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Everything posted by DogNo1

  1. I thought that you were looking for an alternative to your present bank with an account that would pay a better rate of interest than you are getting now. What is your present bank and how much interest are you earning? Your question didn’t seem to about “just visas.”
  2. You actually have to transfer the 65,000 baht to your Thai bank account each month and it must be posted with the correct code (FTT) to show that the transfer comes from abroad. There is no proving of the 65,000. You must actually receive it in your Thai bank account.
  3. Regarding the similarity between Asian cultures and the Jewish culture, there actually is a book entitled something like “The Japanese and the Jews.” You can search for it on Amazon. There are many cultures that claim exclusivity. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be distinct cultures.
  4. Have you ever driven on the 110 or 405 in LA? There are lots of crazy drivers on those roads not to mention the Mexicans who perpetrate accidents to collect insurance payouts. I have an accident every time I go back. At my age, I’m not as cautious as I should be.
  5. I have a small one bedroom suite in a five-star hotel on Wireless Road near Ploenchit and pay 70,000 on a monthly basis.
  6. I can get prompt medical care for most any condition on the same day that I go to a private hospital here in Bangkok. I have Medicare in America but the waiting time and quality of care there can sometimes be poor. My daughter in Washington State can’t communicate with her doctor and receives medication that is not explained to her. She now pays cash for online doctor consultations, gets full explanations and a prescription for the medication that she needs quickly. I have good accommodations here in Bangkok and all of the facilities that I want to use are within walking distance or a short cab ride away. UK residents living here should not worry about paying their part. They are liable for Thai income tax starting on January 1st this year. For most, their tax rate will probably be 20% or 25%. Americans are not liable because of America’s tax treaty with Thailand
  7. I have mailed my report for many years. I didn’t receive a reply when they changed the stamp amount needed for the return envelope so had to go in person. There was no penalty for late submission. My reports are again accepted and replied to.
  8. Good luck with the operation!
  9. Why are you looking to buy more insurance if you already have an international policy that is effective in Thailand? It is not necessary for the extentions that you are seeking. Check with CM Immigration to see if your reason for stay can be changed for the extention. Otherwise, out and in with a visa waiver.
  10. My present gripe about YouTube videos is that the presenters of a topic such as "Avoid These Foods for a Healthy Liver" take up the first 12-15 minutes with self promotion. They go through a spiel about their personal history and accomplishments and then another spiel about their guests back story, accomplishments and books published. They don't get to the su==+--[
  11. What were his living conditions at the police station? Probably very frustrating.
  12. For crosswalks with only steps and the walk bridge over the road, the only solution is to plan a different route where you can use an elevator. Good luck 🙂
  13. Wow! What a lack of Christmas cheer!
  14. The number of Demodex living in the roots of your eyelashes is important. Very many can cause eye infections and infections on the back of your eyelids. An opthalmologist can pull out an eyelash and examine its root. Be prepared to be disgusted. I control my Demodex by closing my eyes tightly and scrubbing my eyelashes well with CleanRadex, a solution that contains tea tree oil. Afterwards, I rinse my eyes and lashes with warm tap water and dry them before opening my eyes. I then instill two drops of Systane UV (no preservatives) into each. Eyes are now functioning well with no irritation unless I go for too long without eye drops. Six hours seems to be the limit. Don't let care for your eyes go because it is troublesome. It's worth some effort to keep them in good shape. I take the supplement Omega 7 to help retain moisture in my eyes.
  15. This may be a confusing tax season for Americans. Thailand may asses a tax for any money brought into the country. I don't know of any category for deducting that amount from my US taxes. I've done many returns deducting Japanese tax charged on the amount of income over the standard amount that I could deduct from my Japanese income but that was on income, not personal savings. The money that I spend in Thailand for my miscellaneous expenses is from money saved after paying the American tax due on it. The various tax treaties pertain to earned income, not saved money. I don't think that there is any way to deduct freely spent saved money from US taxes. We can't deduct VAT paid here. I don't think that there is a way to deduct an extra "resident tax" that will be paid in Thailand. I'll question Turbotax but I doubt that they will have an answer. Paying a resident tax, VAT and importation taxes to live in Thailand is a bit much but if I were to return to California to live, that would cost me even more in taxes.
