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Posts posted by sanmiguellight

  1. Was it Billy Wright - Bic Biros ?


    later to become Sir Billy Wright

    How many of the latest England team would you wish a knighthood, in similar circumstances ????

    Isnt that a question that cant be answered!

  2. i've just read about this after googling his name.

    What a story....10,000USD per month and not there half the time and this still wasn't good enough..

    a very very sad story about humans and greed..

    Completely agree with you here, this is a prime example of pure evil. Beyond greed.

    Yes but things are well beyond that now, from the brief notes ive read of the court case on TV it sounds as if theyre guilty as sin ... ie by changing their story all the time ... so lets hope the law shows some justice to his family so they can, maybe live a bit easier then theyve had to over the last year or so.

  3. Couldnt be bothered to read the entire thread but i must say the Thai pert breast is a wonderful thing, though if it just fractionally bigger it would be perfection ... the Japanese breat IMHO is the perfect size .... maybe the less endowed girls think these padded bras do this to their udders...

    Though whenever i see a padded bra in the flesh on a Thai girl it takes me back to being 14 years old in England when the school girls wanted that little bit extra, but these same girls got so much p7ss take once it got out amongst the boys that they needed to pad them out.

  4. Thing is these cases make the headlines as theyre truly extraordinary, the truth is most kids who get abused are going to be preyed upon by a family member or close friend of the family.

    This will never be stopped, from what i can make of this if it werent for the mother this kid would have been ok.

  5. An absolute swizz, you have to buy a small Chang for 110 Baht.

    Really, soft drinks run 30Baht, Chang 65!

    Seem like reasonable enough prices to me, maybe some people are just looking for something to complain about.

    Seems like a sleazeball place to me with an obvious false advertising draw - sort of like buying a Platinum motorbike :)

    But the bars in Pattaya masquerade as bars when we all know theyre really a form of brothel, so theyre just carrying on the Pattaya tradition of bending the truth!

  6. An absolute swizz, you have to buy a small Chang for 110 Baht.

    Really, soft drinks run 30Baht, Chang 65!

    Seem like reasonable enough prices to me, maybe some people are just looking for something to complain about.

  7. This thread sure shows the misconception that people have on what a mia noi is and what the relationship between the participants is.

    Come on you can sugar coat a Mia Noi up in anyway shape or form you want but most men on here have a pretty clear understanding of what a Mia Noi relationship is for ....... if this werent the case surely Mia Noi's would also come in fatter older but with lovely personality varieties ... but the few ive known of are in the young, slim, slender and sexy af <deleted> department.

    My ex's niece was a Mia Noi, i asked her what the girls mother (her sister) thought of it and Mothers advice was for Mia Noi to get as much out of him as you can as quickly as possible ...... the neice was 23 and absolutely delightful to look at.

  8. Though it's supposed to be 99 baht, there's a one-drink minimum I noticed when I walked by yesterday. Does anyone know how much they charge for, say, a coke or water?

    Yeah that ad is a tad sleazy. It would be more honest to offer say 150 baht includes soft drink or 200 baht includes local beer.

    99 baht offer is a far better marketing ploy then 150bht all you can eat. at least somewhere is offering food at a pile it high sell it cheap price.

    The amount of threads i see where people complain about Thai businesses upping the price when demand falls, seems they cant win with some people.

  9. Thing is that article somehow seems to think the British people still believe that we are some kind of superpower.

    This couldnt be further from the truth, 100% of people ive met throughout my life couldnt give a sh7t about the empire and ruling these countries its not as if they benefited in anyway shape or form from it ... it was only the few at the top that did.

    Plus the author calls Britain a country! so im taking that its written by some American/Canadian or Aussie who doesnt know what theyre talking about.

  10. 3. These are the best years of your life for earning money, go get yourself a few jobs, yes work in the daytime, then in the nighttime & finally invest your money wisely.

    Goodluck, I remember being in my twenties, it was good.

    The other 2 bits of advice a fine but this no.3 is completely wrong.

    For the average guy your 30s and 40s are the best years for making money so long as youve built a bit of a foundation ie have worthy skills.

    1 million bht isnt that much money but youve done well saving it up by 22. Why not go to Thailand on a long long holiday have the time of your life with your money you'll meet people who are living out there see how they are doing it, and itll give you a better idea of if youre enough of a chancer to make a decent living.

    PS Thailand is a far better place to have fun aged 22 as opposed to 42, so long as youve ok looks, the gift of the gab and can pay for a 2000bht meal for 2 now and then the non bargirls will be throwing themsleves at you.

  11. Samran

    Ive spent a fair bit of time in OZ and Ozzies certainly arent more or less accepting of different races then people from the UK, you paint a rosy picture that isntthe reality.

    Besides apart from in Sydney and Melbourne where there are significant areas where different races live on the whole its pretty much European settlers, but in these areas there are problems.

    I have a problem with Europe in that i dont wish to be dictated to by an unelected Dictator soon to be (T Blair), and taxed to the hilt to pay for a bureaucratic corrupt self serving shambles .... this is nothing to do with race but lefties and people who dont know what theyre talking about like to play this card in relation to the EU and Europe.

