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Posts posted by sanmiguellight

  1. I read it after I had been coming to Thailand for about 3 or 4 years. At that stage I found it of little value and as one of my wife's girlfriends told me in regard to reading books about Thai women "why read about us in books when we are here for you to ask".


    Just about all the rest of the falang written stuff (formative or novel) are an endless pile of garbage.

    This man knows what he's talkiing about!

  2. who is not interested in anyone's culture.
    I am interested in the people i meet, just not into a culture that is a figment of their imagination.

    "A culture that is a figment of their imagination ?"

    So you do not think there is a distinct Thai culture [they imagine it]

    or as that implies, that it is different from Western culture ?

    Best of luck to you.

    You are going to continually need it, I suspect.

    I make my own luck.

    Anyway i started a topic about what is Thai Culture some time ago the answers were at best vague and people with Phd's in Thai cultural studies which is quite a lot of folk didnt fill page after page with their great insight, so now ive found you can you please tell me and the rest of TV what Thai Culture is on the following thread. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thai-Culture-t273994.html

    I'm thinking you cant add anything that doesnt apply to here in Blighty.

  3. I simply dont pay for sex.

    Whenever people have to come out and say something like that i always think the opposite is true, as if it wasnt an issue they wouldnt have mentioned it!

    Luckily for me i flicked through that post and read the bottom paragraph first, so i wont be wondering what i'd have done if i had wasted 10 minutes reading such Cod Philosophy!

    PS you arent Chris Pizzaboy who wrote Thailand Fever are you?

  4. Seems he is on the mend!

    JOHN HARTSON will not be at Celtic Park tonight when two of his former teams meet in their Champions League qualifier.

    Nor will the former Wales star take up Arsenal's invitation to be a guest for the second leg next week.

    Instead he will settle for a place in front of the TV as he slowly recuperates from the cancer which nearly claimed his life.

    Hartson, 34, has just undergone emergency surgery after testicular cancer spread to his brain and his lungs.

    And he reveals for the first time how a personal message of support from Arsene Wenger helped him pull through his darkest hours.

    Hartson, who spent three weeks in intensive care at Swansea's Singleton Hospital, said: "I was sent a huge Get Well Soon card from all the staff at Arsenal, personally signed by Arsene.

    "That meant such a lot to me. It was great to know that someone like him was thinking about me.

    "It's that sort of thing that really makes the difference when you're in hospital and not feeling too great.

    Story continues .......


  5. Hahaha. It's not a shot at homosexuals, it's a shot at a guy that doesn't seem to like women....that's where the comedy is.
    Thanks for telling me .... unfortunatley i do like women they look so perfect, they smell so good and are such good company in bed .... so i'm stuck with having to put up with them ... but i cant see how a book by a 25 yo virgin could possibly help in any way shape or form .... best of sticking to the school of life to learn IMEO!
    For someone who hasn't read the book, who hasn't got a partner (at least not a female partner).
    Well the news ive just received over the weekend off a fertile young lady, i half wish i'd been into back door shenanigans! :)
    who is not interested in anyone's culture.
    I am interested in the people i meet, just not into a culture that is a figment of their imagination.
    and gets his inspiration from an internet forum..
    That was not meant to be taken as fact!
  6. maybe he has a golden willy and perhaps he can make women make noises you've never heard before :)

    how do you know what women wants because you "couldn't care less about understanding women".

    I dont need to read a book to get knowledge about women, such wisdom is gained through being alive and meeting people.

    if you get involved with someone from a different culture than your own then you should make an effort to try to understand it otherwise the relationship is doomed.

    I wrote a topic recently asking "What is Thai Culture" and got pretty much no examples of differences. I never had culture until the age of 18 (34 now) until middle class w4nkas on TV and in the press started labelling everything with culture ie Football culture, working class culture, work culture, black culture etc.....

    maybe the story you wrote is your personal experience.

    Nope, i read Thaivisa for my inspiration.

  7. OK ive never read one of these books..

    maybe you should.

    your story has nothing to do with the thailand fever book.

    you can read the first 35 pages for free here.


    I havent got a gf ..... and dont really care for reading about Thai culture or understanding Thai women .... in the same way i couldnt careless about English culture or understanding English women ..... so i'll give this book a miss.

