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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. Steven, I was wondering about having a bike (Honda Wave) fitted as a sidecar any idear about the cost and where to do it?

  2. The poor family members must be appalled by these events, I feel for them and would also like to see them 'dig their heals in'.

    I certainly hope the stupidity and incompetency shown by the idiots running the justice department makes international news headlines along side other recent events around the Phuket area.

    What is it going to take to send a 'wake up' call to these fruit loops governing/policing Phuket.

    Nothing to do with Phuket.

    ? Nothing to do with Phuket?

    stevenl you have a way of saying thing that others do not understand.

    Or do you like just being cryptic?

  3. Is this the James with the tattoos? Did some handyman work during the day? If so this was one of the realest people I have ever encountered while living here on the island.

    What a shock, he was an extremely nice person

    My condolences go out to his close friends and family.

    Can anyone elaborate on what happened?

    Same James. Sorry don't know the details apart from some guess work by others.

  4. R.I.P. My friend

    You all might know James from is time in the Freedom Bar. He later worked with Charly Jr. running the Junior bar in Rawai.

    He was a big, big man with a heart of gold. Just married and had all of his live ahead of him.

    Miss you James and I hope you are in a good place right now.

  5. The IP adres you mentioned is Singlehop.com in Chigaco, USA a firm providing "cloud" networks not yours.

    Your IP story does not really make any sense to me, every computer that connects directly to the Internet has its own, personal Mac adres. IP adresses are also unique as far as internet goes. At home you usually have 192.168.1.X but this is not what the net sees.

    PS Pirate windows or not has nothing to do with your story !

  6. Anyone tried that Vietnamese Restaurant on Viset Road yet? It's just before the Sai Yuan lights, if travelling south.

    I am 100% sure it's the same Vietnamese restaurant that used to be in the Fisherman's Way mini mall complex. I ate there in that location once. The food was alright, but it was a bit expensive. Still, when I get a chance, I'll give the new location on Viset Road a go.

    Called Saigon, very tasty but indeed expensive.

  7. @HKP

    I have been following your posting on a few different threads and it occurs to me that you have a gift for turning everything into a personal vendetta against anybody who does not agree with you. You accuse posters off getting of topic while you do it all the time or do you mean that the posters go off your topic ?

    To make your point you often shout (using Capital letters) which I think is rude and against all internet rules.

    Personally I'm getting tired of you, it's like talking to a sixteen year old, spoiled brad who is always right.

    You are very close to my "ignore" button, not that you personally attack me but for the simple reason that most things you write are not worth reading.

    Sorry mods if this post is against the rules but so is shouting.

  8. nong pims , wassana bbq , delish cafe , baan aroy , ellis , kombat cafe , the little isaan place next to the german bakery , som tum lanna ..........

    Would be nice to know where and what kind of food. You know how many German bakeries there are? So what little Isaan place you mean? Ellis I know is Italian and used to be way of the beaten track are they still there ? And do they still serve the brrrrrr Lasagna with the same smile (not)?

  9. I also have a bit of experience with raw talent. At the time I was manager of a blues/rock band and a very young girl auditioned. At 16 years old she was already great, at 18 years old I passed her along to a friend ( George Kooimans of the "Golden Earrings") and she made it really, really big !

    My point is; when raw talent gets discovered by pro's in the music industry they then can basically make or bread a career. From nothing "special" to a superstar is not as far as 1 might think.

    I have seen her perform, she's ok for a wedding/birthday kind of thing BUT I have also seen her (once) performing with some awesome artists ( my apologies for Chainsaw and the rest) and they were able to get the best out of her.

    Anyway, I'm happy the thread is open again and we can discuss this, and follow Gig's progress, in a civilized manner.

    On a sidenote, wouldn't that have been Golden Earring (so without the 's') by that time? Unless that was before 1970, how old is Anouk now?

    I always forget when it is/was with or without "s"

    I believe Anouk is now in her early 40 ths

  10. Come on bubblegum, you can't leave me and 'the rest' dangling like that! We'll never be able to sleep again from wondering who were these awesome artists and where was the event?

    Give us some details please.

