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Posts posted by WarpSpeed

  1. T/A let it go For Freaks Sake! I'm getting embarrassed for you myself, your link says nothing about anything close to cleaning once in 20 years, quite the opposite in fact because if the filter is doing it's job it WILL get dirty to the point of needing a frequent cleaning as the describe and your comparison of "no difference what-so-ever" is nonsense, when you're just going on times run and trying to convince everyone here that your memory is so sharp that you remember EVERY time you ever ran (unless it was only 2 or 3 times that is) with NO difference clean or not? EVERY run was exactly the same as every other run? Never heard of such perfect regularity and knowing for absolute certainty that it was strictly your filter making the difference or not? Oh my giddy aunt, give it a rest.

  2. Yep like I already knew before I allowed you to waste my time, it says nothing about cleaning it once in twenty years, so that'll be the end of that discussion. To that end it suggests doing it when there is no way of knowing if your performance actually drops due to the filter being dirty or other factors so regular cleaning is the professionally recommended and common sense approach to proper service. I also contend there is no way once in 20 years is proper service intervals, silly you should even suggest so.

  3. facepalm.gif Ermm just because you didn't clean it often enough and it still allowed air to enter doesn't mean it SHOULD go that long before servicing, there is no telling how much the performance was affected and moreover it's because they're very effective that they should be serviced more often, not less.

    facepalm.gif Ermm, wrong.........Read their tech.....................coffee1.gif

    PS. My ride ran the same times (with no N2O) with or without the K&N........thumbsup.gif

    Shouldn't it run a better time with the right filter ?

    Over stock yes.......My point was, I ran with no filter then fitted a K&N, noooooo difference in times.

    K&N breath an incredible amount of air over stock, thats why folk can fit a smaller filter.

    That's times and a general statement at best, show us dyno readouts that back that up, plus you're broad statement does not take into account atmospheric conditions which is also a massive factor, no one runs, same times in EVERY condition no mater what your set up or filter or your driving skills. Try putting in a 20 year old dirty filter and a new one and see which has better performance? coffee1.gifwhistling.gif

  4. Some of the larger car accessories places will have the cleaning/oil kits. Autobacs springs to mind. I usually get mine at the motor expo.

    I've run these filters so long I honestly don't know if they give much more performance over stock. I did notice some difference in my suzuki swift when I popped the paper filter back in. It seemed a bit more peppy, perhaps due to the lower air flow restriction.

    I an tell what did increase performance, was when I unknowingly split the plastic intake pipe on my civic (and hence air flow sensor went out of wack and caused a cel). Unfiltered air was sucked right into the manifold without any filtering. Acceleration was quite significantly increased. Fortunately I found the leak after a couple of days.

    For racing many actually don't use them, they just cost more and require more maintenance, we used to just buy the cheapest Chinese tissue paper filters possible to prevent larger debris from ingress and replace them after every race weekend. Our dyno tests showed the cheaper filter actually produced more power because the density of the K&N fiber without fluid was too dense and with fluid it was even worse impeding air flow like a poster above posted in relation to the cheap filters. They (filters) DO effect performance though IMHO kind of worded it in reverse in attempt to make his point basically he just stated the same thing without realizing it. More air + more fuel = higher HP no matter what the fuel delivery system, the computer will just dial down the fuel to air ratio if not enough air which starves performance, it finds a balance if not the BEST balance.

  5. facepalm.gif Ermm just because you didn't clean it often enough and it still allowed air to enter doesn't mean it SHOULD go that long before servicing, there is no telling how much the performance was affected and moreover it's because they're very effective that they should be serviced more often, not less.

    facepalm.gif Ermm, wrong.........Read their tech.....................coffee1.gif

    PS. My ride ran the same times (with no N2O) with or without the K&N........thumbsup.gif

    Shouldn't it run a better time with the right filter ?

