm - if the EXTRA 10,000 are to be connected to 88 police stations, that gives around 113 to 114 channels per police station - on average a user can monitor around 10 channels as long as close inspection is not required - lets say it was 14 (I dont think it can be more and be of any use at all) so it means they will need to deploy 10 more staff per station 24 hours a day - thats 30 staff per day, or if they push it maybe 20 doing a 12 hour shift, and to allow for sick time, annual leave, etc, it probably will mean that each station needs to have an extra say 25 to 35 staff, just to make the monitoring of these security cameras of any value at all. Thats 88 x 25 = 2200 extra police resources.

    I also have my doubts about the space available inside most police stations - space fo the control facilities and monitor walls necessary.

    I do however totally agree that its a good idea - just that making a promise that all this will be up and running in 4 months... admittedly, I dont know how far they have progressed thus far, but this is a huge job, so I wish them well...

    Your logic is flawless, but do not underestimate the Thai resourcefulness! They probably install some CCTV to monitor the walls of CCTV-screens, and so on and so on. There is only 1 BIB needed to watch 10 screens, which are filled with other CCTV walls whistling.gif

  5. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but it is a violation of Buddhist practice to drink any day. It's one of the five vows for lay Buddhists, to abstain from alcohol.

    Very true indeed!!!

    IF (and that is a very big IF) all Thais would be a little religious at all, then ALL Buddhists would not drink alcohol (precept #5) and also the moslims are not supposed to drink alcohol

    Makes you wonder who are the (big) drinkers in Thailand... Must be these non-believer farangsgiggle.gif

    On the other hand, I wish I got just 1 Baht for every drink a Buddhist/Moslim does drink, I would be millionaire many times over and probably drunk every daywai.gif

    Back to coffee1.gif

  6. For me the big difference is that (most) Thai people smile (back) at you when you look at them and smile! When you try that in the West, many people get aggressive and ask: "what you're looking at?"

    There are many different Thai smiles:

    1. Yim thang nam taa: The “I’m so happy I’m crying” smile.

    2. Yim thak thaai: The “polite” smile for someone you barely know.

    3. Yim cheun chom: The “I admire you” smile.

    4. Fuen Yim: The stiff smile, also known as the “I should laugh at the joke though it’s not funny” Smile.

    5. Yim mee lessanai: The smile which masks something wicked in your mind.

    6. Yim yaw: The teasing, or “I told you so” smile.

    7. Yim yae-yae: The “I know things look pretty bad but there’s no point in crying over spilt milk” smile.

    8. Yim sao: The sad smile.

    9. Yim haeng: The dry smile, also known as the “I know I owe you the money but I don’t have it” smile.

    10. Yim thak thaan: The “I disagree with you” smile, also known as the “You can go ahead and propose it but your idea’s no good” smile.

    11. Yim cheua-cheuan: The “I am the winner” smile, the smile given to a losing competitor.

    12. Yim soo: “smiling in the face of an impossible struggle” smile.

    13. Yim mai awk: The “I’m trying to smile but can’t” smile.

    14. Yim som tam: The “Waiter, there’s a dead crab in my salad!” smile. (ok, this one was completely made up. But I’m sure I’ve given it myself a few times…).


    thaismile13.jpgThe smile of hopelessness. The situation is so bleak, you've got nothing better to do but offer a pathetic smile. Example: you've just been mugged, had your passport and money stolen, and your Embassy won't bother making a phone call on your behalf except at super expensive direct dial rates.

    thaismile1.jpgThe polite smile. Example: you've just met four strangers who are sure to bore you to tears with stories about the size of corn ears, but you have to smile, shake their hands, and say it was great to meet them.

    thaismile12.jpg The nervous apologetic smile. Example: you accidentally put vodka instead of Sprite in 9-yr old Junior's glass. Junior drank it ... eagerly .. and is now vomiting, and your wife is accusing you of trying to turn Junior into an alcoholic. thaismile2.jpg The forced smile. Example: the corrupt and evil mayor of town wins the next major election. Your parents are good friends of this crook, so you have to attend his victory party to congratulate him.

