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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. You are trying (unsuccessfully) to spread Russian propaganda on this forum. You might as well stop your efforts as it makes no impact. Just shows you a silly little <deleted>.
  2. "Stay healthy"
  3. Biden and Trump will both die. Stock markets will crash because 2 many people are following Musk's advices. A bitter winter will hit NY city in December 2025 and it will be to cold to make pizza. Wars will go on forever and not even make the news anymore. Jake Paul will fight Fury and win. Italians will still be able to make pizza.
  4. I'm gonna go on living till I die. No clue, nor idea that will be.
  5. Yes G we all know you mistake facts for whatever you think is right. You don't care about facts. In FACT, you hate FACTs that don't suit you.
  6. Insult after insult is all you have. Starting to sound like a deflating balloon.
  7. Your president (not) elect Musk. BTW this whole topic is about that fact, in case you failed to notice. Now eat up and do your homework.
  8. Why do they (according to you) put on a "show"? Or are you just making things up while typing. It's always so funny to see people like you "explaining" what the MAGA are doing and actual meaning to say whenever they come up with BS idea's.
  9. You wouldn't be able to notice. And yes MAGA is at war with itself. Try following the news.
  10. First time in eight years that MAGA is discussing actual policy and right away they are in a civil war. Well done.
  11. That's the very first time I agree with you, so go ahead.
  12. You don't know or don't want to know?
  13. Translation: I'm to dumb to understand.
  14. You pretend to be an elitists hater yet you talk like one all the time. Everything, every country and everyone who does not support your extreme view of the world , gets hit by a insult of a sixteen year old, zit faceted schoolboy. You have not evolved after your 16th birthday.
  15. You are not in a position to translate anything because you only know 1 way, the dumb Trump way. In order to be able to translate you at least, need to speak 2 languages DUDE. The fact that you are a elitist hater firs very well with the fact that you live in Cambodia. The Kmer Rouge did not like them either.
  16. Jeez Bob you're posting like your live depends on it. Give it a break, get drunk and sleep in. Leave us alone for a while PLEASE
  17. Every time I'm smart you ignore my comment, have to go down to your level but as you can tell I can adapt. I am not a socialist but I'm also not keen on pseudo gun waiving cowboys who think they can run the world by bullying . I don't like former slavers trying to rewrite history. I don't like tech billionairess telling me what to do. I don't like people with the IQ of a mushroom voting one of them into the presidency and I don't like you.
  18. Translation: Don't fact check Yagoda, he does not like it.
  19. Stop believing in fairy tales? bob
  20. OOOOOhhhh yeah ! Thank you ! Downloading right now.
  21. He was online and people paid him to drink. At one point he said stop ! Enough is enough, I cannot drink more but the money kept coming in, forcing him to drink more and more.
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