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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 1 hour ago, Boatman37210 said:

    They came.  They took pictures and filled out a form.  My wife point blank ask them if this was about money.  They of course said no.  I think this a case of no means yes.  As they left, they told my wife they would be back in 2 or 3 months.  She ask why.  Response was that many foreigners are scammers and liars.  Talk about in your face.


    You were right.  I will be expecting another visit soon.  How do they get away with treating people like this.  I would think it would be considered illegal and abuse of power.  I know this is Thailand, but even in Thailand there must be something that can be done legally.  Or, maybe just put up with it until they get tired and realize there is no money here. 




    So they came, they did their job then left, and they didn't ask for money. (But you think no means yes......erm, ok.)

    And your human rights have been abused? "Abuse of power", "how do they get away with treating people this?". You are hilarious.

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  2. 28 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    I have a valid ‘Retirement Visa’ renewed in issued in August, I have a multi entry re entry permit, if I had anything dodgy the ‘Retirement Visa’ wouldn’t have been issued at Jomtien, they would have checked my passport for anything ‘dodgy’.

    Whats in my previous pages in my Passport should be no concern of the I.O.

    So they should just take everyone’s word for it and not do their job. Why even show the visa? Why not just tell them you have one? Should be good enough, no need to check. 

    Only on AN can you imagine someone moaning that an IO at the main point of entry briefly checks peoples’ passports. Wow. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    I have a valid visa and re entry permit on that page, what else is there to see in my passport, only visas from other countries and expired visas for Thailand ?

    Perhaps you have 20 back to back visa exempts? Lots of dodgy border crossings? Could be anything, and it is their job to check, same as anywhere else. A visa doesn't guarantee entry.

  4. 21 minutes ago, organicman said:

    UPDATE: I never got involved in her family matters until now which has been 5 years since I know my Thai girlfriend.


    I've been threating him in the last week by txt. Like I said, I tower over him and he feels threaten by me in my presents. I've only meet him once. I used this to my advantage cause my Thai girlfriend is half the size of him.


    Today, he has finished packing his bags and left the house. You aren't a man unless you stay by your women where my Thai girlfriends was crying nearly everyday for the last week hence you aren't a man if you let this continue. You job as a man to protect your woman and family. It's her house hence she chosens to allow who lives there.


    Summary: it makes me sick some of the replies saying we should move away from my Thai girlfriends house that she owns. What is wrong with these so call men.... It's a man's job to protect the people he loves!

    What a manly man, from Mansville. 

    • Haha 2
  5. 4 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

    I had three (!) Immigration Officers come visit my rented condo in Chanthaburi about two months ago. I wasn't home. I got a call from the gal at the front desk saying these arrogant <self deleted> demanded I return immediately. I told her to tell them I was half way to Jomtien and I wasn't about to turn back around on their say so. She told me later they grilled her for about 30 minutes. Thankfully, I had treated her very well, giving her free English lessons whenever I could, and she told them I was "very jai dee" (her words). I haven't heard from them since.

    They grilled her for 30 minutes? Really? About what?

    I have never had a visit in nearly 29 years of being here, but when I do hear it is always a box ticking exercise and they are polite and cordial.

    So, why did they "grill" her?

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  6. 7 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    The Royal Thai Embassy in the United States has, for sure, never done any business in Thailand - in that case. Sitting snugly in Washington DC with diplomatic status is one thing - but certainly not the reality! 

    Wow, what a lengthy rant.  By the way you do know the Thai Embassy did not compile this list or conducted this survey, nor are they making any claims.


    Yes, there is a lot of bureaucracy in Thailand.



    To get the affidavits, you are welcome to see the next "Department of Business Development" or DBD with 30 times more seats for customers waiting than officers behind the desks; latter usually manned only by 60% - 80%. You need to present rubber stamped and blue inked copies of your ID (i.e. passport with front page and all pages with a stamp in it) to APPLY to get the DBD affidavit, wait anything between 45 - 90 minutes, pay a ridiculously small fee and you're on your way again. 

    You're going to the DBD every time you want an affidavit??? You do know there is an e-service, and you do know you can get them from pretty much any bank too. Takes 5 minutes.

  7. 7 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    But the exact opposite would be necessary. Lower fare, even more pressure to the tiny overcrowded BTS trains.

    More trains, more staff!

    The capacity of those trains could serve a Disney park rail but not a huge metropolitan mass transport.

    It's five years that I experienced BTS.

    And that was a mess finalizing in a complete breakdown in the evening due to technical issues.

    Doubt that things have improved?

    So you used it once five years ago? What was this complete breakdown event? 

    The BTS is a superb system, busy at times, not busy at others. Clean, reliable. Gets expensive if you are changing lines but for a single journey it is reasonable. It badly needs s ingle ticketing system and has done for many many years, but generally the service and system is great.

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  8. 21 hours ago, khunPer said:

    So with approximately 500 kilometers from Suvarnabhumi to Samui this makes Bangkok Airways' ticket price almost cheap; i.e., 500 x 13.0 baht = 6,500 baht...:whistling:

    Funny, as soon as I read the article I did the same thing. Wondering why my flight next week cost me 10,800 baht. But you made the same mistake as I did - that is one way. 1,000 x 13 baht = 13,000 baht return. So they are well within the cap.

  9. 3 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    LFP last twice as many charge/discharge cycles compared to NMC.


    NMC is more likely to catch fire but performs better in cold temperature climates.


    NMC doesn’t like being fully charged, the battery degrades, so shouldn’t be left at 100%.

    LFP is safer in hot climates and can be charged to 100%

    NMC has a higher energy density so can pack more power in the same size.


    NMC uses nickel, manganese and cobalt. Cobalt is controversial because children mine it in Africa.


    There are probably other reasons, but these are the ones that come off the top of my head.

    Thank you for sharing, interesting.

    On the Cobalt thing, I was told by someone very senior at Volvo globally that they vet all suppliers and there is absolutely no exploitation or child labour involved and that they would not do business with any supplier who could not be audited and prove this.  So maybe it is not only mined by children in Africa? (I forgot where he said they do source it).

    Anyway, thanks for the info, appreciate it.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    NMC batteries, not ideal but I suspect is par for the course with most “Performance” variants. It needs considering carefully.

    I am not doubting you as you know a lot more about EVs than I do. But can you explain? I know the two main technologies are LFP and NMC but what are the pros and cons and why do some manufacturers go for one over the other? I genuinely don't really know so would appreciate if you could share your insight as one of the forum's more knowledgable EV experts..

    Sorry if someone has explained this before.

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  11. 17 minutes ago, Ben Zioner said:

    Hilarious. Just said that their service was outstanding. No one could expect a free  outstanding service. Would you? 


    And don't know of any  other IT brand who systematically replace damaged or faulty gear.

    Neither do Apple. My MBP is away for two weeks to fix a non functional screen - under Apple Care + and an additional fee of 3,500 baht for this repair according to their policy. I don't expect a free service but I do expect it to be free if it my computer stops working properly and I had purchased AC+ for 9k baht.

    Apple replace it in the first week of ownership as a policy. After that it is a repair job unless the damage repair is too much hassle that it's easier/cheaper for them replace it.

    And have you ever read the Apple Care + terms and conditions?

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