    thaismile11.jpg The smile of diffusion, to get past embarrassing and awkward situations. Example: you've just been elected the new corrupt mayor of your town, and your 20-yr old daughter emerges drunken and nude at your congratulatory dinner to call you a crook.

    thaismile10.jpgThe inappropriate hidden smile. You want to smile but it's inappropriate to do so. Example: Your cruel live-in mother-in-law just died, and your wife is in tears. You feel like you got a new lease on life but you can't act glad about the news in front of her.

    thaismile3.jpgThe victory smile. Example: You're Harry Potter and you just beat Draco Malfoy's team at Quidditch. thaismile8.jpgThe admiration smile. Example: you're part of an evil terrorist cell and your leader has just suggested what everyone feels is a brilliant plan to blow up an entire country of innocent people.

    thaismile4.jpgThe happy smile. The smile you expect to see on someone's face in light of good news. Example: you've just approached two dream women at a bar, boldly suggested a threesome, and they both agreed to it!

    thaismile7.jpg The evil smile. Example: how a used car salesman would look just before he's about to overcharge you on the lemon you're going to buy from him.

    thaismile5.jpgThe attitude smile. When you have the attitude you're right and everyone else is wrong. Example: Tom Cruise's rants on The Today Show about psychiatry bordering on pseudoscience

    thaismile9.jpgThe mocking smile. Example: you're in the audience of The Today Show or The Oprah Winfrey Show as Tom Cruise goes on his embarrassing rants. You smile at him and shout in humor, "You tell 'em, Tom!"

    thaismile6.jpgThe sad smile. You're feeling tremendously sad but must cover it up. Example: Tom Cruise is your favorite actor, you've worshipped him for two decades, and now you've just painfully watched your idol make a fool of himself on The Today Show just before a dozen guests show up at your house for a dinner party you're hosting.

    So, in the end the question is: WHO smiled at you and for what reason???

    • Like 2
  7. So this year Seoul was the destination of choice. I'm still waiting for that free bicycle program to be implemented after that last excursion to Amsterdam. rolleyes.gif

    Unfortunately the free bicycle program in Amsterdam did not work out... People (mostly tourists) thought they were 'free' and never returned them and smart-ass junkies took the 'free' bikes and sold them.

    Still, in a world of honest people the program would work as designedthumbsup.gif

  8. "No, no, I am not a tour guide, maybe it looks that way, but I live here and I was showing my friends around in your beautiful and peaceful country" whistling.gif

    That's what I would say as a tour guide...

    Tip: if you run into any 'official problem', give a nice (preferably believable) explanation and say something really nice and flattering about Thailand (in one sentence!). It makes it much difficult to disagree what you just said to them... Works pretty good for me wai.gif

  9. The best (and probably only) way to get some REAL results is when Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Britain prohibit any tourist to go to Thailand, unless the problem is solved.

    Then (a lot of) money is involved, and we all know that that would invoke a real response from the government. Money is ever so important (in Thailand)

    If these countries just talk, whine and complain, nothing REAL will happen, only more blablabla from all involved.

  10. "Ranong has the heaviest year-to-date rainfall in the 125-station TMD monitoring network, with 2,477mm recorded through yesterday."

    2477 mm is 2.477 meter!!! And that is only for yesterday....

    Of course I am not saying they are wrong (they are Thai and I am just an ignorant farang), but somehow I doubt 2.5 m rain. Actually I just do not believe it wai.gif

    Amazing Thailand indeed coffee1.gif

  11. Let's approach this positively:

    - What will happen to TAT? (lots of new management and staff)

    - What phone number to call when we see tourist-mafia at work? (tuk-tuk mafia, longtail mafia, rent mafia etc etc) Maybe he can give his mobile number? smile.png

    OR do I read this completely wrong and does he mean there will not be any mafia-tourist in Thailand anymore?!? cheesy.gif

    EITHER way would be good! clap2.gif

    BUT, it is probably again another clean-up coffee1.gif

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