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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Good. The only better decision would have been to let him go but not come back. The man seriously needs reigning in.
  2. You don't half come out with some sweeping rubbish. Absolute tosh and you throw these completely fabricated and ludicrous accusations around left right and centre - I really have no idea why it is tolerated.
  3. I set mine up to charge my credit card each time I use it but you can also set up monthly billing so you just get charged at the end of each month. You can link it to Easy Pass / M Pass so it gets deducted from that account but haven't done that so not sure how simple it is.
  4. Only the number 9 ring road so far I believe. It's supposed to eventually go nationwide but I've never seen it anywhere else.
  5. M-Flow is super easy, you just set it up online. Upload photos of your car, your ID, your car registration, set up a payment choice and that's it - M-Flow is active and ready to use. No need to leave your house or stop at any office.
  6. I've got an idea to help you. I know you love a meaningless couple of words as an empty reply on most threads to get your post count up (as you like to boast about "winning"). Have you ever thought about splitting your meaningless sentences in to multiple posts? One word per post to make up a sentence, that would mean more childish "winning" for you! Think how happy you'd be!
  7. Literally know one cares, please stop announcing these.
  8. Playing semantics, not even backing up your own accusation. So you stick with your claim that people on the left all think it's fine to shower with (possibly grown up) daughters. Do you? I ask because of course it makes a difference. If she was 18 months old it would be fine, if she was 13 it absolutely would not be fine. You trot this showering stuff out all the time so you must know about it. How old was she?
  9. Likewise none of you ever ever posted anything about Ukraine, Zelensky, his performance, popularity, his dress sense - nothing - in the last three years. Only now when Trump trots out his nonsense you parrot it without any due diligence and you literally didn't care before, probably couldn't even point to Ukraine on a map.
  10. Seriously, what a moronic accusation to make against all people who are liberal leaning. Just because I think Trump is absolutely horrendous it doesn't mean I think people should be showering with grown up daughters. Please show any single post that backs up your slander, especially that "we" thought it was "great". And I know you like to keep trotting out this showering thing. How old was she when it happened?
  11. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 84 seconds  
  12. Details of the deal seem to be missing again.
  13. Much as I shouldn't give you the opportunity to add to your absolutely ridiculous post count, you just ignored the question and spat out the usual stupid cliches. What was the deal? Details? Amazing that none of you can answer as you all seem to know his sweatshirt scuppered this fantastic war ending deal - just you don't know what it was.
  14. Yes indeed. But can't wait for Hanaguma's insight as he knows about "the deal" that was scuppered by a choice of clothes. America is literally being laughed at by most of the rest of the world.
  15. What was the deal exactly? How would Trump have stopped the war if he had worn a suit? Can you give details of this deal?
  16. You are funny. Like left leaning people are warmongers, hilarious. And hasn't the orange man just thrown Ukraine under a bus?? I think you'll find he has. Must keep Putin happy.
  17. I think you're being generous.
  18. "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing, after they've tried everything else" - Winston Churchill
  19. It isn't a cartoon. And no surprise that sattire goes over your head, we know it's not a strong point.
  20. Morally bankrupt, absolutely.
  21. Yes, because I made a comment about Trump's bad suits that means I support wars and waste money. How many posts so far today? Is your mum impressed? Keep going - maybe she'll buy you a lolipop!
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