    I'm sure parts of the book would be useful for homosexual relationships too.

    So Mr PC/Liberal thinks he's a bit of a comedian by having a cheap shot about homosexuals ...... i'm sure this book is better in the hands of people who found their partner off the internet, people such as yourself.

  8. http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,1...5496808,00.html

    The Arsenal boss flew in to Glasgow on Monday for the first leg of the Champions League play against Celtic on Tuesday night and claimed that there was no financial pressure on him to get to the group stages of the competition. However, in the context of discussing whether Celtic or Rangers would be a welcome addition to the Premier League, Wenger expanded his views on the future of the game.

    And in doing so, the Frenchman claimed greed could eventually put an end to the Champions League.

    "I believe you have two parts of Scottish club football; you have Rangers and Celtic and then the rest," the Frenchman said.

    "I would say that Celtic and Rangers could compete, certainly, in the Premier League in the top eight. "The other teams at the moment are not equipped for that.

    "But I see more of a European League developing in time anyway. "The national leagues will survive, but maybe in 10 years you will have a European League.

    "The way we are going now financially, even the money coming in from the Champions League for some clubs who spend so much money will not be enough anymore because the income is basically owned by UEFA and they distribute the money to the clubs.

    "I'm not sure 100 per cent that I am right, but I feel that there are some voices behind the scenes in our game aiming to do something about a European league, especially if the rules become too restrictive for the big clubs as things currently stand."

    Wenger continued: "If a European league (does happen) the question is whether clubs will transfer from a national league or whether it is a franchised European league.

    "That's the question people will have to answer.

    "I personally believe only in sporting merit, so if one league is created there has to be promotion up and down. "But that would be, practically, very difficult to resolve.

    "I do not want to kill the national leagues so each team should have to play in the national league and in Europe.

    "That means the Euro league taking place in midweek and the national league over the weekend.

    "All this would mean having two teams, basically."

    You can bet your life the owners of Chelsea, Man City, Man U and Liverpool would push for the above scenario, they need to recoup their investment and pay off their debt somehow.

  9. United gimps are not backers mate they are leaches!

    We was in a better position before the gimps came same as liverpool was before.

    Where as yours and chelsea is based on being a play toy for rich billionaires with nothing better to spend money on.

    We generate our money to spend by bums on seats and revenue.

    jack walker cannot be compared to the arab and russian backers he was a life long fan.

    You can slice and dice it anyway you wish nev, to suit your own bias to United but at the end of the day my statement is correct. Your owners are NOT local lads. You are in the same position as us and owned by foreigners. Except ours have more dosh. :)

    I'd say youre both right in this dispute!

  10. Maybe the big book of banknotes in the bank in Phuket has the old £20 rather than the new £20 as a reference, a genuine mistake which hopefully will be sorted in Bangkok.

    Maybe the old 20s are now phased out in the UK (havent seen one in ages) and are no longer legal tender ....... you'd need to take them to a UK bank to exchange for a new one if this is the case.

  11. so much anger and bitterness.

    you do post a lot for someone who isn't interested in this topic/book.

    There is no anger or bitterness here, I am merely replying to people who have commented on what i wrote.

    Why do you think he looks like a bit of a lady's man?

  12. I couldnt be bothered to read you enitre rant but why not read Thailand Fever by some Septic who wasnt much use with birds before he came to LOS, he was in your situation 10 yrs ago and many a fool on here swear by it.

    My advice would be as youre early 20s to carry on sh4gging around, take the girls out for a drink and if theyve been good a kebab supper, so it isnt costing you an arm and a leg.

    As youre early 20s you might be young compared to the old cnuts in LOS but if youve anything about you, you must have learned to work out people/women/situations etc.... back home in your 20 odd years, they arent that different out here!

  13. pirazzi.jpg

    This is Chris Pirazzi, the author of Thailand Fever.

    Now i can safely predict that by his somewhat librarian esq look he was never too successful with the women back in America, thus isnt in a position to give advice on women or relationships as i'd be willing to put money on that he never really had a whole lot to do with women before he got off the plane in BKK 10 yrs ago.

  14. I havent got a gf ..... and dont really care for reading about Thai culture or understanding Thai women .... in the same way i couldnt careless about English culture or understanding English women ..... so i'll give this book a miss.

    cause and effect in one post :)

    Maybe some of us are slightly more experienced with women back home, and dont feel need to read a fcuken book about them or their mysterious culture to gain understanding.

