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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 20 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

    It's a worldwide move of governments, central banks and big finance to get rid of cash money. The aim is to establish CBDCs, Central Bank Digital Currencies, as soon as possible. Google "Better than cash alliance", in which Thailand is also a member.


    If you ask why they do this, the answer is clear and obvious:


    Without cash, you will transparent as glass. All your purchases from birth till death will be trackable. Negative interest rates and expiry dates can be applied to your money. And if you are politically too naughty, next time in the supermarket you can't buy anything anymore.


    China does this with the e-Yuan already, Russia is working on the e-Rubel and Europe on the e-Euro. 


    I pay as much as possible with cash. Keep your freedom, say no to this dire future!

    Tin foil hat nonsense.

    • Confused 3
  2. 16 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

    It's an old chestnut that's often wheeled out by Thai bashers, when the exact opposite is the truth:


    "Thailand has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Netherlands to help tackle floods and water management".


    Thailand taps Dutch expertise to tackle Bangkok's flooding problem (nationthailand.com)

    Yes indeed, it's a TVF myth. I also had that article up my sleeve, I was just waiting for the poster to come back with a link to his story of Thailand saying they didn't need Dutch help and turning them down. It never happened.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  3. 44 minutes ago, Crossy said:


    Poked around a bit, the Blue / Purple lines are Visa + MasterCard. So, Yellow will be too.







    Thanks. That's strange as I forgot my MRT card last week and there was a big queue so tried my contactless mastercard and it didn't work, and the machine only has a Visa sign. But maybe they are updating it.

    Edit: Ah wait, the contactless card you have to tap in a different place to the MRT card, maybe I tapped in my usual spot.

    Anyway, looking forward to trying the yellow line on Saturday!

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Crossy said:




    Your MRT-plus card currently only works on the blue and purple lines.


    The option of using your contactless credit card is "coming soon" and will be the closest thing Bangkok has ever had to an integrated, "one-card for all travel", system.

    Thanks Crossy. Will that be contactless Visa only like the MRT? Or will this accept other flavours too like Mastercard?

  5. 20 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    I don't know that but to board an international flight he needs a valid passport. For faking a identity he should be fined and banned permanently from all airlines.


    Cut for his supposed "murder" charge I see no actual evidence presented that he did anything wrong. If you are in a paid 5 star hotel and your neighbor is making too much noise call the security staff. If they do not stop it and you confront the screaming lout who knows what actually happened in self defense? Sorry I blame the victim here for not behaving properly.

    Wow, just wow. Blaming the victim why exactly? (I have my own suspicions why).

    You are either too dumb to read an article or you just want to side with the white guy automatically. He did nothing wrong???

    The culprit was the one making noise at 3-4am. The neighbour complained (maybe rudely or aggressively) and then was then murdered. How on earth can you say the victim was to blame and the Norwegian did nothing wrong? This is honestly one of the most disgusting posts I have seen on here.

    Personally I hope he dies a slow and painful death without seeing his daughter considering he has deprived another family's newborn of growing up with their dad.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    The Left and Right labels do seem to be redundant these days , what with the Right wing Conservatives having non White /Female  people at the head of the Party 

    Sorry, that means nothing. If you are thinking of Suwella Braverman ticking "left wing" boxes by being female and non white than you have no idea what you are talking about. She is the most poisonous right wing MP we've had for a long time. Well since Priti Patel maybe.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    And Labour have vowed to clamp down on immigration and make it more difficult for immigrants to come to the U.K .

      Another example of the Left and Right swapping sides 

    I hardly think the Tories have become left wing. They are just even more far to the right than Labour.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 31 minutes ago, Woof999 said:

    Usually up to the airline. If you're flying a premium cabin or have a certain frequent flyer status it's included.

    Also the elderly and the disabled, pregnant women, families with young kids, and people who work for BOI companies and have a letter issued by the BOI to give permission to use Fast Track.

    That BOI letter is worth its weight in gold sometimes.

  9. 1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    50 years would be the right time and look back and analyse whether Brexit was a good idea or not 

    Brilliant. So you voted for something that will be better long after you're dead?

    You really think the general public should be allowed to vote on an unbelievably complex topic that might pay dividends 50 years later??  Honestly you are a funny troll I will give you that, you have a good sense of humour - I would vote for you for funniest troll of the year in case they have that kind of award (but you would only receive the medal 50 years from now).

    • Like 2
  10. 43 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

    Maybe he will, if Brexit fails.


    Like many who can see reality, it's still ongoing so, as yet, hasn't failed.

    Ah the old "it's ongoing" line again.

    So in another 5 years if things are still awful, exports have collapsed, or whatever, you can counter with, "it hasn't failed, it's still ongoing".

    I asked before but noone answered. How long is the "ongoing" thing going to last before we can judge it? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?

    • Like 1
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  11. 1 hour ago, Confuscious said:

    These kind of things are not only in Thailand, but over the whole world.

    Girls/woman, mostly of the more beautiful kind (but with far less functioning braincells), choses a "Macho" guy as their life partner.
    They will go trough hell for them.
    They will go into prostitution for their "Macho" guy; They will give their Macho hubby all their money; Etc.
    Until they wake up or the Macho guy kicks them out.
    Then the girl will start to cry and tell everybody what a bad guy she had.
    Girls/woman: You want the icing on the cake, take the whole cake and stop complaining.
    Nobody forced you to go with that Macho guy.

    Spot the guy who lost out to a "macho guy".....

    • Haha 2
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