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Posts posted by sanmiguellight

  1. Try looking on the Deloitte website if youve time, i'm leaving Los soon so have to go out and fill my boots now.

    Whatever the debt was when Kerry Katonas mates took it over it must have gone up a fair bit since then with the money wasted on sh7t players and huge wage bills, West Ham were the 6th biggest payers in the league last year.

    Cant understand why that mush is buying Pompey when he could have had your lot or Newcastle on the cheap, theyre right in the sh7te aswell if selling all their players in January is anythign to go by but it could show theyre not in as bad a position as West Ham ... who knows!

  2. Looks as if Profitable group have been sending in emails to Ashley -




    NEWCASTLE United owner Mike Ashley is in talks with the Singapore-based company The Profitable Group over a possible sale.

    The Chronicle can reveal that the far east strategic global investment group are currently preparing a package to bid for £100million-rated Newcastle with Toon tycoon Ashley officially putting the club up for sale yesterday.

    The Profitable Group are understood to have a strong Geordie connection and have ex-Liverpool and England midfield battler Steve McMahon on board as Group Commercial Director.

    And it is understood that the group have an ambitious plan to involve the fans at St James’s Park more than ever.

    Indeed, the company’s initial blueprint, which was disclosed to the Chronicle today from the far east, claims a successful bid would see them:

    Plan to turn United into a trust which will give Toon fans a major say in club politics and draw similarities with the Barcelona model in La Liga

    To appoint Alan Shearer as boss and back the Geordie legend with transfer funds to help the Magpies fight their way out of the Premier League

    Ensure that a footballing figure will be appointed at boardroom level to ensure the series of high profile errors of Mike Ashley era aren’t repeated

    To increase the capacity of St James’s Park to 60,000

    A Profitable Group source told the Chronicle today from Singapore said: "Yes we are interested in buying Newcastle United - and we’re putting together a plan.

    "We have spoken with Mike Ashley and Derek Llambias and we are hoping that we can reveal a lot more in the next few days.

    "We have people within the company who have strong Geordie roots that stretch more than 40 years.

    "And there are people here who have a love for the club - we think that is vital for Newcastle at the moment.

  3. I think we are about to see a meltdown that is worse than the Leeds United escapade.

    The club is insevere shit, big debts, lots of dross players and a desperate seller. Even Ashley admitted that he didn't do the corect due diligence before buying it.

    It does not bode well.

    They dont have any debts, well only the 100 Million that Mike Ashley lent them which will get written off when he sells the club. Newcaslte own lots of land and a modern 52000 capacity ground, Leeds had a rickity rackety ground that needs replacing, and they ended up selling it to lease back.

    Leeds were leasing their players hence when they sold them they didnt receive any money and they were paying wages to the players for years after they were sold.

    Newcastle own their players and despite them not being too good, players like Smith and Barton who still have 3 yrs left on their contracts still have a value of a few Million, Martins will easily go for 8-10 million, Collocini will go for a 4/5 million to a Spanish club he is a Argentinian international, same as Guiterrez.

    Even sh7t like Nolan who again has 3 yrs on a contract will get bought by someone, as will Duff who has 1 yr left.

    The problem they have at the moment is there is no manager and the bad ship Newcaslte is sailing to god knows where for the coming season, but the Leeds situation is completely different and is just wheeled out by journalists to get headlines.

  4. the injections of foreign money into english football have not been a good thing overall, i don't care what anyone argues. clubs were built to represent communities and to have connections to the local area and that simply doesn't exist any more, which is sad. so singling out city is pointless, it's a systemic issue which will eventually end in tears all round.

    With that I concur. If all the other teams were on a level playing field, my argument would be different. But nowadays, to try and at least keep the top 4 within sight, any team needs a cash injection and a BIG cash injection.

    But Arsenal, Man U and Liverpool havent had a cash injection, the thing that is making it an uneven playing field is the amount of money Champions League teams get.

  5. The only reason to fly Thai from the Uk is because they fly direct, the service staff are ok, the same as most other airlines but like many have said before the planes are utter sh7te and need replacing ASAP, for this reason alone i'd always go with EVA instead of Thai.

