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Posts posted by JulesMad

  1. Bringing heroine to Thailand does not make much sense... I am sure the supply lines here are pretty good organized, and of course they never catch the really big fish. 700 gr is a lot for one person (I guess) but I am sure it is not enough to 'feed' all the junkies in BKK for even 1 day!!!

    Typical a case of 'som nam na'. May they learn their lessons in BKK Hilton (and get some better contacts :) )

  2. The whole world knows where Takky is. With the amount of money he has, he can do whatever he wants. IF he really wants to disappear, he can have extensive plastic surgery and not even his mom will recognize him!!!

    The best way never to hear from him again, is NOT writing about him. No more publicity from newspapers and TV will shut him up once and forever. He is like a movie-star, even bad publicity is publicity!

  3. Guard falling asleep? OK, TIT... happens all the time.

    Then the baby hippo climbs out of the bathtub, towels himself dry, checks for some food which the guard did not eat, takes a sip or 2 from the Lao Khao (he is a THAI hippo), and sneaks off in to the night. Of course without making any noise, and equally of course, he knows the best way to escape from the zoo... I guess he has a stroll through the zoo to find his mama before that?!?

    Maybe the poor hippo has been eaten by some other zoo inhabitants....

    My thoughts are with the baby hippo...

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