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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. I would love to know why the anti-maskers insist on using ridiculous childish names for masks - it makes their arguments seem very ranty / childish. "mouth and nose covering moisture dispersant material" "face nappy" "face muzzle" "face condom" If you want to debate the virtue of masks just call them masks and have a proper conversation.
  2. And it doesn't everywhere else? I know my family comes first.
  3. Your comment reminds me of someone who doesn't understand sarcasm. Ever heard of it? You actually thought I want people to walk around with ATK results sellotaped to their heads? I guess now I know the level I am dealing with... Wow!! You are so het up over this and you are not even here!! Why? Why does it bother you that Thais wear masks when you are not even living here!! My God, you mustn't have much going on if this is what you fill your days with - checking what people are doing on the other side of the world and then getting upset by it. Guess what? Asia is different than Canada. The people have different sensibilities, the culture is massively different. The UK has dropped masks. When I was there I didn't wear one! (Incidentally their Covid cases are much much worse than Thailand's and are spiking again). In Thailand the people have decided - like in much of Asia - that the common good is better than their so called "freedom" (even though freedom has nothing to do with it). So when in Thailand on a packed train just put your mask on mate, it is not hard. When at home, or when walking in outdoor space you don't need to. It is simply common decency and respect for others. You can't bring Canada to Thailand, nor would we want you to if you could. And probably best you stay there too where you can embrace the freedom. Brilliant, NY Post, a right wing, anti mask Murdock rag. No respect for it or its agenda. Now your true colours are apparent (actually they were before). https://nypost.com/tag/mask-mandates/ "Covid alarmists" is what they called teachers who wanted masks in schools "Deranged Covid Clingers" another class description in a recent headline from the NY Post "Covid Milking" another. I will say this for one final time. In countries where no-one wears masks I won't wear one. In Asia where people still do (out of respect for others) I will do the same - it is common courtesy and respect for the culture, nothing to do with paranoia. Please try to get that through your head - you seem to be really struggling.
  4. In crowded conditions with poor airflow where every single other person is masked up, YES!! Is it really that hard to understand? In your own home, no, walking in the park, no, but you do see the difference between that and being on a Friday night rush hour train, right?? Not unless you walked around with it sellotaped to your forehead for all to see. Even then you can test negative and still be contagious. Often you don't show positive until you've already been carrying it - and spreading it - for a few days.
  5. Wow, just wow. Your friend really needs to lighten up. Any you also win completely irrelevant rant of the day award.
  6. You do understand you can be sick and not know it, right? Heard of an incubation period? That's the whole reason Covid spread globally so quickly - people thought they were fine but were highly contagious and the disease spread like wildfire. But he is showing common sense according to you. So the other 99.% on that train were idiots? And he's "breathing free", hilarious. On a packed train carriage. Must be loving sucking in all that "free" air. Okey dokey, thanks. Rules are bad, rules are imposed, we shouldn't obey any of them, got it.
  7. Nice, I hadn't seen that before but it exactly matches with my experience!
  8. I recently made a thread with questions about import duties for hand carrying a wood fired pizza oven and 20kg of oak pellets back from the UK. Got some good info and I carried it back with no issues. Some people were interested in the oven and asked me to post a review once I'd used it, so here it is. @richard_smith237 It's a brilliant bit of kit. So nicely engineered, easy to put together (took one minute), easy to use. It gets to around 450 celcius in 15 minutes or so and cooks the pizza in 60 seconds. I had to cure it for 30 minutes the first time (just burn wood in there at maximum temp) then it was ready to use. The very first pizza I cooked in there burnt as I put it in and came back 90 seconds later to check - too late; the second was great. The heat is so intense that 10-15 seconds is the difference between being underdone, perfect, and burnt - literally - so you have to be vigilant. The taste is amazing, the texture is amazing. The machine needs no looking after other than cleaning soot out of the chimney. I just fired it up for the second time tonight. Honestly better than most pizzas I've ever ordered, but definitely room for improvement still. So my review is it is well worth it. Needs a learning curve as to how to cook at such high heat (how thick should your base be, how sloppy your toppings can be, how devoted you need to be about watching it cook and turning it around and removing it in time), but overall it is 10/10. If you were thinking of getting one I recommend it. I should point out I have absolutely no affiliation with the company, they don't even ship to Thailand, but I had wanted one for a while, I had a trip to the UK booked so I ordered one to be delivered there then carried it back. https://ooni.com/collections/ovens/products/ooni-fyra Some pictures from today.
  9. I enjoyed not wearing a mask when I was in the UK, and enjoy not wearing one here if I am walking down the street. But are you saying the guy wasn't a jerk by being the only one on a busy train carriage that wasn't wearing one? Especially considering the rules say you should. I maintain he was an considerate jerk, not someone exercising their "freedom". Up to you.
  10. It's coming along very nicely. https://en.bkk-runway3.com/photo-gallery
  11. Where does it say this was a TAT idea?? Edit: Never mind, it's the tourism ministry which is close enough. Dumb.
  12. And tonight, on the ARL, busy Friday night, every single person wearing a mask apart from one freedom fighter farang. Absolutely disgraceful, Read the room muppet! The Thais looked very uncomfortable but were too polite to say anything directly. Just so unacceptable. How can you not see what is around you? Just terrible cultural insensitivity. Again he could be one of our warriors posting here?
  13. I saw two farangs getting in a taxi yesterday with no mask. They must have felt so proud and so liberated. Was one of them you by any chance? Extremely rude, selfish and inconsiderate of them.
  14. Is there such a thing as a huge minority??
  15. Ah I love this. America doesn't have a high gun death toll, it's "the media" who are to blame for reporting it - that's why it seems like a lot. Bad media, bad bad media. Got it.
  16. Who has panicked or locked anything down, or mandated masks on?? No one. Calm down. This is a statement by some doctors - who are nothing to do with the government - saying they recommend mask wearing due to the fast spread of the new sub-variants. What is wrong with that? A medical associate recommending people err on the side of caution. Yet you call these people jerks, how insulting. Do you have degrees to match theirs? Jerks, right, of course. And your medical training is....?
  17. Hi LG, The area around Hua Mark ARL was fairly recently re-done, with better road crossings (level with the kerb at the crossing point so better disabled access). There is also all new illuminated signage which is much better and a sign saying AERA City 1. I wondered why all the improvements and what AERA City 1 is and found out that is the 3 airport HSL consortium (Asia Era One Company). So has the running of the ARL now been handed over to them?
  18. It doesn't always have to be about you you know. Poor TVF posters are sooooooo persecuted....
  19. That's different, this is not two mates having a laugh in private, it is a supposed (self proclaimed) international news site and as such a headline like that is disrespectful and distasteful. It's actually pretty offensive. By the way I am a Brit and have the blackest humour, but that's a completely different thing.
  20. That headline is a disgrace and extremely disrespectful. A man has just died a tragic death and they joke it is a "mixed day" for him. The plummet of TVF in to the depths continues....
  21. Wow, she's been threatening to burn the condo documents for a year. Must have lost the matches.
  22. Taxis in London ripping off tourists by taking circuitous routes. Fake theatre ticket sellers in Leicester Square targeting tourists, the people offering to take pictures of tourists near Big Ben who then run off with your phone. Extracting every single penny out of tourists with horrendous extortionate prices for entry to the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, London Dungeon, Madame Tussauds etc. Oops, sorry, no, scams and tourist rip offs only happen in Thailand, I forgot.
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