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Posts posted by louse1953

  1. I'm sure that this guard has gone thru days and hours of vigorous training and learning how and when

    to use the gun to insure that the gun is in safe hands... Or NOT... this is the kind of stuff that people

    get killed from, the abundance of guns in this country mostly in the wrong hands, be it legal hand or not.....

    I'm sure the Ozzy has been told many times not to park there.Maybe it's where the security van parks.Can't have them roaming the streets with a box load of money.

  2. Man made emissions, sometimes known as global warming.......oops, climate change, unless it's been renamed yet again to keep everybody on their toes, and confused.

    Joking, incidentally. It's just rain in January as it was last year..

    I"ve lived in Thailand for 27 years, There is no doubt climate has changed due to Global Warming. Until the late 90's the seasons were clearly defined as "wet" and "dry". And the "dry" season meant pretty much Zero Rain. Tree leaves used to turn brown by the end of the "dry" season. And then of course, what is the reason for Songkran Festival, it was started thousands of years ago to celebrate / signal / Welcome the coming of the "wet" season so farmers could plant their rice. And like clockwork back in the 90's the rain would start right around Songkran.

    Make no mistake, climate change due to Global Warming is affecting every corner of the earth. It just shows up in different forms. For Thailand it means the end of a clearly defined "wet" and "dry" seasonal pattern. Lucky it doesn't mean the end of the "wet" season or we'd all burn up.

    It's actually probably better now cause we get lot's of really nice weather in what used to be the "wet" season and vice versa we get rain when it should be "dry" season, but we must stop and consider why this change has happened so fast when normally climate changes this large are referred to in blocks of time such as 10,000 years.


    Yeah yeah global warming.

    Last year, 2014, we had an unusual long and cold winter period with temperatures not reached in more than a decade and lasting for more than a month..

    The usual global warming activists were screaming from the roofs that global warming was causing this.

    Guess what. This year we had a very normal winter, with a cold spell starting before Christmas and ending shortly after new year as usual, but again GW activists are saying we have a winter that is too hot.facepalm.gif

    I explained earlier in this thread already that 2008 was even worse than this year regarding rain in the beginning of the year, but in the 7 years between everything was normal.

    Well, I guess people need something to complain about so let them complain, but global warming is just another myth to get money out of your pocket.

    Yeah,yeah,they call people like you an ostrich.Global,get it,not just your plot.In my home town in Oz we just had our hottest winter after the hottest winter the year before.Now in summer,it is 37-42 most days,well above normal.Be glad to get back to cool Thailand.7 billion people cannot continually shit in their own nest without consequences,this is the result.

  3. there are so many like him, raised wrongly like little psycho-dictators by their parents who teach them no humility and no self-control...

    there is something wrong already when mothers address their male children with "pee" already when they are just 7 years old.

    lessons in humility is what they need, not veneration.

    They address the eldest as pee to teach the younger siblings.

  4. That's terrible. My thoughts are with the young mans family. RIP

    Pity he never thought of them.

    Pity you don't find something better to fill your day with. A young man has died on KT and trolling is your contribution.

    I am writing about the consequences of running amok,with no thought of anybody but himself.Death by misadventure.I have empathy and pity for people that have misfortune through no fault of their own,not somebody as careless as this.

  5. I'd agree the land route is quite "an adventure". Have done it two times though, last time about 6 months ago. Went from Koh Chang to the border by minivan, but should be available from Pattaya as well. The border crossing did not take an hour as some here have claimed - last time they didn't even try to charge us $5 extra which seemed to be the standard practice first time I went. Took maybe 15 minutes to cross the border, 10 minutes by "taxi" (some guy with a car) to Koh Kong "bus station". True, it is a dirt field, but no rusty run down mini vans in sight. Got on a decent bus (about as good as the lower end of the scale when compared to Thai buses), and waited maybe 10 minutes until the bus left. Again, no, it was not jammed full - think there were about 10 people on the bus, i.e. not even half full. The biggest annoyance was that the bus didn't really go to Sihanoukville, instead it went to Phnom Penh, so we had to get off at the intersection, grab some food at a restaurant and with some luck, smiles, and waving of dollar bills, we managed to buy two tickets for another (quite nice) bus that was parked at the restaurant near the intersection.

