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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 2 hours ago, MurakamiX said:

    Obviously you don't know much about the skateboard industry. All of the professionals and semi professionals are adults, and plenty of adults still skate. That skateboard the guy is holding however is more of a cruiser board simply meant for riding around, and looks rather 'gimmicky' 

    There are professional pogo stick competitors too - doesn't mean grown men should go around pogo sticking.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, BarraMarra said:

    I live in the UK there are no planes flying into England carrying Russians with there buckets and spades for the beach or in Greece or Spain there banned from flying in there too. 

    The UK has not banned Russian tourists, nor has Greece or Spain.



    Oh and i don't care where Saddam got his gas from all i know is he committed war crimes on his own people when he used them. Again nothing to do with this Topic.

    Brilliant. You are the one who brought up the gassing!! Then when I tell you that we (the West......more specifically the US)  supplied him with the gas and twice vetoed a UN condemnation of the atrocity then suddenly it is irrelevant to the thread. You are a classic.

    Anyway, irrelevant to the thread but I just had a lovely piece of gammon for dinner, and I suspect you might have had too.

    • Confused 1
  3. On 7/26/2023 at 3:41 PM, BarraMarra said:

    No Fruit pudding they stopped Hussein gassing his own men woman and Kids and stopped Gadaffi putting bombs on Aircraft. and stopping Isis beheading westerners.

    You do know where Hussein got his gas from right? And you do now that the US vetoed the UN condemnation of the gassing. Twice. 

    Amazing that some people are so blinkered that they actually tripe like your post.

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  4. 33 minutes ago, Scott Tracy said:

    Since when has a nanometer been a measurement of torque?

    Just another pathetic article with basic errors in it. They are the norm these days, pretty much every single article posted here will have such a fundamental error in it.

    I am sure someone saw Nm, Googled "nm" and got nanometre and had no idea what the difference was. Very very poor indeed.

  5. 14 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:

    The problem with negative marketing is people lose trust in the company doing it.  Bashing the competition is a poor substitute for extolling your own merits.

    Yes, couldn't agree more. It was a very poor move and reflects badly. They didn't read the room.

    • Like 1
  6. On 7/8/2023 at 3:35 PM, ikke1959 said:

    Exactly.... but most Thais don't like to work.. as I wrote before I am trying to find someone to help me with all kind of easy things in the garden or cleaning the roof, I am willing to pay 100 THB an hour and NOBODY is interested because it is a low wage... weeding in the garden or cutting a branch of a tree it is not difficult or hard work, even young ones can do it, but they want more money... and I am not the only one as many Thai friends have the same problem.. Yes I can maybe hire a Myanmar worker, they are wwilling to work..Thais are lazy and want to earn easy money. Look at Big C, Lotus's HomePro and name it too many people doing nothing and if there are a few fired the other ones complain they have to work, as they are not used to it.... only playing on their phones and talking.. salaries can go up for them who work, all others out better for the company and better to motivate people to work

    Ooooooh look at you with your 100 baht an hour!! 

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, bamnutsak said:

    Maybe it needs to be "broken in"? ????


    And it will be smooth as silk in no time.


    Unlike the axel seat on the songthaew, at least you're riding in cool, aircon comfort, and not getting wet.


    I did find it quite cheapish, rinky-dink, bumpy AF, a bare step up from the "Gold Line" (compared, yes I know that's not 'fair', to the heavier duty BTS and MRT). Is it better than nothing? Heck yeah. So, yes, it's acceptable. Now, which ticket do I need to post here?


    The ticketing thing is a gigantic black-eye, what doofii can't fix this?

    There was a monorail in India which opened and was very bumpy, but they fixed it by grinding the guide rails as they were uneven. I wonder if something similar will be done here?


    Overall I like the yellow line though.

  8. On 7/6/2023 at 8:39 PM, isaanistical said:

    Related: I have ridden the train, which starts near where I live in SP but goes nowhere I want to go. That apart, the ride - ie comfort, suspension etc - is appalling; non-stop bump-thump. I have used monorails in plenty of places, as well as all the options here, and this is awful.

    Anyone else think it's unacceptable?

    I think "unacceptable" is taking it a bit far, but yes, it is bumpy, much bumpier than I expected it to be.

  9. 2 hours ago, yosib157 said:

    Thanks for even more comments, but, as I am satisfied with how I finally completed my business, could the moderators please close this topic. It also appears that inevitably someone has taken time to write inflammatory comments --- so I'm done.

    Having a tizzy because I asked if Skype is still a thing?? I haven't used Skype for probably 8 years so it was a genuine question as I thought it had been beaten into submission by Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet etc.

    Anyway, if you use AIS you can use the 003 prefix (rather than 001) to get cheaper international calls. 159 baht gets you 40 minutes of call time to the UK.


    DTAC do a similar thing with 004 but they don't say what the rates are.


  10. 3 hours ago, JackieMager said:

    yes that post is way way way to thin and what about the others, are they equally as thin.  Were they saving a few dollars by building much thinner posts. 

    Yes, the bridge is made out of matchsticks but luckily we have you to call it out.

    Please tell me the context of this bridge support and why it is too thin - you seem to know about it, so when will it fall down in your estimation? It is a cropped picture and you don't see the column before or after or anything else. And you really think they just put the thinnest columns up and be damned?  Thailand has one of the most extensive network of viaducts and they are sturdily built (even if the safety standards during construction can be a bit poor).

    So please enlighten us why this is too thin for the load. Thank you.

  11. 10 hours ago, flyingtlger said:

    A lot of things are "re-active" as opposed to "pro-active" in Thailand.

    Unfortunately, unless something catastrophic happens, things stay the same.....

    How many bridges or expressways or elevated train lines have you seen collapse here? They must happen all the time right?

    Typical AN thread full of nasty negativity when the OP has nothing of substance at all. I wonder what people get out of sitting at their computers posting negative nonsense on every single thread.

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