    You're right in the fact that there was only so far Gig could take it in Phuket, but think she will be with the right kind of people now who will be showing her how to put that extra 'professional polish' on her performance. She already has the talent and lots of experience, I'm looking forward to seeing where she takes it next.

    Google Anouk

  11. The big question is, can any of you sing? You could have Knopfler on guitar, Collins on the drums, and Jean Michel Jarre on keyboards, but the band would still sound <deleted> if nobody can sing.

    I know you're only talking about having a bit of fun and not trying to hit the charts but if you want to get to the stage where you're playing in local bars then it's the most important thing IMO. It's the weak link in nearly every amateur band you see.

    Good luck. I hope you get past the talking stage and actually get together. As somebody once said. "The god thing about music is when it hits you, you feel no pain"

    We'll have to wait until your first gig to see if he was right or not. biggrin.png

    Yeah, I can sing but my voice is a bit like your keyboard........too loud ! cheesy.gif

    Sorry, just had to post this, no bad intentions.

  12. I agree everybody deserves a break, but some members really take things way to personal. I see this only as a show, and very well produced one which I know is advertised and marketed well in over 44 countries worldwide. Thailand’s actually is the 5th in Asia. I believe we are 1 week past the audition stage? First Round ? Maybe somebody can fill us in...

    You see unlike some members on this forum, which I now assume they know this girl personally, some of us have no clue who this girl is, and have never had the opportunity to actually see her perform down in Phuket. Someone provided a video on this thread, and so now you’re going to get some feedback that some people might not like. It’s only normal opinionated feedback, nothing personal.

    The top prize is awesome, 5 million baht cash, a condo and a brand new car. Best part of it all, is that the winner will also receive a record contract from Sony. Not bad at all for someone that just walks up into an audition and makes it. These shows are supposed to get into the emotions of the viewers, and also give the opportunity of a lifetime to someone who as always dreamed to be a star. She is extremely fortunate to be in the position she is in now. I’m sure there were 100’s of people that got wacked during the auditions.

    I really do wish her the best of luck, but for your everyday ordinarily viewer, and speaking personally to someone who is very familiar with the workings within the music industry music; not speaking as friend or someone you have jammed out to while drinking at the bar, the video just didn’t cut it to make me personally believe she is on the road to Superstardom….

    I have never said she sucks, she is ugly, or that her voice sounds like shyt have I? In fact I personally think she sounds ok, and considering there is absolutely NO other competition (lady singers) as of yet, she stands one hell of a chance to win the show, and at the same time steal away the hearts of millions more on the bandwagon such as some people on this thread. If I knew her too, I would probably be on the bandwagon myself, but I'm not.

    I don’t think the ladyboy dancing, or the man with the lady’s voice signing are going to be any real threat to her in the next comming rounds.

    BTW: Here is last year’s winner singing Ava Maria in perfect Italian, maybe it’s time for another girl singer to win, but this time singing in English.

    That reply is as balanced, honest and accurate as can be IMO. There is no need to give her any unnecessary criticism, but getting upset because somebody is giving their honest opinion (which is probably spot on) just because you know her personally, is a bit daft IMO.

    Wish her all the best, she has a great voice but is nothing special IMO.

    I also have a bit of experience with raw talent. At the time I was manager of a blues/rock band and a very young girl auditioned. At 16 years old she was already great, at 18 years old I passed her along to a friend ( George Kooimans of the "Golden Earrings") and she made it really, really big !

    My point is; when raw talent gets discovered by pro's in the music industry they then can basically make or bread a career. From nothing "special" to a superstar is not as far as 1 might think.

    I have seen her perform, she's ok for a wedding/birthday kind of thing BUT I have also seen her (once) performing with some awesome artists ( my apologies for Chainsaw and the rest) and they were able to get the best out of her.

    Anyway, I'm happy the thread is open again and we can discuss this, and follow Gig's progress, in a civilized manner.

  13. OMG ! Saturday evening; Holland-Denmark ; later in the night Germany-Portugal ; in between practice for pole F1 in Canada. Sunday morning boxing, evening Spain-Italy, F1 main race, and another Euro match ( can't think of who).

    After euro 2012 there will be the Tour de France, Wimbledon AND the Olympics !!

    No wonder I cannot get my wife pregnant huh.png

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