  12. I disagree that we are all racist.

    You may not be a racist but you seem to like refering to people who dont agree with you that they are somehow uneducated and of a class below yourself .... maybe youre insecure about having a lower class of upbringing yourself and hold a certain prejudice against them.

  13. Watching the rolling news channels over here and ive never seen so many people from all walks of life speak in such genuine glowing terms about a man.

    Like Beardsleys story from when he went to speak to Bryan Robson in the 1986 World Cup, he said ok Bobby to which Bryan Robson interupted and said no you're Bobby im Bryan!

    He certainly put fun and decency into football.

  14. The picture of racial disharmony in the UK is partly because of the low-educated immigrants, certainly, but what you would choose to ignore is that the main places that have the disharmony were (edit) places to start with...East End, Blackpool..... You wont have a perfect painting if you start out with a low quality canvas.

    The East End of London which im presuming you refer to was always working class, now it is full of the underclass, and Blackpools problems are nothing to do with immigration more that people prefer to go to Spain for a holiday.

    Had there not been the immigration that you talk about, as a any-colour male you STILL would not be able to go to those places because they were ALWAYS "low rent" areas.

    Low rent areas were council estates where working class families lived and as most worked they may have appeared tough to a poncy liberal but they were safe to walk around, but there are many of these estates throughout the country where i cant go due to being white. ITS A FACT But maybe its because whitey is racist he cant go there!

    But of course, don't blame your own white low class....it's more convenient to blame the foreign low classes.

    I dont blame the immigrants theyre doing what is in their best interest, i blame 50 years of Labour and Conservative governments .......... And im not low class you liberal apologist Kiwi fool, i was raised in a working class environment with a mother and father who both worked and we owned our house.

    But please inform me of your wonderful education and great wealth if it makes you feel enlightened.

  15. Agree with Pompey

    Burnley as they haven't got any decent premiership players

    Then a toss up between Wolves and Birmingham, so I will go for Wolves.

    Also Newcastle to miss out on Promotion next season, beaten in the play offs by Boro

    Think 1 of them should get automatic promotion.

    Some truly dreadful teams in the Premier League this season, who'll be praying for 17th place.

    Wolves - Their manager played abysmal football at Sunderland getting a record 11 points in a season. Will need to do whatever to stay up.

    Burnley - Dont know too much about their players, again need to do whatever to stay up.

    Brum - Same for these but theyve some truly awful past it players in Bowyer, Ferguson.

    Stoke - Kicked <deleted> out of the opposition last season its what their manager is renowned for.

    Pompey - Hart did play good football at Forest, but not last season at Pompey, with useless players will be terrible to watch.

    Hull - Truly dreadful, and their managers a Mackem learned his trade under Allardyce.

    Blackburn - Allardyce and his long passes as he likes to call them, renowned for anti football.

    Wigan - Spanish manager but theyve sold most their decent players, maybe ok to watch as still got some ok footballers.

    Bolton - Megson <deleted> player who couldnt pass a ball, neither can his teams.

    Best out of this league for the time being. :)

  16. Pompey, theyve sold so all of their best players and are looking to replace them with bargain basement players .... plus they were falling down the league for a long period of last season.

    Hull, were absolutely dreadful from Xmas and only stayed up due to their very good start, plus no players seem to want to sign for them.

    And i will also go for Burnley as i know <deleted> all about them but they were the lowest placed team to come up ...... But Brums midfield of Ferguson and Bowyer looks as if it could be the new Butt Nolan combination ie dreadful with no pace or skill.

  17. I haven't been back for extended time in years. But I'll give you one example - the NHS - it simply wouldn't have worked without imported foreign labour.

    You mean the foreign doctors that are needed in far more in 3rd world countries, im sure if there was a thought out education and training program in place it would work just fine.... furthermore you are aware that many recently trained UK nurses have to move to new regions to find work as there are so many foreign nurses at their local hospital.

    What ammuses me is the same people complaining about their visa regulations living in Thailand and in the next breath complaining that there home country is letting too many foriegners in.

    Well in comparison to Thailand Britain does let in a lot of foreigners, but many who complain about Thai visa regulation often have a Thai wife and children, im sure even Alf Garnett would accept that spouses should be allowed to stay in the UK.

  18. Unlimited immigration of low and unskilled people from Africa, Carribbean, and India/Pakistan over the last 50 years has proven to have been an absolute disaster for England hence why many are looking to leave, as a white male it is not safe for me to go to so many areas even during daylight hours where certain races have congregated.

    And anyone who says the 3 million generally hardworking East Europeans and Polish who have come to the UK in the last 8/9 years is beneficial to the average Brit is not even worth reasoning with, this quite clearly has brought down wages of Brits, and taken away jobs we have always filled and as there was already a housing shortage has meant a further squeeze on the available property hence further price rises.

    However immigration of wealthy folk willing to invest in businesses and highly skilled workers is a good thing for any country aswell as immigration of Spouses IMHO.

    Id be sure if there was ever a referendum on immigration the people would vote for the latter and against the former types of immigration ive described.


    Good to see the PC crowd playing the racism card, as predictable as ever ...... can you honestly say Multiculturism is working in the UK? And give some examples instead of the usual youre racist drivel.

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