    If money is not an issue I'd never recommend doing it - just take a flight to Phnom Penh and go to the Soraya Bus Station for an easy 4-7 hour bus ride to downtown Sihanoukville. If you're feeling adventurous and want to save some money, try it. It's not easy or super comfortable, but in my experience it's not as bad today as some of the above posters seem to have experienced years ago.

    Adventure! Should have done it 12 years ago.Sea of mud and crossing rivers,in a mini bus,on 2 canoes lashed together with a few planks.Only a oncea

  6. I bet everybody's looking for the barb wire now. Could be some to be fair but the pic is a little unclear.

    Assuming of course this is the swimming pool in question? Because some articles were mentioning "hotel swimming pool" rather than bar swimming pool?

    I agree with your comment, so a bit clearer picture:


    Now ask yourself this: why diving from the roof of that dj boot surrounded by barbed wire instead of from the spring board???

    I assume he was found in THAT pool, correct me if I am wrong!

    Don't you read.He had been drinking and on a 2 day mushy bender.

  7. If he was found at a pool of a hotel he wasn't even staying in, what the hell was he doing there? Did he decide to take a dive there from a DJ booth on his way back to his apartment? C'mon! Where is the CCTV? Koh Tao has CCTV all over the place, somebody must have seen (heard) something.

    I would send a personal FB message to CSILA to see if he can come up with something!

    Decades ago i used to swim in a pool that the Arab clients never used.This is while staggering home from Nana,at 2am,down Soi 1.I can swim but cramp could have come on and i would have been a floater in the morning.Death by misadventure.We all do stupid things while under the influence,some live and some die and some end up in wheelchairs.This is a male thing.

  8. From the Khaosod report it appears his body was found Friday morning.

    If the story is true I would have expected the guy to be showing off to at least one person but it seems he was all alone - very strange. And why dive and not just jump?

    All we have in truth is a body in the pool with presumably evidence of a blow to the head and some cuts on his face. I wonder what the cuts look like. Same as David Miller's?

    Not really that strange and why would you expect that he was showing off? Especially given as you say it seems he was alone. In a heavily intoxicated state people do the strangest things. It's also the case that a lot of people sleep walk under the influence. I used to do so regularly, often waking up to find myself taking a leak in the wardrobe or some other unlikely place; until one night under the influence of alcohol, grass and various other recreational substances, I got up in the night and walked out of an unbarred full length window in a converted UK mill house. Presumably wandering around asleep on my feet, trying to find somewhere to take a leak I stepped out to a 20 foot drop onto granite flagstones. Milkman found me on the floor unconscious at 5am. I was lucky to survive it with a smashed pelvis, broken wrist and nose. But I guess you're already thinking maybe somebody dragged me out of bed and threw me out of the window while I was asleep to make it look like suicide, right? I think there has actually been a case where someone successfully legally defended murdering another person whilst sleepwalking - so it is a recognised condition.

    I understand that someone dying of misadventure on Koh Tao is rather disappointing in terms of sustaining the ongoing hysteria amongst the armchair detectives here on TV, but really.... what is already known here overwhelmingly suggests nothing more than misadventure with alcohol and drugs as contributing factors.

    Same here mate,missus found me heading down the stairs,naked.Can't remember a thing.Homebrew Swedish vodka.

  9. Case solved then, the police already know what happened.

    No witnesses to this, an assumption that he climbed onto a DJ booth because of similar wounds on his face that look similar to barbed wire which is apparently around the dj booth.

    Another assumption he was heavily drunk because of cctv images but then a not sure about that so waiting for the autopsy from Surit Thani where ever that is, the mainland I believe.

    So current story, he goes back to the resort alone drunk, climbs a dj booth that is protected by barbed wire then jumps off and slams his face into the swimming pool killing him all for the sake of what? No one there to show off his climbing and diving skills. Strange but could also be true.

    Is a Thai autopsy fairly credible and accurate?

    I hope the Brits will carry out an inquest on this.