  16. Many men do not understand the strength of their own libido because its workings are mostly subconscious. The libido can be affected by any pleasurable experience, not only sex. Suppose that you have a good time when you float her Krathong and you part with just a friendly goodbye. How will you react to future invitations? If you see her several times, your libido will probably be hooked. It will become increasingly difficult for you to decline opportunities to be together. If you don’t intend to marry her, you will need to keep your meetings to a minimum. I speak from sad experience. I had a pretty girlfriend in Japan who took me to various events and pampered me in the way that Japanese women do. I told her very early on that I didn’t want to marry her. Our relationship went on in a friendly way for about a year until it became very clear that I didn’t want to marry but just play around. She then cut off all contact. I suffered the torture of the damned for about the next two years. I am no longer marriage material due to my advanced age but some young women could possibly envision me as a sugar daddy. As a result, I carefully control my contacts with women. It would be enjoyable to have a woman look after me but the price would be too high. Women are, correctly, self-interested. They won’t lavish care and attention on someone if there is no payback. Have you ever contemplated the reason that Buddhist clergy in most countries are not allowed to have women or participate in parties unless they are connected with Buddhism? Regarding Catholics, I don’t know the present developments but Priests, Nuns and Monks have traditionally had to lead single lives. My recommendation is that you enjoy yourself in Bangkok but be aware of the implications of your conduct. You could end up paying a price that you can’t envision now.
  17. I used to drive for Pacific Ambulance in El Cajon, CA. Most of our runs were to transfer patients from homes or nursing homes to hospitals and back. They were driven "Code Two " with no lights or siren. Only urgent accidents or illnesses were driven "Code Three" with lights and siren. I wonder if that is the policy in Bangkok. Nothing will save the hotel residents from traffic noise if they are outside but double glazing all of its windows and using thicker panes of glass will cut down on the noise inside. I once stayed in a hotel in Sathorn that had double-glazed windows. My room was very quiet.
  18. I mailed the report today with 37 Baht in stamps on both the return envelope and the sending envelope. The post office put an EMS sticker on the return envelope. I assume that the sticker will prompt immigration to mail the return by EMS. Of course, I only got a tracking number for the outside envelope. My report is due on Oct 24th. I hope to receive my new reporting slip by around Nov 3rd.
  19. Thanks. I will buy an EMS stamp for the return envelope. That "should" ensure its return.
  20. An additional question: I will send my notification in a 6 3/8 by 9 Manila envelope and enclose a folded envelope of the same size for the return of my new due date document and the submitted documents. Would more than a 10 Baht stamp be necessary for the larger return envelope?
  21. I am about to mail my 90-day report to the horrendously long address shown on the Immigration Webpage. The required return postage according to the Immigration page remains 10 Baht. I have no information regarding the a new amount for the return postage. Will I be safe only putting a 10 Baht stamp on the return envelope? Thanks for any advice.
  22. Yesterday I received the envelope that I had included with my 90-day report on July 10th. It was postmarked September 29th. It contained the documents that I had sent plus a blank TM 47. I went to CW to retrieve my 90-day receipt about a month ago so it wasn't in the envelope. I wonder what the implications are beyond personnel at CW just not processing my TM 47 on time. The 15 baht in stamps on the envelope obviously were sufficient postage. I like to mail my report since, so long as I have my EMS receipt and tracking of delivery, I will not be fined. Perhaps not returning my 90-day receipt was just a one-time glitch. What is the experience of other mailers?
  23. For single elderly farang who lose the ability to care for themselves moving into a retirement enter in the home country is a good option but very expensive. It’s good to save your money to pay for the horrendous full-time care expenses near the end of life. I had farang friends in Japan and here who died suddenly. I think that a quick death is preferable to years of being an invalid.
  24. Peterson did not abuse a benzo. He had a paradoxical reaction to it. Both he and his daughter have dietary challenges and must eat only meat. His respect for ideas in the Bible was seen in his early lectures and videos of them are probably still on YouTube. Personally, I have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and also have a very limited diet. Beef, goat milk and cheese, pea protein and gluten-free cookies. I would like to eat a broad range of food but my body won’t accept them. There are websites that deal with MCAS for any doubters. It’s becoming more widespread.
  25. Great idea, thanks. In October I'll do both an online and a mail-in. I'm still not sure what the postage on the return envelope should be.
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