    I also don't need a weatherman to tell me which way the wind blows, though im sure i could read a book to tell me this.

  15. OK ive never read one of these books..

    maybe you should.

    your story has nothing to do with the thailand fever book.

    you can read the first 35 pages for free here.


    I havent got a gf ..... and dont really care for reading about Thai culture or understanding Thai women .... in the same way i couldnt careless about English culture or understanding English women ..... so i'll give this book a miss.

  16. OK ive never read one of these books, but do they start by western man comes to Thailand and enjoys himself so much being gods gift to women, the pace, smells and excitement LOS offers that is nothing like his quiet life back home. Eventually he grows fond of Noi at his favourite bar, she's a girl from Isaan who has 2 kids and abusive ex husband who we later find out she is still married to, and has to work bar to pay for family, she's such a beautiful girl with a lovely complexion and is so gentile and feminine, nothing like the girls back home.

    He pays her to leave bar when he's away sorting his finances out back home to come to LOS and live with Noi happily ever after, but on his surprise visit to BKK finds out she'd still in the bar, but he still loves her as she's different yadayadaydada ...... but she cant understand why he thinks 30,000bht a month is enough for her to leave bar when he is rich and can afford to give her much more if he really loves her.

    Somewhere in the middle of all this is the clash of Thai and Western values on issues such as money, money and money, bit on the family structure stuff, something about making sure you point your feet at people in LOS as its part of their culture, more culture stuff, too much alcohol, meeting her family who are so poor and live in a hut this enables him see why she does the job she does ... more cliched bargirl meets farang stories and eventually the book finishes and you now know a bit about Thai culture and you'll never be like Western man in this book!

    If youve got to read these kind of books my friend to understand your Misses and relationship i'm thinking youve problems.

  17. from a neutral point of view, it's kind of amazing the immediate negative reactions this post got

    Whats a neutral point of view, please explain this?

    And the reactions are to the fact that it is said by this lady that many sex workers in Nana, Cowboy and Patpong are trafficed and enslaved for sexual exploitation, when for anyone such as people like you and me who have been there know this is an absolute lie and the men/women who work as prostitutes are there an their own free will.

  18. She hopes to offers them a way of escape.

    "It's heartwrenching," she said.

    "They are desperate to get out and have no idea that there are other options out there."

    mmmmm Maybe theyre well aware of the best possible option to get out of their situation ..... marry silly farang and exploit him.

    McGee said after forming friendships and gaining the women's trust, she and other missionaries took the women on fun outings like bowling or out to eat, away from the seedy environment created by greedy pimps and bar owners. She said a couple of times, the ministry purchased the women for an evening to spend some time with them. Most, she said, have only two nights off a month and work 10-hour shifts.

    Would seem i've done the work of a missionary myself without even knowing it! :)

  19. I am all for the loose internet laws most countries have, but a government should always be looking for the good of the children.

    So you're not for loose laws, and parents can take far better care of themselves and their children then any government.

    Your could be a speech writer for new Labour with such twisted Newspeak as that.

    Why not? It's called "personal responsibility" in case you don't know. Law doesn't make people responsible...it makes them lazy.

    Personal responsibility refers to one being able to make a decision in ones best interests without the need for overbearing governments to tell them what to do.

    I'm very unclear on what youre trying to defend ....... are you saying that the internet should be governed by personal responsibility in which case what you are for loose laws as you said in your initial statement ....... or are you for the governement to control things as Thais are programmed as you so eloquently put it in a mixture of both your statements?

    But you cant be for both!

    However to say that govt. in this case the Thai one is to be trusted to look after its lesser subjects is a joke, they couldnt be trusted to pour p7ss out of a Wellington boot if the instructions were on the heel!

  20. What else would you expect when the Democrats/Pad are in power?

    What an ignorant remark. If you care to look back just a few months when Taksin's latest poxy proxy, Samak, was attempting to retain his position at the trough, a law was intended to be brought about for everyone to have to show their id cards and passports when using an internet shop. Duh.

    So because Thaksin was against freedom of the internet that somehow makes it not so bad that the Democrats wish to control things. What an ignorant remark.

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