    Filters never improve performance, they only hinder it to varying degrees. They do make engines last a whole lot longer though wink.png

    When I was into modding cars (over that now) I did exactly what TA did though... the only way to know if you have a good air filter is to run without one and compare smile.png

    I thought there were smart people here? T/A suggested it NEVER required cleaning for 20 years, how is THAT smart and how does that improve performance? Utter nonsense, I can't believe what I'm reading from supposedly intelligent people? You take out an air filter that is in any way efficient in just a few months it is completely saturated and the K&N is BETTER at cleaning, not less efficient, so it requires MORE maintenance not less to be at best performance.. That is WHY it's coated with oil and why it's cleanable, the product last hundreds of thousands of miles but not efficient if not cleaned and that will also prematurely wear the filter, too much outward pressure pushes the fiber cloth through the mesh and also pokes holes in it passing dirty air through.

  6. facepalm.gif Ermm just because you didn't clean it often enough and it still allowed air to enter doesn't mean it SHOULD go that long before servicing, there is no telling how much the performance was affected and moreover it's because they're very effective that they should be serviced more often, not less.

    facepalm.gif Ermm, wrong.........Read their tech.....................coffee1.gif

    PS. My ride ran the same times (with no N2O) with or without the K&N........thumbsup.gif

    Ermm not wrong.. Mostly common sense to the rest of their world, their tech says NOTHING about not maintaining the product for 20 years, quite the opposite, but even still you get mileage out of the product, but not without proper care.. facepalm.gif

  7. facepalm.gif Ermm just because you didn't clean it often enough and it still allowed air to enter doesn't mean it SHOULD go that long before servicing, there is no telling how much the performance was affected and moreover it's because they're very effective that they should be serviced more often, not less.

  8. My friend used to manufacture trailers in Ratchaburi but he went back to OZ since the demand was to low

    A typical box trailer at that time would have costed between 35 and 45.000 bath and that included

    the hitch,electrical wiring and the registration.

    That's actually a good price, I wish I knew how he marketed it? I think he could have done quite well in the right market, like racing for one example.

  9. The real hang up with a trailer here is the inspection and registration. Also the vehicle road tax and compulsory insurance have to be paid every year. Max train weight is 3.5T and you will more than likely be stopped at every police checkpoint and an inventive fine imposed. I'm not sure how you would stand re a work permit and visa because clearly it should be a Thai driver for towing a commercial trailer.

    Actually I had my personal car trailered once from Pattaya to Bangkok when it broke down and not only was it a nice European trailer owned by a Thai, (though I thought the tires were a little small and it was a VERY expensive import he told me) there was no issues at all, it was routine tow by any definition, it wasn't the easiest to load or unload either actually, had much easier to use, cheaper trailers over the years.

  10. The issue is registrations.. Self built trailers are hard to get certified for the legal plate.

    I have a 3 bike trailer I used before I got the truck.. When I went to transfer it from bangkok to here in Chiang Mai the boss lady of the LTO locally (after confused underlings had gone and summoned her) told me flat out, no uncertainty 'trailers could not be registered' legally or have a legal plate.. I then showed her my ownership book and asked then whats this ?? She turned on her heel walked off and refused to come back and talk to me.. She then made the transfer of ownership (and new plate) an absolute nightmare.. Telling me "go do it in bangkok then".. Because I am a stubborn bastard I kept at it until I finally made them do their job.. Took weeks and way more effort than its worth but like I say, have a stubborn streak.

    For some purposes a trailer is great.. For others it can be a pain..

    I applaud your persistence, once again it paid off, I can't stand it when an official tells mai chai, mai dai or anything else relative when they have no REAL idea of what they speak. Telling me "no" just drives me harder when I know it can be done and it is legal, but for whatever reason, be it tea money expected but not offered or laziness, they just don't want to carry it through .

  11. Sure glad I never went for that lure. I just knew there was more BS behind it then behind a raging bull.. Don't have that problem in terms of the pollution issue here in the states but they may follow suit if regs in EU continue on that path, and diesel has been routinely a dollar or more then regular lately and the extra mileage just doesn't make the math add up versus cost.

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