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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. This obviously was a reference to Trumps "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT" text on his Truth Social.
  2. Now the the title is without caps might as well delete this topic as nobody seems to get the irony anyway.
  3. never met the man but that does not stop me from going to social media in capital letters. It reminds me of something somebody recently did but, for the love of God, I can't remember who nor what.
  4. You clearly don't understand economics but then I wasn't counting on it either. The stereo type Trump supporter is what you are. Again go sue your school and stop blabbing your mouth off. Or go an have fun with a Cambodian hooker. Angry, white, uneducated, single, racist male.
  5. Reminds of an German friend of yours.
  6. Tariffs do actually. You should sue your school and get your tuition fees back.
  7. 5555 That's why we're all in Thailand or aren't you?
  8. They are indeed terrible people but compared to Trump angels.
  9. Funny how taking guns away works all over the world but according to some, not in the USA. They say it's a mental health issue. Well poor people of the US half of you are already seeing a shrink now the other half must as well.
  10. Know nothing about guns but if you were to seriously assassinate a person would you not be using one of those sniper guns?
  11. Live sports.
  12. Supposed to be.
  13. Well seems the cat is out off the bag with 2 fervent Trump supporters loving Putin. Let's make America weirder than it already is.
  14. I'm not in an USA bubble as I'm not from the US. So you like dictators I see.
  15. https://www.commondreams.org/news/trump-deportations-haitians Happy now?
  16. Or maybe it was on TV and he said what he said. Or maybe he did not mis-spoke just like the time he said Orban was the PM of Turkiye.
  17. I live in Thailand and I actually want to hear from both sides the apparent lies! Come on and give it to me. With as the forum dictates credible links.
  18. Why don't we fact check? Tell me the lies by Harris and Trump. Together we can solve this yes?
  19. Yes link please as per forum rules. Otherwise 3 strikes and ur out.
  20. Trump just said he will deport all Haitians and send them back to Venezuela . How stupid can a man be?
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