    Seems remarkably similar to Nick Pearson,Nick went rock climbing alone in the middle of the night, fell down a cliff all by himself, mortally wounded he dragged his own body to almost the same pool of water David Miller was found in.at an earlier date, the only difference in Nick's case is that his parents, who were on Koh Tao with him staunchly believe he was murdered, the police ruled suicide, again!

    I just met a 25 year old male that base jumps off 112 metre power pylons at midnight,stoned.Nice lad,but......

  10. If you look on his (Luke Miller) facebook page you will see he was travelling with his mate James Gissing. If you go to James' page you will see a picture posted of himself two days ago which says it all : living on the edge....

    PS I'm not posting any links or the actual pictures.

    Says it all.........what are you insinuating? Its his own fault? Instead of taking one photo out of context take a look at the bigger picture and head to Nichola Gissing facebook page where you'll see the other photos of a normal fun filled holiday that has been cut short tragically and until we have further information from the media which locally is being remarkably quiet on this, I think we should not make assumptons of his lifestyle as being the cause of this.

    They may be good lads 99% of the time,but it only takes one act of stupidity,showing off,macho man style and it's all over.

  11. Why is this news? People die everywhere - young, old, any nationality. Drugs, alcohol, car accidents, natural causes.

    When a poster can produce meaningful data, such as a statistic that indicates a Brit is ten times more likely to die on Koh Tao than on the Thai mainland, I might pay attention. So far, all I see in this thread are fevered imaginations and well-meant condolences for someone not even known to the poster.

    I'm Australian, 72. If I die in Chiang Mai, I don't expect headlines.coffee1.gif

    Unless you od on viagra and are found stiff,or go off a balcony,but that is more a Pattaya thing.Could be in a mini bus or hit by one,could drown in a waterfall or in the bath.Could die of natural causes and not found for days,therefore speculation you had no friends.Never underestermate TVF to headline and gain your demise and members to speculate how your missus was involved,somehow.Long may you live Baz,i don't want to read those headlines.

  12. Thailand used to be a safe and welcoming place for Westerners, but it seems there is a Westerner death every day now, ..in either suspicious circumstances or suicide! How I wish I could go home! ... but Thai wife got all my money and everything I ever had, so I can not even go out for a meal.

    Welcome to Thailand!

    You are lucky your wife has your money or you would be running amok on KT.She has saved your life.Eating at home is a lot more healthy.

  13. I sure hope this posting does not turn into an opportunity to shed light on all the unsolved murders which happen in Thailand...The PM is reforming the police dept so have patience

    Can't we just focus on all the good stuff...the easy visas...and smiling people...the inexpensive costs...the helpful Thais...

    Don't even get me started on old fat beer drinking ex-pats that come to Thailand for the young women...

    If you feel so bad about those young girls and boys why don't you set up a charity to help them and they can go home and lead productive lives.Until then,going with tourists,expats and locals is the only way they know how to pay the bills.DELETED

  14. RIP

    was probably an accident of some sort. Drowning maybe.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    So the total assumptions with no basis starts....

    He jumped from a dj booth into a pool will pissed and hit his head on the bottom.The above is a fair assumption,i would say.

  15. This sounds like Bullshit to me .You can Enter the Country and look where you want to spend the night/nights !That has nothing to do with Immigration,,,(My Opinion)Maybe Wrong

    You would be wrong. It's a legal requirement here in Thailand to be registered to Immigration at your place of residence. Many countries require an address on the arrival card. But I've never seen any query about the address I write, even DownTown Hotel in Main Street ...

    I was a regular at the Hilton,never stayed there,don't even know where it is.

  16. It is a nice picture. But one could be critical.

    Hope Orlando realizes that through his picture he has shown a police officer helping foreigners commit an illegal act as these have been banned.

    If one was really critical, attention should be on the unsupervised little girl in the snap who could easily duck under the float and set fire to her head. Only takes a second or two.

    Not trying to be a killjoy, but there you go..............................sad.png

    Pictures can tell different stories.

    Wow you must be the life of the party with perspective like that.

    You would be the 1st to be critical if it happened.Shit happens quite a lot in Thailand.

