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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. Gosh Frank is back. So you're not at the front line are you comrade.
  2. Are you one of those school teachers who think they know stuff just because they know where to put an comma? Don't need to quote nor replay. Already know the answer.
  3. Thanks, good to know. AN seems to have trouble with links.
  4. Musk changes his name to Kekius Maximus on Twitter/ x and now the meme coin with the same name goes up 900 % in value.
  5. Every single topic started by riclag is a trolling post.
  6. They are not and it's the right that always resorts to insults on this forum.
  7. I rather go with the mainstream science on this thanks. Leave conspiracy theories to the right wing diehards.
  8. If you had just answered my question in the first place it would not have come to this. Pot kettle black.
  9. Sexual repressive blokes finding one an other on this forum. Calling anyone who disagree gay. Typical.
  10. Poor boy, has to resort to child like responses. Thinks he wrote a masterful crafted essay about the sleazy side of Thailand only to find he did not. I'm always up early, my slumming days are over.
  11. Wedgie? Have not heard that word since 1978. I'm not frustrated at all, another assumption of yours. So just to get this straight: You find this peculiar and unusual and therefore you think I'm stupid? As another commented "You live a sheltered live."
  12. Yes I can. You mentioned swinging 3 times and all 3 time wrong. You don't seem to actually comprehend simple English. So for the third time What is it to you? Why do you feel the need to write a comment full of assumptions and what is your point, if there is any?
  13. No. You have no idea what swinging is do you? And again what's it to you?
  14. I kinda was asking you the same question
  15. And are you aware that the ones suffering of it are hardly aware. So what's your point?
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