    Surely to fcuken god theyve made enough money in the boom in tourism of the last 10 years to be able to afford a few new planes, and despite the downturn in tourism Thailand is still a major tourist destination where many people have to fly long haul to hence want a bit of luxury on the plane.

    PS To all you who compain the food is no good on Thai airways, which airline offers 5 star food in Cockroach class?

  6. Even more worrying if this is true.

    If that is true it looks as if your lot will be the first to go under through foreign owners putting huge debt onto the club for players ..... At least Mike Ashley was stupid enough to loan the club money out of his own pocket as opposed to putting more debt onto the club.

    How much are West Ham in debt, there doesnt seem to be any figures?

  7. "Interested parties should contact Newcastle United at [email protected] (or Keith Harris at Seymour Pierce) for further details.

    Are they taking the piss? It's like they are trying to sell something on EBay.

    The whole thing is in a mess. They reckon that there will be a new buyer buy the end of June but what happens if there's not? What will Shearer do? Will this mean Kinnear being put back in tempory charge? More than likely no new players will be signed and we'll end up floundering around the lower reaches of the Championship.

    Thing is by doing what he is doing he is not even going to get the 100 million as he looks far too desperate to sell and by the time they are taken over theyre not going to be able to get necessary signings to gt them promoted. What he done leading up to the club getting relegated was bad enough but he's managed to stoop to a new all time low with this charade.

    He just seems to make it up as he goes along, surely it wasnt a total shock to him that they got relegated, so you'd have thought he would have had a bit of planning for such an outcome.

    It also seems as if he's dropping stories to the media saying that Shearer wants too much money, for Shearer to have to come out with the statement that he did last week denying this.

  8. I live in Saudi and the football fans here who I work with all have an English team who they support and they watch the EPL. None, I repeat none, have a Spanish, Italian, German or French team and it's the same in Thailand :)

    Here in sunny BKK over the last few week ive noticed an epidemic of Barcelona shirts being attached to the bodies of Oriental looking folk.

    The Spanish league is more competitive, it isnt the same 4 teams who finish in the top 4 every year.

  9. Official Site too..

    Word in da Hood is that we will now be Sold again within the next 3 Months with Bids coming from the US & Asia because the Asian Consortium ion particular wanted nothing to do with anything & anyone that worked for BG due to the absolute mess that the Club's Finances are in..


    Mike Ashley should be cashed up by then, surely as its some kind of administrator theyll take whatever theyre offered for the club as football clubs seem like money pits these days.

  10. however if the club's income was backed up better from other sources then it would be possible to charge less and keep your better players. as bayern do.

    Liverpool need all the money they can get to compete with Manure and the 2 new rich teams, the problem for Liverpool is they just cant seem to be able to maximise profits in the way ManU do though the are the only team with the potential to do so.

    Thing with Bayern is all clubs in Germany charge this amount, so if they were to quadruple their ticket prices they'd lose their fans ..... its only the English that are mugs in this way.

    Bayern lost Hargreaves and look like losing Ribery, they dont have the pulling power of top Spanish and English teams despite being of a similar size.

  11. If West Ham went the way of say Manchester City, then I'd be the first to put my support behind, e.g. Athletico East Ham, or whatever.

    But they have gone the way of Man City (and other teams), except with less money at your disposal. You're owned by a fekkin Icelander <deleted>, now that surely ain't in your "tradition" so you better start your Athetico East Ham, pronto :)

    Kind of agree with this WestHam were spending a fair bit of money the other year but arent i right in thinking its all been put onto the clubs books so they will be paying it back.

    Chelsea and Man City will never be able to pay the amount theyre spending or have spent.

  12. but the rise of power of the BNP in Britain is a bit worrying.

    Apart from immigration policy the BNP are what could be described as common sense socialists, the thought of the LIB/LAB/CON regime running the country from now until eternity is more worrying, but keep on believing everything you read in the papers.

    As people get older its natural to become more conservative, as the saying goes a young person who votes conservative doesnt have a heart, yet a older person who votes for the liberals doesnt have a brain.

