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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. Trump just said he will deport all Haitians and send them back to Venezuela . How stupid can a man be?
  2. Compared to just about any nation in the world the USA is far right. Now it seems that the far right in the USA have a lot of trouble with the far right TV networks that are not far right enough for them. For these people the only networks that are "credible" are those that have to pay millions/billions of dollars for lying in public. And then the "master" himself goes on his usual tantrum by saying "the debate was rigged (everything is rigged Don I guess, if you say so) I won the debate bigly". Also not trusting Kamala to stand firm with "world leaders" like Putin, Xi and Kim. Do you realize that the names you call are not world leaders? The leaders of the word are: The US President along with those from Europe. That's it really. Putin, Xi and Kim are merely some dictators who fear for their own lives more than that they give any structure to their respective nation. Oh, I made one mistake about the world leaders and that is during the time Trump was President of the USA he was far from a world leader. He was kind of the JOKER!
  3. Are you autistic or pretending to be?
  4. And this helps with floodings how?
  5. Done that already 20 plus years ago. Did not work because the Dutch did not agree with payments under the table.
  6. Germany is almost 100 % green. BTW from where did you suddenly appear?
  7. No problem just make sure the money coming in to your account is "flagged" as international transfer. I.o.w. coming from abroad.
  8. So wouldn't this be a good idea in Thailand to run the aircon?
  9. Just read an article that these kind of panels are popping up al over Germany. I have no idea how this works and can we buy them in Thailand? For me this plug and play means like you hang a panel on the wall or balcony and plug it into a socket and done. Likely this is wrong.
  10. The moment they put on a Maga hat they leave their brains behind. Very common in cults.
  11. Just pointing out the fact that it is possible, don't have to crucify me. Money in the bank need to be there also for 5 months? Not sure. Im lucky that my embassy still provides us with a letter of income. So for me that's the easy way. Apparently the Brits don't do this. My fault I should have know this as a non Brit.
  12. To the OP, you can also use the monthly income way instead of money in the bank. Just to let you know.
  13. As per usual you get your info from AN and refuse any other truth except yours. For non lazy people marriage is just as easy.
  14. Suz's one lines are getting more confusing by the day. She/he/it is following the footsteps of her dear cult leader.
  15. Chinese???????????????????????????????????????????????
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 94 seconds  
  17. Lets say you're correct. Will Trump be willing to do a drugs test? Adderol? Ask him pls. you seem to know him by the language you use. Please explain to me why we have to be civil towards you and your buddy Trump when you call Harris a whore? You know what she might have a vibrating device stuffed up her p***** alerting her to wake up cause it's her turn. Or even better, the debate did not happen at all, it was just fake IA for the first time on live television. A breakthrough invention by Soros. Or...or...or...or.
  18. Thanking others for being civil while not being civil by a long shot yourself. And introducing conspiracy at the same time.
  19. But there were wars no?
  20. You from Ohio?
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