  17. I keep an eye on all the major real estate websites for Phuket (and Thailand). I see the same properties for sale for many years. They get posted over and over and over again to make it look like they just got onto the market.

    Houses advertised as brand new but I've seen them for sale for 4 years and know they are even older than that. Every single soi on the island seems to have numerous houses for sale/rent.

    My landlord from who I rent also treats me very very well because they know if I move out, she'll have big trouble renting this house. She also owns the one next to me and in the past 2 years, it didn't have a tenant.

    The estate has about 10% of houses for sale/rent or abandoned even though it's a fine, decent place.

    I know of some Thai ladies who own some villas that they "got" from their falang husbands which are sitting for years up for sale/rent. They are not getting maintained so are slowly deteriorating. They don't want to invest 10k THB to fix them up and make them look nice to be able to rent them out. Even agents are refusing to list them...

    Or other properties which are way overpriced and are asking something like 60-80k THB rent for a 3br 3bath 230sqm house with pool. They let them sit there instead of lowering the price and getting at least a bit of money back.

    You want to buy land of 800sqm and build a house? That's gonna be 4-5M THB for the land plus something like 6-8M THB to build a decent house. That would take 20 years of near constant occupancy at 50-60k THB a month to recoup. And after 20 years it'll look like shit because of the building standards here.

    Who is moving to Phuket to buy properties like that? Certainly not families who want to work here and raise kids. Retired guys? Not many that have that kind of cash. Rich guys who just need to park their wealth somewhere? There are some indeed but these people have much better choices in other countries with rule of law.

    Before a lot of russians used to buy here. They're gone. Westeners increasingly are doubtful of the future of Phuket - with good reason.

    All those condos? They are either near a beach and target the rental for tourists market. Good luck getting those 3-5M THB back in condo rentals in a reasonable timeframe.

    Or they target the working middle class like D Condo in Kathu. Even at 1.2-1.5M THB you'd need to rent them near constantly for 10 years at 10k THB per month. The target audience doesn't have that kinda money for the most part. They have salaries of 10-15k THB.

    Hence many are for sale/rent.

    If there was rule of law and you could be certain that you wont lose your property and not have to worry about visa nonsense or civil war, I'm sure they'd find buyers. But it's not the case unfortunately. Guys with cash can go to HongKong, Singapore or a numerous other places.

    I spend most of my time here. I have the cash to buy properties. But I won't do as it's just a silly thing to do right now unless you really want to live here in the long term and don't care much. If things go south considerably more I'm out in a heartbeat.

    I do have seen some successful properties being built the past years. But they are far and few between.

    It's gonna be interesting to watch the next 5 years unfold. I honestly can't tell what'll happen to the property market but my gut feeling is that it wont make a miraculous comeback.

    There is a slight glut, yes. But even without the glut of new properties the market is dysfunctional.

    The environmental impact of all the new unneeded, unwanted construction is the really sad part of this.

    At what point does lack of sales stop this environmental building disaster?

    "At what point does lack of sales stop this environmental building disaster?" - as Pattaya became a city by the sea, Phuket will become an island city.

    Phuket's beaches will be exploited and destroyed, the same way Pattaya Beach was some years ago.

    It's the Thai way to "slash and burn" for money today, with no consideration for sustainable industries for generations to come.

    Don't just bag the Thai's,greed knows no borders..

  18. Phuket just in the past 2-3 days "Inclusion on the UNESCO Creative Cities listing for its gastronomic delights", ThaiVisa just today reports how BBC news thinks Thailand is among the 7th best places to live after retirement. Post the mega infrastructure projects completion here over the next 2 years, and the burnout of all those marginal homeowners posting here, Phuket will have a second wind. Watch see and learn.

    A Second Wind - I very much doubt it ... and never in my life time. Too many new worlds for the newbies to explore.

    The rich and stupid have better places to go.Sex and sun only go so far.

  19. Because they know it would cause a huge domestic problem as most Thais are gambling addicts-in-waiting.

    Gambling in Thailand is illegal for a very good reason.

    They could simply do like they do in Vietnam.

    No Vietnamese Nationals allow inside the casino, except staff. Problem solved.

    Same Laos and maybe Cambo too.It's the Chin's they're after.

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