  13. The Promiscuity Lotto winner has to be Africans.

    If HIV rates and Promiscuity are linked which surely they must be then this is true, hence why rates are so high in Thailand.

    Everyone in the world is educated about the spread of HIV so this isnt an excuse.

  14. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/article-1...asterclass.html

    Say what you like about Mike Ashley, at least he is consistent. Having got just about every major decision wrong since he took over at Newcastle United, he looked to have broken the pattern with the temporary appointment of Alan Shearer as manager.

    Shearer could not keep Newcastle up, indeed results were poor, but he restored credibility to the club with his dignified demeanour and by accepting responsibility, not least in his swift action over Joey Barton.

    When Shearer said that he was prepared to discuss a permanent position as manager, and take on the challenge of restoring this shattered club to the Premier League, it appeared as if Ashley had at last lucked out on a way forward.

    With admirable speed, he soon put a stop to that.

    The decision to announce the club was up for sale was a masterstroke, immediately throwing all future plans up in the air and causing the positive vibes around Shearer's appointment - the only cause for optimism on Tyneside at the moment - to evaporate like morning mist.

    Sure enough, there is now confusion around whether Shearer will carry on, management talks are in limbo, massive redundancies have stalled decision making in all areas, and there is even a suggestion the local hero may now be lost to West Bromwich Albion or Southampton.

    Ashley may feel he made a horrible mistake in buying into the black hole of Premier League ownership. He will not be alone in that. Looking at the state of the finances, Tom Hicks and George Gillett probably regret the day they decided to get hooked up with Liverpool Reds, too.

    What sets Ashley apart, however, is his determination to take his investment in directions that can only make his life more difficult. At least Hicks and Gillett resolved the dispute with Rafael Benitez, the manager, and have avoided upsetting Fernando Torres or Steven Gerrard.

    If Ashley drives Shearer away, as he did Kevin Keegan, by contrast he will have successfully alienated two of the club's biggest heroes. It is as if he wilfully devises ways to drive a wedge between himself and the public.

    Short of claiming Jackie Milburn was rubbish, compared to Len Shackleton, or getting the team to run out to Maybe It's Because I'm A Londoner, there is not much more he can do.

    It was said from the start that Ashley was an outsider with no feeling for the club, and this seemed daft protectionism considering how well served Newcastle had been by local men such as Freddy Shepherd in recent years.

    In fact, the appointment of Keegan showed Ashley attempting to pander to the locals to curry favour, and that was misguided and doomed from the outset.

    Recruiting Shearer was different. We still do not know if he is the right manager but he is the right man and that is a start. Better to have not involved him at all, though, if this was where it was going to end.

    As it is, Ashley's indifference to local sensitivities will be proved if he gives supporters hope through Shearer, only to snatch it away.

    It is as if he is determined to make their rejection absolute. How could he even countenance losing Shearer? How could he risk denunciation by the one man who has made his regime even half-credible in the past few weeks?

    Shearer may be finding his feet as a manager, but Newcastle under Ashley are still to find theirs as a plausible football club. Shearer at least seemed to have a handle on the high density of overpaid wasters, mercenaries and dilettantes that populate his dressing room.

    His training ground speech to the players about 'not taking the piss out of this city or its football club' must rank as one of the few moments in the season when Newcastle fans had reason to cheer.

    It should have been Ashley's absolute priority to ensure that man remained in his camp.

    Instead, he risks allowing Shearer to walk away, disgruntled, as the club staggers along the Leeds United treadmill to oblivion; although if this happens, the most shocking element will be the lack of surprise

  15. for a dad and a lad to go and watch non-league crawley town it was 26 quid. and for a dad and a lad to go and watch bayern munich it was 23 quid.

    But would you accept Liverpool to have such cheap tickets if it meant they struggled to keep a hold of their top stars of Bayern do?

    the one doesn't necessarily have to beget the other. bayern generally keep hold of their big players just fine anyway, they're just a very well-structured and well-run club.

    If Liverpool lost 75% of their gate money (on the basis its 100gbp for a father and 2 kids) theyd struggle to attract and keep hold of the best players, basic economics.

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