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Posts posted by WarpSpeed

  1. ok an update on the rat problem , i did what most of you said and went with the glue pads , mr rat didn,t like chedar cheese , but went for the roast lamb .... now can 1 of you wonderful members tell me how to get the "effin " glue from all over my carpet where the ba_t_rd rat rolled to escape from the glue pad .... its all over the drivers floor space , and the rat GONE ,

    so .... thats livetraps tried , killer traps tried , the poison that looks like childrens sweets tried , the powder that you mix with noodles tried and now the glue pad ..... sorry i forgot the " moskito " coils to smoke them out , ( only just got rid of that smell )

    please dont say sell the car or move house the wife wont go for that ,

    or a live cat as i know all it will do is SH1T on my leather seats .....

    I think I mentioned the rat possibly carrying the trap earlier on. So now that he did, you can use WD40 to remove the glue and then use a good grease removing dish soap to then remove the WD40. Glad to hear you got one though. Who said anything about the burning mosquito coils? If you think that's what Camphor is that's not what I was talking about, I was talking about the moth balls like Deke was.

  2. Off topic but XBOX or PS?

    Erm neither, SCCA World Challenge pro series albeit replicas they're quite accurate and representative, go to the link it's a forum, there are plenty of other real pics many of which actually date back to the DOT tire series just a few years ago before slicks.

    Your aware forza motorsport 4 is a console game yeah ??

    IIRC it only comes on xbox 360..

    rolleyes.gif No, I had no idea facepalm.gif ... Are you aware all of those are very realistic reproductions of ACTUAL racing cars & teams that compete and that's why I posted them? WITH a LINK to see more on the site they came from only real ones? They gave the best profile to present the tire/rim sizes, please people try to keep up will you? You're looking really silly thinking I had no clue what I was posting by even commenting rolleyes.gif .

  3. Yeah I prefer to look at the real thing rather than something some pimply face geek drew up in photoshop.

    You wish you were good enough to make such accurate copies, pimply faced in deed... You can't tell the diff, besides it's about the stance which is relative not the pic. but I say again did you go to the link? There are plenty of real pics there.

    Why would I wish to be as good as some kid with photoshop when the real thing is much better but hey if you prefer a render then thats up to you.

    Am starting to wonder how much or your illustrious racing career is real or fake...........

    BTW I did not click on your link as visiting gamer sites is not something I could be bothered with.

    Wonder all you wish, I could really give a flying >>>> I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else, that's how confidence works. It isn't a render it's a program and that's what I was referring to being able to do. I know and have competed with nearly every one of those teams personally, they are very accurate in their portrayal..

  4. Depending on where your daily routes lead you:

    don't take the "sporty" lower height tyres (../45 .../40 or even lower)!

    Rough ride, easily damaging the rims and the tyre.

    I damaged two tyres in the first six months (damages to the shoulder which can not be repaired).

    8000 Baht to the bin.

    I guess the 15 inch rims will allow higher tyres (.../50 .../55).

    I would opt for that.

    No need for "racing tyres" in Thailand except for the ego.

    I agree with this, except sometimes a bit of style is nice too, just like dressing up a bit instead of flip flops and a Chang shirt all the time.

    • Like 1
  5. Yeah I prefer to look at the real thing rather than something some pimply face geek drew up in photoshop.

    You wish you were good enough to make such accurate copies, pimply faced in deed... You can't tell the diff, besides it's about the stance which is relative not the pic. but I say again did you go to the link? There are plenty of real pics there.

  6. I think Ace runs 12 inch on his Jazz / Civic (or whatever honda he drives). Heard it improves handling on the go-cart track. wink.png I have 16 inch on my truck...but I am will to try 12 inch for a day at the mall.

    By the way Warpee, I do like that Yellow one in the photos you have posted.

    I can't really make a decision, I like them all!! biggrin.png

  7. rPQj0.jpg

    Investigating on this on the net i found this picture of a Nissan Maxima water pump.

    I will bleed the car again tomorrow and put the fluorescent green stuff in...

    I understand the fluorescent stuff is anti freeze, and would be the last thing you put in your radiator.

    Coolant is what you should put in or top up with plain water if coolant is already in the system.

    "Antifreeze" is also a coolant, it works for both applications, the reason it's fluorescent is a leak indicator to aid in locating any leaks that may develop over time.

  8. They used to do this in the southern states in good old USA were it never got below freezing . I met a guy from Texas that came to Minnesota one winter and yes his block cracked. This was twenty or so years ago. Wonder if there is some old clunkers out there still doing it.

    More then 20 years ago, over 40 years ago, I'm from the southern most state and coolant has been used forever since my childhood and more so with the advent of A/C again which happened more then 40 years ago with cars, we don't have to worry too much about freezing but heat is the opposite problem and of course lubrication and corrosion.

  9. i remember in the old days (probably same today) that cats in particular were attracted to coolent / wiper antifreeze because it tasted sweet to them. Never checked it personally, never will cause i like my eyesight.

    At least 20 yrs ago they changed the formula to eliminate that sweet taste. No longer attracts any animals

    That's news to me, it's still commonly used as a nuisance cat eliminator here because it both smells and tastes sweet.

  10. And me and snakes, I hate the smell too though in this case the snakes may be preferable unless it's a Cobra or viper that is but a nice small Python or Boa, perfect. I used to have a 3 foot reticulated python when I was there, now that I think about it maybe I should have leased it out for this purpose? Natural rat and rodent extermination service.

  11. I didn't say that, just because others do doesn't mean it's a sensible practice either. But while I can't dispute your claims (as I could name off a bunch countries randomly too) I'd also not be willing to take your word exclusively for such a broad statement without some real data to back it up either.

    Perhaps what is needed is data to back up the claim of removal being some strange practice -- especially in the light of the link posted earlier.

    The degree of antagonism in some posters comments regarding a totally innocuous topic is saddening. sad.png

    Awwwwwwwwe poor baby... No, the degree of unsubstantiated tripe from some posters is what's saddening.. Someone sees 2 or 3 people doing a certain thing and draws a conclusion that it crosses an entire country's habits, nonsense generalization like happens so often there with Thai's too..

  12. It's to stop the grit accumulating and then scratching the windscreen when the wipers are inadvertently switched on when dry. In many countries the wipers are removed completely during the dry season.

    "In many countries"? Like where? I'd never remove the wiper blades even a bit of grit is better then inadvertently turning on a wiper without a blade on it, that's a certain damaged windshield, not to mention maybe besides the Mojave or Sahara desserts where else does it stay absolutely dry for months on end without a trace of rain or some other reason to have to use your wipers like cleaning the windshield? And I'd hate to be caught with no wipers in the case of an unexpected storm.

    "I'd never remove the wiper blades..."

    He said the wipers, not just the wiper blades... "In many countries the wipers are removed completely..."

    Yeah so? I wouldn't do that either, so what's your point? Never mind, I see you have none once again, just on your usual troll..

  13. I didn't say that, just because others do doesn't mean it's a sensible practice either. But while I can't dispute your claims (as I could name off a bunch countries randomly too) I'd also not be willing to take your word exclusively for such a broad statement without some real data to back it up either.

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